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~ James 1:17

Monday, April 3, 2017

Celebrating My BIRTHDAY with DORIS DAY!!! -- A Dazzling Look at Doris Day's Flair for Fashion in Film!!!

Today is Doris Day's Birthday!!!
(and Mine, too!)

In honor of this special occasion, I have joined... "The Doris Day Blogathon" hosted by: "Love Letters to Old Hollywood", which is taking place April 1-3!

For this 3 Day Tribute to Doris Day, Bloggers were asked to "write about anything relating to Day -- her films, her music, her personal life, her work with animals, her role as a style icon, the list goes on!" The clincher was there were to be "no duplicates." Since most of my favorite Doris Day films were already chosen by other writers, I decided to feature a post today ALL about the Fashion of Doris Day in Film! And, if you are familiar with Doris Day's movies, then you already know - her fashion was a significant factor in each of her films!

Doris Day image via: last.fm

Yellow Sundresses, Hats, Beaded ball-gowns, Gloves, Cardigans, Pearls, Day Suits, Kitten Heels, and so on...
all come to mind when I think of Doris Day movies! As I've looked deeper into her films, I've realized how often Doris transforms from one persona to another, most often Girl-Next-Door to Glamour Girl Movie/Singing Star.

Instead of your simple standard Night and Day transformation, I call it... from Night to "Doris" Day!

image via: heckyeahdorisday.tumblr.com

There's no denying how striking Doris Day was on the big screen, whether in black & white, Color, or Technicolor in 1948 - which is where her film career began with 'Romance on the High Seas.' I can only imagine what movie goers and producers back then must have thought of her as she was the ultimate triple threat. Doris Day could ACT (what a fun, warm, spirited personality she has - which shined on and off screen!), SING (oh my, what a beautiful, cheerful, lilting voice!), and DANCE (she could rival and keep up with all the greats!)... and yes, she was quite Lovely on screen, too!!!

In 'Romance on the High Seas'... Doris Day becomes a performer on a cruise ship and her dresses are certainly show-stoppers! All I can say is - "It's Magic!" (yes, that is also the title of one of the amazing songs Doris sings in the movie!)

screen-cap image via 'Romance on the High Seas'

screen-cap image via 'Romance on the High Seas'

Doris Day via 'Romance on the High Seas' press photo

Doris Day via 'Romance on the High Seas' press photo

Here is one instance where Doris Day transforms from
"the Girl next door" - to "Singing Sensation!"

'It's a Great Feeling!'

Doris Day screen cap - "Its A Great Feeling"

Doris Day Press Photo via fineartamerica.com
Its A Great Feeling, Doris Day, 1949

Doris Day in "It's a Great Feeling" - via: theblondeatthefilm.com

Here comes the Bride--
All Dressed in White...

Its A Great Feeling, Doris Day, 1949
via dorisday.net

She looks sweet and simple dressed in plaid...

'My Dream is Yours', Doris Day, image via: FanPoP

And, Glamorous once again -
with her hair up, diamonds,
and a sparkly strapless dress!

'My Dream is Yours', Doris Day, image via: FanPoP

In "On Moonlight Bay" and "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" Doris Day blossoms from a rough and tough sporty Tom-Boy into a genteel blushing feminine beauty!

screen cap image via: "On Moonlight Bay"
Yes, that's Doris in the baseball uniform and dirt on her face!

screen cap image via: "On Moonlight Bay"

screen cap image via: "On Moonlight Bay"

Doris Day in "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" - promotional photo

Doris Day in "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" - image: yooniq images

Doris Day in "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" - image: DVD Talk

A cardigan with pearls was the perfect look for Doris Day in 'Tea for Two,' as she practiced singing along with Gordon McRae a special tune!!!

'Two for Tea' image via: TCM

In 'Love Me or Leave Me' ... Doris is Dramatic and Powerful in her Performance as singer Ruth Etting. This role required a more alluring look for Doris Day, which is evident in the dresses she wore on stage...

'Love Me or Leave Me' image via: www.dailymail.co.uk

'Love Me or Leave Me' image via: www.dorisday.net

In 'The Thrill of it All' Doris portrays an All American doting housewife and mother who finds herself making commercials! Her clothing is just as *thrilling!*

"The Thrill of it All" image via: prettycleverfilms.com

Doris Day with the children in
"The Thrill of it All"

"The Thrill of it all" image via: starletshowcase.blogspot.com

Doris Day also juggles Fashion & Motherhood
in "Please Don't Eat the Daisies"...

Doris Day in "Please Don't Eat the Daisies"
image via: journeysinclassicfilm.com

Doris Day's look in 'Calamity Jane' is probably her biggest night & "Doris" day transformation!

Doris Day as "Calamity Jane" image via: toutlecine.com

Now, this looks more like the Doris Day we are used to seeing!
Love her in this sunshiny yellow dress!

Doris Day as Calamity Jane / image via: theblondeatthefilm.com

And, this incredible Pink Dress -

is Classic Doris Day!!!
Doris Day as Calamity Jane / image via: theblondeatthefilm.com

Doris Day in "Calamity Jane" image via: screen-cap

Doris Day looks like a Sailor girl... after being rescued off an island, by Sailors, in "Move Over, Darling."

In "Pillow Talk"...
Doris Day's clothes certainly do
a lot of talking...

Doris Day in "Pillow Talk" image via: filmfanatic.org

Doris Day in "Pillow Talk" image via: betweennapsontheporch.net

Doris Day image via: littledooronthesound.com

Doris Day in "April in Paris" wearing the perfect fit and flare dress!

Doris Day in "April in Paris"
image via: greatbuffalotradingpost.tumblr.com

Lovely lady suits in pastel colors or even grey-
were the ideal style by "Day" for Doris Day!

Doris Day in "Lover Come Back"
image via: betweennapsontheporch.net

Promotional Photo-shoot for “That Touch Of Mink”, 1962
image via: heckyeahdorisday.tumblr.com

Doris Day in "The Man Who Knew Too Much" - image via: Style.com

Doris Day and Jimmy Stewart in promotional photo for
"The Man Who Knew Too Much"

Doris Day (wearing yellow suit!) and James Garner 
in "Move Over, Darling" image via: pinterest
Doris Day (wearing green suit) and James Garner in promotional shot for
"Move Over Darling"

Doris Day could portray almost any character-
even a Taxi Cab Driver...

Doris Day in "It's a Great Feeling" - screen cap

Doris Day in "It's a Great Feeling" - via: theblondeatthefilm.com

In "Midnight Lace..." of course -
Doris wore Lace!

Doris Day knew how to wear Hats, Gloves,
and ALL Accessories with Style...

Doris Day in "Pillow Talk" - image via: cardiganempire.com
Doris Day in "Pillow Talk" & "Lover Come Back"

Doris Day looking mod in "Caprice"

Doris Day and (future President) Ronald Reagan in "The Winning Team"

Doris Day in promotional shot for "Lover Come Back"

Doris Day in "Billy Rose's Jumbo" image via: heckyeahdorisday.tumblr.com

Doris Day promotional image via: Warner Bros. Pictures

Happy Birthday Doris Day!!!
Thank you for gracing our screens
with your beauty & grace!

As a film and TV icon, your spirit shined through all the characters you portrayed! From comedy, romance, suspense, and dramas... you have kept your audience captive, laughing, crying, and cheering along with you and singing a happy tune!

God's Blessings on your Birthday!
I am thrilled to share my day with you!


Doris Day DVD

TCM will have a Special Marathon of Doris Day Movies Today!

Included in the April 3rd, 2017 Monday Marathon are...

It's a Great Feeling (1949) - 12:30 PM

Tea for Two (1950) - 2:15 PM

Calamity Jane (1953) - 4:00 PM

Tunnel of Love, The (1958) - 6:00 PM

Also, Airing in April...

April 20, 2017 - Thursday

By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953) - 10:00 PM

April 23, 2017 - Sunday

April in Paris (1952) - 2:00 PM

April 26, 2017 - Wednesday

Tea for Two (1950) - 1:45 AM

Billy Rose's Jumbo (1962) - 3:45 AM

April 28, 2017 - Friday

Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960) - 12 AM

My Personal Favorite Films with Doris Day are... "Move Over Darling," "The Thrill of it All," "On Moonlight Bay," "By the Light of the Silvery Moon," and Many More!

Please, Please, Don't Eat the Daisies... but do share your Favorite Doris Day Movies, too, in Comments Below!!!


  1. "By the light of the silvery moon", The Glass Bottom boat" are my 2 favorites and Happy Birthday to you also

  2. Joyce in CarolinaMonday, April 03, 2017


    1. Thank you, Joyce! Your thoughtful words mean so much to me! I feel so blessed to do what I do - and it's an even greater blessing to know such kind people - like YOU!

      God's Blessings to You, too!!! Net

  3. Sherry In CaliforniaMonday, April 03, 2017

    Happy Birthday, Net! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    I have always been partial to Doris' film "The Glass Bottom Boat" because of its connection to Catalina Island (where some of it was filmed). Catalina is one of my favorite locations in Southern California because of its beauty (see Ryan Paevey's recent Instagram photo taken at Two Harbors) and quirky beach town feel. The Glass-Bottom boat is one of the biggest tours offered on the Island.

    1. Thank you so much for the Birthday Wishes, Sherry! I absolutely did have a Wonderful Day - sharing it with all my precious family!

      I've seen some of "The Glass Bottom Boat" on TCM, but I've never really sat down and watched it from beginning to end, so I really must do that! Thanks so much for sharing!!! :)

  4. I enjoy all of her movies, but especially the romantic comedies. My absolute favorite is "The Glass Bottom Boat." The cast in that one is so fun!
    Happy, Happy Birthday to you, too!! Have a wonderful day~

    1. I know just what you mean, Susan... as I love the Doris Day Comedy movies, too!

      I tried "Julie" and "Midnight Lace," and the second one is pretty good for a suspense, but I really love those comedies best!! Except... I still love "The Man Who Knew Too Much!!!"

      But mostly... like you, I love it when Doris Day is funny on screen and makes us laugh!!!

      Thank You so much for the sweet birthday message! I certainly did have a wonderful day - celebrating with all my family- which is, as always, the best gift!!!

      Blessings to you, Susan!!! :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Net! You're a real class act, just like Doris Day! I noticed the background changed to yellow for April and the new banner looks terrific! I don't know how you do it, but thank you for making this website one of my favorites to visit every day! Happy Birthday!

    1. Oh, that is so sweet, Abby! Thank you for the birthday greeting and noticing the new banner + background! You're so thoughtful to mention it! I thought it would be nice to have something fresh for spring and I'm so glad you enjoy visiting here every day! Thank you ever so much!!! :)
      Blessings!!! Net

  6. Forgot to mention my favorite Doris movie! It's On Moonlight Bay. I see it's one of your favorites, too!

    1. Yes, "On Moonlight Bay," is one of my favorites, too! Good pick!!!

  7. Happy Birthday to two very special ladies! Net, what a beautiful tribute to our lovey, talented, beloved Doris Day!! You must have spent hours collecting all of the pictures and movie tidbits that made her so special and wouldn't it be great if she could see your post!

    May God bless you, Net, and grant your inner most desires and continue to strengthen you in all your good works that benefits so many, like me, who have been so enriched by your website! Happy, Happy Birthday, sweet Lady!!

    1. Thank you, Linda, for your warm-hearted, thoughtful, gracious, considerate, friendly birthday message - for Myself & Doris Day!!! You always have such a beautiful way with words and make me feel so special - which is a gift, in itself!!! Truly!!!

      This special post did require quite some time to assemble and gather all the pictures above, but I was delighted to do it, and hopefully the outcome is something people will enjoy stopping in to see for now and years to come!!!

      Thank you, again, Linda! I always look forward to hearing from You, on any subject!!! May you find strength and encouragement in the Lord today and be rewarded for all the joy and gladness you have showered on myself and others!!!

      Blessings on your "Doris" Day!!! Net :)

  8. Wishing you a most wonderful birthday, Net, and many, many blessings since you are indeed a blessing to all of us!

    1. Oh, thank you, Mark, for blessing me with that thoughtful birthday note! That is so sweet of you to say - you certainly brought a smile to my face!!!

      Blessings to You, too!!! Net :)

  9. Doris Day is just another one of those lovely characters that gives me warm pleasant memories of my younger days. I think I may still be in love with Donna Reed though...haha.

    Happy Birthday Net!!!

    1. Memories are like treasures, I always say, sometimes hidden, but with one small reminder - we dig them up again. They're worth is far more than diamonds or any Pirate loot!

      Thank you, Jim, for sharing your treasured memories with us! The Doris Day era sounds like it was a wonderful time! I adore all the classics on TCM... always thinking about the ones who were blessed to see those movies first in the theater!

      Thank you, again, for the birthday message!!! Blessings to You!!! Net

  10. Happy birthday! How lucky are you to share a day with someone as special as Doris. I'm so glad you joined in my blogathon with this post. Doris's fashion is essential to her movies and image, after all!

    1. Thank you, Michaela, for creating this lovely Doris Day Blogathon Event - and for including my post above in it! I do, indeed, feel very blessed to share my "day" with Doris Day!!!

      *If anyone wants to see all the Blogathon listings for Doris Day, please visit Michaela's web-site: Love Letters to Old Hollywood!

      Thank you, again, Michaela! It means so much to me to join you all in celebrating the life and career of Doris Day!!! :)

      Blessings!!! Net

  11. Happy Birthday, Net! I really enjoy your blog. Madelon

    1. Thank you, Madelon! That means so much to me! I appreciate you letting me know!

      Blessings to you!!! Net :)

  12. Move Over Darling is my favorite Doris Day comedy. But Love Me or Leave Me is my overal favorite, because it showcased Doris Day's acting abilities.

    1. Thank you for sharing, swish1014! Great Doris Day movie picks... she was truly fantastic in so many of her films!!!

  13. Happy Birthday one day late!!! :)

    So enjoyed your look at Doris Day's fashions! It's funny, but I grew up watching Calamity Jane, so I never associated her with fashion, and even now, when I've seen over twenty of her films, I still hadn't gotten over my initial association of her with Calamity. But your post has brought home to me just how important fashion was in her films. Thanks!

    I think my favorite films are Love Me or Leave Me, Calamity Jane, and Teacher's Pet...but I'd watch her in anything. :)

    1. It's funny how an initial introduction leaves such a lasting impression! When I was growing up, I mostly associated Doris Day just with her singing and then later on, I saw most of her films, through TCM or DVD. She was quite an elegant movie star, and yet, she seems so familiar, like the girl next door, sometimes awkwardly shy, timid, and reserved. Which I guess is why fans always cheered for her to come out of her shell and blossom and shine- as she always did!

      Doris Day's style in her movies, often times, helped to convey the story. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post on fashion, and how different Doris' fashion was in each of her movies!

      I'd watch Doris Day in just about anything, too!!! :)

      Thank you so much for the Birthday message, Christina!!! Blessings to you!!! Net

  14. Happy belated birthday!! How fun you share your birthday with Doris Day! :)

    1. Thank you so much for the Birthday Wish, Sarah! It is, indeed, fun to share my "Day" with Doris!!!

      Blessings to You, Net :)

  15. What a lovely post! I love all the pics you chose. And guess what? It was my birthday too! Happy birthday to all of us! :)

    1. Happy Birthday to you, too, Virginie!!! I'm so glad you shared this news and I'm truly delighted we all share our special "Day" together!

      *Also, Virginie wrote a beautiful post for the Doris Day Blogathon, titled: "It’s a Doris Day!" You can read it, HERE!

      Again, Happy Birthday, to you, Virginie & Doris!!! Blessings from above!!! Net :)

  16. My absolute favorite Doris Day film is Calamity Jane and I love that yellow dress, too!


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