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~ James 1:17

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie News for "The Beach House" starring Andie MacDowell

Since 2015, we've been hearing buzz about the book The Beach House becoming a Hallmark movie! Well, today there is finally NEW buzz!

According to therogersvillereview.com: "The Hallmark Channel plans to air “The Beach House” in May (update!) April 2018." The movie "...is now being adapted to a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie by the Hallmark Channel, starring three-time Golden Globe nominee Andie MacDowell, who is also an executive producer of the movie."

See *press release - here* for more details!

The author of the book The Beach House, Mary Alice Monroe, just published her last book in The Beach House series, Beach House for Rent.

Click Here for The Beach House series of books at Amazon.

*See my post on The Beach House - Here!


  1. I just adore Andie MacDowell, this looks like a great movie! I love movies set in beach houses, always a treat and gets me in the mood to actually take a vacation.

    1. That is so true! Movies can often inspire us to do something... the beach will surely be a lovely movie set!!!

      Poor things - they'll be forced to film at the beach! HA! HA!

      Wonder if they will use any of the set where Cedar Cove was filmed. It would be odd, yet comfortably familiar, to see Andie MacDowell (Judge Olivia Lockhart) there again! :)

    2. I can't wait!!!

    3. Been waiting patiently for this news. Mary Alice Monroe is my all time favorite author and the movie should be well received!!! So pleased that Hallmark is producing it!!!

  2. She is so beautiful. I am looking forward to see this movie as well as many other HM & HMM movies. Enjoying TV so much more.

    1. I know just what you mean... Hallmark certainly adds to our TV viewing pleasure!!! :)

  3. Can't wait!!! Loved the book and I love Andie Macdowell...

    1. Good to hear you enjoyed the book... thank you so much for sharing!!!

  4. My, I've been waiting and waiting for news about this movie! I'm so glad it's moving along but May, 2018? Yikes! It's going to be awhile. Thanks so much Net for the update!

    1. You're welcome, Amy G. I'm happy to share! Hope everything goes now according to plan and they can finally get this one - in the works!

      Since they said May, 2018 for the air date... my hunch is, (being that it's a HHOF movie) it will air before Mother's Day!

  5. After reading this news about “The Beach House” and “The Christmas Train”, it seems to me like Hallmark wants to bring the Hallmark Hall of Fame back to the greatness it once was by doing what worked in the past: having books be the basis of the stories. Years ago, most Hallmark Hall of Fame movies were based on books, true stories, or both. Also, “The Beach House” is going to star Andie MacDowell, who starred in another Hallmark Hall of Fame movie in 2005. Do you think that all three books from this series could be made into Hallmark Hall of Fame movies (similar to the “Sarah, Plain and Tall” trilogy)?

    Do you know if “Love Locks” will be released on DVD? I’m asking because, usually, Hallmark Hall of Fame movies are put on DVD shortly after their television release.

    1. Great Question! I also wondered why "Love Locks" wasn't released on DVD soon after it aired. You are so right, Hallmark Hall of Fame (HHOF) Movies are typically released on DVD right away, after they air on TV. It seems, the entire HHOF series of films haven't been quite the same, promotionally speaking, etc... since they left network TV. They used to always air 3 movies a year, like clockwork. Hallmark wisely ran them then before three of the most popular card giving holidays... Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Christmas to promote the Hallmark stores! Now, it's never certain if we will have one around the first two holidays, but every year, one comes at Christmas, thankfully!

      Like you, I'm looking forward to The Christmas Train... sounds like a deep, intriguing story!

      (Here's the Storyline for "The Christmas Train, for anyone who hasn't read it:
      The Christmas Train (Hallmark Channel - Hallmark Hall of Fame)
      “David Baldacci’s No. 1 New York Times bestseller comes to Hallmark Hall of Fame with this story of cynical journalist Tom Langdon, taking a train from D.C. to L.A. for Christmas. He’s not too thrilled with the journey, but Tom is the sort who’s not thrilled by much. Tom’s been briefly married but never had kids. Today his ex-wife wouldn’t accept a collect call from him in the most dire of circumstances. Tom is forty-one and has just lost his mother to a stroke; his father has been dead for several years. Being an only child he is truly alone now, and that has made him introspective. Half his time on earth is gone, and all he has to show for it is a failed marriage, no offspring, an informal alliance with a California voiceover queen, a truckload of newsprint and some awards. By any reasonable measure, it is a miserable excuse for an existence. But Tom’s cross-country journey will soon become an internal odyssey. Strangers remind of him of people’s innate goodness. Before long, Tom rekindles a love, and the magic of Christmas takes hold.”)

      Also... wish I knew, but I just don't know, yet, if there will be any more movies from "The Beach House" series after this one. It seems, it has taken quite a while to get this one going, so... we'll have to wait and see!

      I'll be sure to also keep a look out for "Love Locks" on DVD!

      Blessings, Net :)

  6. do you think they'll ever make a Cedar Cove movie? Please, please say yes!

    1. Excellent question! I think many would like it - IF they could bring back "Cedar Cove" and tie up all the loose ends in one last movie. However, I have no idea if this will ever happen and as time goes by it's probably less and less likely to... but Never say Never, right??? :)

      Maybe twenty years from now - they'll have a reunion movie!!!

  7. Hello All! Just to say I'm honored and thrilled that Hallmark is making my book into a film. I know it will be wonderful! Andie MacDowell was my inspiration during the writing of the book years ago. So now, years later, to see her star in the film is a blessing! Serendipity at its best. Love to all the actors and actresses who will bring my characters alive. And to the director and all the crew. And, of course, to Hallmark. I will eagerly await the film in May!! xoxo

    1. How wonderful to hear from you, Mary Alice Monroe! I know readers and Hallmark viewers have been anticipating your story becoming a movie for some time.

      It's so fantastic to see "The Beach House" movie finally coming to fruition, and it will be a Hallmark Hall of Fame, to boot!

      Plus, I must say...you have some amazing actors and actresses in it - with Andie MacDowell, Minka Kelly, and Chad Michael Murray filming in the beautiful southern state of Georgia! That's truly awesome!

      Thank you so much, Mary Alice, for stopping by "It's a Wonderful Movie" to say hello! We are so looking forward to your movie here!

      Blessings to you & on your project! Net :)

    2. So excited for my lovely neighbor, Mary Aice! I love her books and can't wait to see the movie!!!!!

  8. So excited. Love this book. Looking forward to the movie.

  9. Now that there will be three "Hallmark" Channels....which one will "The Beach House" be airing on?

  10. So excited to see this!

  11. Absolutely loved this book and really anything written by Mary Alice Monroe...however, I cannot picture Andie as Cara in this story, wish another actress had been chosen.

  12. I love Andie and this book! What a winning combination.

  13. My very favorite book. I can't wait

  14. So excited about the movie! This was my all time favorite book!

  15. I have long been a fan of Mary Alice Monroe's books. I am so excited about this movie. I know Andie will do it justice. So happy for the author. Can't wait.

  16. I loved The Beach House, and I'm so excited about the movie coming next May! I've read most of Mary Alice Monroe's books and would love to see more of them on film.

  17. I can't wait!! This is one of my favorite book series.

  18. So excited for this movie....I read the book every year befgore summer❣❣❣❣

  19. Loved all 3 of the books. Can't wait for Hallmark to release the movie. Hope they make movies with the other 2 books in the series.

  20. I can hardly wait until it is finished. I watch Hallmark all the time. I don't watch as many programs on TV anymore as I don't like the newer shows. Also, don't want to get hooked on a new show. When a program I normally watch is on, I am disappointed that I can't watch Hallmark.

  21. I am so excited about The Beach House movie. I have read all of Mary Alice Monroe's books and I dearly love them all! My friend's and I are planning a viewing party! Thank You for bringing one of my favorite books to life!

  22. Love Hallmark channel. So happy to see The Beach House will be on. You always have quality movies, this is a great story. I can hardly wait! Thank you Hallmark. Thank you Mary Alice Monroe for writing a wonderful series

  23. Love books my Mary Alice Monroe and am so glad someone is finally making a movie of one of her best!

  24. Loved the Beach House series. Mary Alice Monroe is my favorite writer. Thank you for making this movie!!!!

  25. Loved the book. Can't wait for the movie! Mary Alice Monroe's book made into a movie with Andy McDowell. What a great combination! Counting the months until spring 2018!

  26. So excited about the filming of this movie! The Beach House is my favorite book and I know that it will be an awesome movie! Glad to see Andie MacDowell starring in this Hallmark Hall of Fame movie by the Hallmark Channel.

  27. I'm thrilled that my favorite network will be airing a movie, The Beach House, based on a novel by my favorite author, Mary Alice Monroe. Andie MacDowell is a perfect fit for this movie too! Hallmark movies and Mary Alice's novels have always brought me great pleasure. The Hallmark channel helped me through the first long, cold winter after my husband passed away.

  28. I can't wait for this movie to air. I loved the book. Mary Alice Monroe is a wonderful author. Thank you Hallmark for bringing this book to life!

  29. I love these books! I can't wait to see the movie!

  30. Can not WAIT, thank you!!

  31. I cannot imagine a better combination than Andie and Mary Alice. Great actress and an author who writes beautifully and makes you feel part of the story. I have to believe that I will watch every time it comes on. Yes Yes Yes.

  32. Mary Alice Monroe is a great fit for Hallmark. Smart move! Can't wait to see her characters hit the screen, and hope this will be the first of many more to come. Yay!

  33. So excited for this. Can't wait to watch.

  34. I can't wait I love the Beach House series.

  35. So pleased to see that Mary Alice Monroe's wonderful novel is coming to life! Can't wait to see it!

  36. Thank you Hallmark, your movies warm my heart! I also read and loved "The Beach House and am hooked on "Home and Family too!

  37. I'm so excited!!!

  38. Loved this series, started with the first book when it came out. Such a great story. All of Mary Alice’s books should be movies. Her relationship stories are timeless.

  39. So excited that this favorite MAM book of mine is going to be a movie! Instant classic like The Shell Seekers which is my mother's favorite book. So hoping movie will come out on Mother's Day so we can watch together!

  40. I am so happy that Hallmark is creating a movie with the story line from The Beach House. I love the book and all of the subsequent books set at the Beach House. Thank you for continuing to work with such wonderful novels as the basis for your movies.

  41. I'm so excited! Love this whole series of stories!!! Can't wait!


  42. So excited! Hallmark always does such a good job of being true to the written form. Mary Alice Monroe’s books deserve that and more!

  43. I LOVE the books. I hope all three get made into movies. Mary Alice Monroe is one of my favorite authors. So looking forward to the movie. Hallmark is my favorite channel. Love all the movies and series

  44. This is one of my all time favorite books and only Hallmark could do it right!!!!

  45. I'm excited, as a fan of Mary Alice Monroe's and of Andie MacDowell's! Way to go, Hallmark! I watch your stations, all the time! Diane.

  46. I have been waiting for The Beach House movie! Yay! It is time to see mary Alice Monroe's work on the screen!

  47. Great choice for a movie. Great choice for an actress. Looking forward to it.

  48. SO happy this book is being made into a movie! Can't get enough of Mary Alice Monroe's books.

  49. Awesome! I think I’ll rent a beach house and invite my sisters, aunts and sisters and my book club friends too! I’ll make a gumbo and it will be so much fun!

  50. Mary Alice Monroe's The Beach House is one of my favorite books. In fact, I've read it 4 times. I am really looking forward to this movie. Plus Andie MacDowell! What a bonus! Thank you, Hallmark Channel.

  51. Can not wait. Love Mary Alice Monroe's book and especially this one. So glad that Hallmark chose Andie MacDowell, she will be perfect.

  52. I love Cara, and the story about the turtles. Can’t wait.

  53. Positively thrilled about this book coming to the screen.
    Thank You Andie McDowell and Hallmark.

  54. I will definitely be seeing this! So excited!!

  55. I love all of MAM's novels.Loved all of them.I have time to refresh my memory.I bet the movie will be a big hit like all of her books have been.

  56. Cannot wait for the movie on Hallmark.

  57. Looking forward to this movie !!! Loved the book !!

  58. My very favorite book by Mary Alice Monroe. I can't wait to see this. I live in Charleston and I go to that beach monthly. I know that Andie MacDowell is the perfect person to star. Kudo's to Hallmark Channel.

  59. Love all the books by Mary Alice Monroe! Can't wait to see this movie!

  60. Love Andie McDowell, I can't wait to see this movie. Linda May

  61. I loved this book and can't wait to see it on the Hallmark Channel in May. I watch the Hallmark Channel every weekend... even record some and watch again later!

  62. OMG This book was fantastic. Loved the whole series. Can't wait to see the movie.

  63. So looking forward to this book being made into a movie on the Hallmark Channel!!!!!! I love the Hallmark Movie Channel and can't wait to watch The Beach House!!!

  64. cant wait for the beach house....loved the book!!!!

  65. So excited for the movie πŸŽ₯!! Can't wait!!

  66. I saw commercial during The Christmas Train

    The Beach House will premiere in April 2018
    Hallmark Hall of Fame

    Starring Minka Kelly, Chad Michael Murray, & Andie MacDowell

  67. If you loved the book, do not watch the movie. It is so far from the book. In the movie the VW is blue, not gold, the cottage is a big house, not a beach cottage, Cara is about 25 not 40, Lovie is in her mid-forties not late 60's, and Toy is 20 not 17. Flo sure wasn't a black woman in the book. Brett and Cara never had a past summer relationship. The worst of all, though, is that Lovie was not single and Russell was not engaged when they had their affair, they were both married to other people. To say this is based on the book is stretching it in a major way. About the only thing true from the book is the characters' names.


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