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Friday, July 28, 2017



Network Will Conjure Hallmark Hall of Fame’s Long Tradition of Heartfelt Dramatic Storytelling

Beverly Hills, CA – July 27, 2017 – Crown Media Family Networks, home of Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and cable’s leading provider of family entertainment, announced today the introduction of a third linear cable offering, Hallmark Drama, which will launch October 1. The announcement was made today as part of Crown Media Family Networks’ bi-annual TV Critics Association Press Tour as the company continues to register revenue and ratings growth across both its existing networks.

Featuring a wholly distinct lineup from Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Hallmark Drama’s programming will evoke the rich legacy and spirit of Hallmark Hall of Fame, the most award-winning and longest-running primetime series in the history of television. In addition to spotlighting movies and series from Crown Media’s vast library of original dramatic content, plans are underway for new, original programming to be produced exclusively for the network.

“Crown Media represents a truly unique success story in the cable landscape as we continue to see an overwhelming demand for Hallmark-branded family entertainment – not just among viewers, but among advertisers and distributors, as well,” said Bill Abbott, President & CEO, Crown Media Family Networks. “The launch of Hallmark Drama, a significant milestone in our business’ evolution, allows us to further deliver on that demand and reflects our ongoing commitment to expanding our footprint within the ad-supported linear ecosystem.”

“Over the past several years, we have significantly expanded the original content lineups for both our networks – and it seems the more new programming we offer, the more viewers flock to our networks,” said Michelle Vicary, Executive Vice President, Programming & Network Publicity, Crown Media Family Networks. “While Hallmark Channel focuses on romantic, comedic fare and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries is rooted in the lighter side of the suspense genre, Hallmark Drama presents us an opportunity to further tap the Hallmark brand and give our audience even more of the engaging, family-friendly storytelling they have grown to expect and love.”

“Distributors have long embraced Crown Media’s networks because of the strength and trustworthiness of the Hallmark brand, as well as the quality and consistency of our content offerings,” said Erin McIlvain, Executive Vice President, Distribution & Content Strategy, Crown Media Family Networks. “With Hallmark Drama, we are building our linear presence and establishing another value proposition for our affiliate partners and their subscribers who demand our signature, family-friendly programming.”

ABOUT CROWN MEDIA FAMILY NETWORKS: Crown Media Family Networks is the umbrella unit subsidiary of Hallmark Cards, Inc., housing cable’s leading family friendly networks, Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, as well as their corresponding digital extensions HallmarkChannel.com and HallmarkMoviesandMysteries.com. The company operates and distributes both channels in high definition (HD) and standard definition (SD) with Hallmark Channel available to 88 million subscribers and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries in 67 million homes in the United States. Hallmark Channel features an ambitious slate of new, original content, including movies; scripted series, such as “When Calls the Heart,” and “Good Witch” and “Chesapeake Shores”; annual specials including “Hero Dog Awards” and “Kitten Bowl”; world premieres of Hallmark Hall of Fame presentations, and a daily, two-hour lifestyle show, “Home & Family.” Hallmark Channel is also home to the popular annual holiday franchise “Countdown to Christmas,” featuring a lineup of 24/7 holiday programming. Rounding out the network’s lineup are television’s most beloved comedy and drama series, including “The Golden Girls,” “The Middle,” “Frasier,” “Last Man Standing” and “Home Improvement.” Hallmark Movies & Mysteries is a separate 24-hour, digital cable network featuring a unique mix of new, original movies and acquired series focused on the lighter side of the suspense and mystery genres. The network also features its own annual holiday programming franchise, “Most Wonderful Movies of Christmas,” as well as presentations from the multi-award-winning Hallmark Hall of Fame library.

via: Allison Bennett -- CROWN MEDIA FAMILY NETWORKS --

-- end of Hallmark Press Release --



  1. I'd love for them to start new Christmas movies here. Too much work for this year, but maybe it could work in the future. It would also be awesome if they start showing older Christmas movies that have fallen out of rotation with hm and hmm lineups. Actually, I'd like to see a lot of older hm movies, not just christmas.

    1. Agree, Pamela! Would be wonderful to see rare Hallmark movies & series once again - Christmas and non-Holiday!

      Now I just hope - many of us now will get this channel!

      Blessings, Net

  2. Will the new channel also have Christmas movies?

    1. Eddie - Hallmark was asked this very question on Twitter and their response was...

      "You'll have to watch and see! Thanks for your support! #TCA17"

      So... for now it's another mystery, but I personally think the chances are pretty good, I mean - it is Hallmark after all, right?

      After this Christmas season they will have approximately 187 of their own original Christmas movies!!!

  3. It will be interesting to see who will carry this channel. We have Directv and enjoy the other channels. Hopefully, Directv will carry this one, too!

    1. I agree, Susan! I sure am hoping DirecTV will be a carrier. Since Dish carries PixL and DirecTV doesn't, I'm concerned they could do the same with this.

      For now, Hallmark is telling everyone to ask their cable provider for it.

      I'm going to keep hoping along with you and give DirecTV a call. October 1st will be here soon, and I certainly don't want any of us to miss out on any of the series or movies we love! :)

    2. I'm hoping Dish will carry this too. I love the other Hallmark channel.

    3. I want it on Dish ASAP!!! I called and they acted like they haven’t heard about it!!!

    4. It just appeared recently, but not in HD! 😭

  4. Is it too early to know what cable and satellite companies will be carrying this new channel?

    1. Unfortunately, yes... because Hallmark has not revealed any provider details, yet, and they are telling all their viewers to request Hallmark Drama from their cable provider.

      Hope we hear something soon! :)

  5. The press release says a streaming service which to me says something like Netflix. So I'm guessing that one will need a smart TV or something like a roku. I'm. It imaging that this is something not available through a standard cable type provider.

  6. This is very much a natural choice. Think about it. 90% of the Hallmark Hall of Fame movies fit more into a drama than just the rom/com or mystery category. The Hall of fame goes all the way back to the 50s. Think about it. Sarah Plain & Tall, Magic of Ordinary Days, Front of the Class and Silver Bells were examples of the movies. The card company started by producing broadway plays for the tv screen. James Garner, Patty Duke, Glenn Close, James Earl Jones are just a small fraction of the amount of actors that have done the series or the movies. It makes sense.

  7. would love to see the older movies instead of the same 3 or 4 played over and over. and i hope it is on charter tv and not just on netflix.

  8. Soooo happy to hear that DirecTV will be adding Hallmark Drama. I hope I don't have to upgrade to get it...I did that for HMM. I received an email survey from Hallmark asking questions about what I would like to see on this new channel. I'm sure you and many of the folks here at IAWM got one too. Thanks for sharing the news!

  9. Has anyone found out what channel Hallmark Drama will be on DirecTv? I'm sooo excited for this new channel! My tv stays on Hallmark or Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.... all Hallmark, all the time!! ❤❤

  10. I hope that at 10 PM they keep running the movies and don't put more 30 yr old reruns on like Murder She Wrote or Golden Girls - enough is enough already....!!!

  11. Hey love Murder She Wrote and Golden Girls. They are classics. Hope DirecTV picks up Hallmark Drama, on the phone now to request it. Keep up the good work Hallmark. And thanks for good viewing.

  12. Where is the new channel on charter

  13. Do you know what channel it is on? We have Charter Cable TV

  14. Does anyone on here have the Hallmark Drama channel yet? I was all over twitter and I don't think any providers have it.

    1. Thus far, from everything I'm hearing, none of the major cable providers are carrying Hallmark Drama, YET!!!

      And, if you call your provider... well, unfortunately, it seems, all the cable representatives have different stories. Some say... it's coming on "such & such" day on this "channel" number and then another rep says something completely different. Kind of disappointing.

      I know some viewers have said it's no big loss since Hallmark Drama only carries reruns, but I know many still love those old cherished family shows and some of the older Hallmark movies, too! Our family certainly does!

      Plus, I think Hallmark Drama has a promising future with it's own potential new original movies, and perhaps, original series, too!!!

      I think we must continue to ask our cable providers to please carry Hallmark Drama!

      Let's hope someone picks up soon! :)

    2. I was able to see the schedule thru Oct 28th for Hallmark Drama, and it is a lot of shows like Touched by an Angel, Little House, 7th Heaven, and some movies like Always & Forever (I love), A Kiss At Midnight (I love too), But it was mostly shows. I hope that by the time they start playing Cedar Cove all the providers have it. It doesn't look like they will be playing anything Christmas as of October 28th either. From what I saw.

  15. I suspect that Hallmark Drama will take it slowly in terms of beefing up their programming. For now, since there are limited opportunities to view it, they have to walk a fine line between putting something on that will encourage potential viewers to keep contacting their cable companies while not ticking off these potential viewers because something new is on that they have no hope of seeing. Imagine how you'd feel if Hallmark Drama suddenly did have new movies on and none of us were able to watch them.

  16. I just found an announcement that C Spire customers can obtain Hallmark Drama:

  17. It is also on Conway corporation in Arkansas,and Services Electric cable in Bethlehem Pa,also ctvbeam in Phoenix Al


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