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~ James 1:17

Monday, August 29, 2016

Which Hallmark "Summer Nights" Movie did You like Best? (YOUR TAKE #1)

"Summer Villa", "For Love & Honor",
"My Summer Prince", "Summer in the City",
"Summer Love", and "Summer of Dreams"

Now, that Hallmark has premiered ALL SIX
of their *SUMMER NIGHTS* Movies -
it's time for a new feature on this site called...

This is where you can share *your take* on the recent block of Original TV movies!

Please share in comments below...

1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?

2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?

3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?

4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.

5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best?

Looking forward to hearing all your responses!
(By the way - be sure to watch all the upcoming movies and we will do this again - after "Fall Harvest"!)


  1. I honestly did not think I would like Summer Dream but that and Love and Honor were the ones I liked. The other ones did not keep my attention.

  2. This is a fun idea!

    1. Summer Love - my favorite from Summer Nights!

    2. Summer Villa - my pick for best love story!

    3. I would watch all of them, again and again!!!!!!

    4. (haven't seen all, YET!)

    5. Summer Love, but I do wish I could see her shoes!

    I loved this, Net. Can't wait to do it again, after Fall Harvest!

  3. 1 Summer Villa
    2 Summer Villa
    3 Summer Villa, For Love and Honor, Summer Love
    4 Summer Villa, For Love and Honor, Summer Love, Summer of Dreams, Summer in the City, My Summer Prince
    5 Summer of Dreams - that musical note for the f in the word of is very clever.

    Thanks, CJ


  4. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?

    Hands down for me, Summer Villa.

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?

    Summer Villa, of course.

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?

    Probably all.

    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.

    Summer Villa, Summer Love, My Summer Prince, Summer in the City, For Love and Honor, Summer of Dreams

    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best?

    I guess Summer Love.

  5. I wasn't overly taken with this block of Hallmark movies. Maybe, it was just me, but nothing special here.

    1. me neither. they were all boring.

    2. I'm with you. Nothing special came out of this block of movies.

  6. 1. My favorite was Summer Villa... the couple's chemistry was top notch and I just love Hilarie Burton, ever since One Tree Hill.
    2. Probably Summer Villa again! I can't wait for Christmas Villa. :)
    3. Summer Villa, My Summer Prince, and Summer Love
    4. Summer Villa, My Summer Prince, Summer Love, Summer in the City, Summer Dreams, and For Love and Honor
    5. Summer Love or Summer Villa

    I can't wait for Fall Harvest and Countdown to Christmas (which is my FAVORITE)!!!

  7. Honestly, I really didn't care for any of them...I'm betting I'll like the Fall ones better.

  8. I love this, Net!!....so much fun!!
    1) Summer Villa/Summer of Dreams
    2) Summer Villa
    3) All of them
    4) Summer Villa
    Summer of Dreams
    Summer in the City
    Summer Love
    My Summer Prince
    For Love & Honor
    5) Summer Villa/Summer of Dreams
    Can't wait for "Fall Harvest"!!

  9. My Favorites:
    My Summer Villa
    My Summer Prince
    Summer Night was good

  10. Summer Villa was my favorite

    1. Me too ... I recorded it and have watched it again several times

  11. 1. Tie between Summer Love and Summer if Dreams

    2. Tie between Summer Love and Summer in the City

    3. All except Summer villa

    4. Summer of Dreams
    Summer Love
    Summer in the City
    My Summer Prince
    For Love and Honor
    Summer Villa

    5. My Summer Prince

  12. My Summer Prince followed by Summer Villa. The rest were not very good.

  13. 1: Summer Love!!!!!
    2: Summer Villa
    3: Summer in the City

  14. Summer Villa and Summer in the City were my faves.

  15. I didn't get to watch them all.

    The best movie poster is 'Summer Villa'.


  16. How fun!
    1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most? Summer of Dreams, although My Summer Prince was a close second

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most? My Summer Prince

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again? Summer of Dreams

    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite. I haven't watched them all yet.

    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best? Summer Love

  17. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?
    I would have to say My Summer Prince
    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?
    Summer Villa
    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?
    Haven't actually seen the last one Summer Dreams but so far I would watch all that I have seen
    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.
    My Summer Prince, Summer Villa, For Love and Honor. Summer in the City and Summer of Dreams
    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best? My Summer Prince

  18. My two favorites: Summer Villa and Summer Love. (I actually didn't care for the two male leads in Summer Love, but the actress was wonderful.)

  19. Net, I just wanted to let you know that official pages for the new Gourmet Detective and Aurora Teagarden movies have been posted on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries website.

  20. Summer Villa was my fav and then Summer Prince

  21. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?

    Love and Honor

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?

    Love and Honor

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?

    Love and Honor

    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.

    Love and Honor
    Summer Villa
    Summer Love
    Summer of Dreams
    Summer in the City
    My Summer Prince

    Except for Love and Honor, they are all about the same, I couldn't really rank them. I got equally as far into them before deleting.

    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best?

    They are all equally fine.

  22. 1 Summer Villa - amazing!:)
    2 Summer Villa
    3 Summer Villa and Summer Love ;)
    4. Summer Villa, Summer Love, Summer in the City, My Summer Prince, For Love and Honor, Summer of Dreams.
    5. I think Summer Love's poster is the winner ;)

  23. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?

    Summer Love

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?

    Summer Villa

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?

    Summer Love, Summer Villa, For Love & Honor, My Summer Prince

    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.

    Summer Love, Summer Villa, For Love & Honor, My Summer Prince, Summer in the City, Summer of Dreams

    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best?

    Summer Love.

  24. 1. Summer Villa because of the beautiful setting
    2. That would be a tie between several of the movies.
    3. I would re-watch all of them.
    4. I hate ranking when I didn't dislike any of the movies. Summer Villa would be first by a slight edge. Summer in the City would be at the end of the list, though I found the shop-girls to be funny. And the rest would basically be tied in the middle.
    5. I like the poster from For Love and Honor.

  25. Sherry In CaliforniaMonday, August 29, 2016

    Summer Villa was my favorite.

    For Love and Honor was probably my least favorite (although I didn't dislike it).

    I'm truly not sure how I would rank the other 4 movies.

    Summer in the City had a romance that was realistically paced. It didn't feel like they were rushing anything, but instead taking the time to get to know each other.

    But I also thought that Hilarie Burton and Victor Webster were cute together.

    I like the My Summer Prince poster best, because I like the font used for the title!

  26. I liked Summer Love favorite followed by Summer Villa 3-Summer Prince 4- Love and Honor 5-Summer Dreams. Although I liked them all...Really was hard to put them in a place.

  27. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?
    Summer of Dreams, followed closely by Summer Love

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?
    Tie between Summer of Dreams and Summer Villa

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?
    All of them at least twice, to give each an honest chance. Will probably watch all but Summer in the City multiple times.
    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.
    Summer of Dreams (tied for first)
    Summer Love (tied for first)
    Summer Villa
    For Love and Honor
    My Summer Prince
    Summer in the City
    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like be
    For Love and Honor: Something classy about it and very sharp looking.
    Though I do agree with CJ's comment, the music note in place of the "f" in Summer of Dreams is very clever!

  28. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most? Summer Villa

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most? Summer Villa

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again? Not all of them were exciting or interesting, but I'd watch them all again on a rainy day.

    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite. Summer Villa / Summer in the City / My Summer Prince / Summer Love / Summer of My Dreams / For Love and Honor

    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best? Summer Villa

  29. Summer Villa appealed to me greatly and I loved it.

    I don't plan to watch Love and Honor or Summer Prince - not my types.

    I'll watch the other three soon.

    Love and Honor has a nice poster.

    Net, what are your answers???

    1. Great question, Amy G. I haven't had the chance to see the last two, yet, but I will let you know my favorite of the *Summer Nights* bunch when I do! So far, 'Summer Villa' would be my top pick!

      As for posters, I like them all, but 'Summer Love' has a theater movie look to it that I really like.

  30. My favorites were 1. summer in the city/summer prince 2. summer of dreams. 3. summer love. RG

  31. Thank you for asking. 1. Summer Love 2. Summer Villa, 3. Summer in the City. Not at all impressed with Summer Dreams. Peace

  32. 1. Which "Summer Nights" movie did you like/love the most?

    Summer Love (neck and neck with summer villa)

    2. Which love story did you enjoy the most?
    Summer Villa

    3. Which "Summer Nights" movies would you watch again?
    Summer love and summer villa

    4. If you watched them all, rank the "Summer Nights" movies from favorite to least favorite.
    Summer Love, Summer Villa, and the rest tied for last

    5. Which "Summer Nights" movie poster (above) do you like best?
    Summer Love

  33. Summer Love was hands down my favorite! The only thing I wish was for Rachael's character to have more interaction with Collin instead of Will. Theyre so cute together and the quirky style of the movie is winning. Hallmark should do more movies like this!

    Summer Villa was definitely cute too. The cooking contest part at the end was a bit cheesy for my liking but I love the overall atmosphere and setting. The soundtrack was awesome!

  34. I watched Summer Villla I thnk twice, so that's my top pick. Was disappointed in My Summer Prince--felt it was a rehashing of Royal Christmas and Crown for Chrsitmas, two of my favorite "royal" movies. The others did not in the least bit interest me, but I did catch the final one, Summer of Dreams and liked it very much. Hopefully Hallmark will use Debbie Gibson for another vehicle--Christmas? The Fall Harvest movies look like they have potential, however.

  35. I watched Summer Villla I thnk twice, so that's my top pick. Was disappointed in My Summer Prince--felt it was a rehashing of Royal Christmas and Crown for Chrsitmas, two of my favorite "royal" movies. The others did not in the least bit interest me, but I did catch the final one, Summer of Dreams and liked it very much. Hopefully Hallmark will use Debbie Gibson for another vehicle--Christmas? The Fall Harvest movies look like they have potential, however.

  36. Finally caught up on everything. Was watching the Olympics when a lot of those were on and then had a bit of a catch p to do!

    1. My favorite was definitely Summer Villa, love both actors, and it was a fun story with great dynamics and chemistry.

    2. As a love story, I think I liked Summer Love the most.

    3. I already rewatched Summer Villa, Summer in the City and Summer Love. Would probably rewatch For Love and Honor too and some point.

    4. 1. Summer Villa 2. Summer Love 3. Summer in the City 4. For Love and Honor 5. My Summer Prince 6. Summer Dreams

    I was actually really disappointed with My Summer Prince. I normally love the Royal thing, but the story was not very interesting or well formulated, and it all felt pretty formulated and lacking any spark. I liked him though, so wouldn't mind seeing him again. Still ranked above Summer Dreams just for being a Royal movie. Summer Dreams was just boring. But enjoyed the other four a lot.

    5. Summer Villa! Way to bring across the emotion and chemistry in one shot.

  37. I know I am late but just came across this even though I come here often.

    1 Summer Love 2 Summer Villa 3 Summer of Dreams were my favorite. Really liked them all but loved these.

    1. Love and Honor 2. Summer Love 3. Summer of Dreams

    1. It's never too late to share! Thank you for joining in and for visiting here so often! :)

  38. 1. I only saw three movies in their entirety; "For Love and Honor", "My Summer Prince", and "Summer of Dreams". Out of those three, my favorite was "For Love and Honor".
    2. "For Love and Honor"
    3. "For Love and Honor"
    I'm skipping question number four because, like I mentioned earlier, I only saw three movies in their entirety.
    5."Summer in the City" because it doesn't have that "typical Hallmark poster" mold where it just features the lead couple.

  39. 1. Summer Love and Summer Villa
    2. Summer Love and Summer Villa
    3. Summer Love and Summer Villa
    4. Summer Villa, Summer Love, Summer Prince, Love & Honor, Summer Dreams and Summer in the City
    5.Summer Villa


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