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~ James 1:17

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Valentine’s Date - Hallmark Channel Movie


A Valentine’s Date

Also Known As: Your Love Never Fails

Click here to Order DVD

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: February 4, 2011


Elisa Donovan ... Laura Conners

Brad Rowe ... Dylan

Tom Skerritt ... Jack Conners

John Schneider ... Pastor Frank

Tracey Gold ... Samantha Pierce

Catherine Hicks ... the Judge

Fred Willard ... Paul, Laura's Boss


February 14th is a day of hearts and flowers and sweet sentiments, unless you are Laura Conners and Dylan Hackett, former sweethearts and spouses on the verge of divorce. Laura, a busy bank executive has moved her daughter Kelsey to New York to restart their lives after separating from her husband and childhood sweetheart Dylan, who still resides in Texas. Laura’s been so immersed in her job, she has conveniently forgotten to sign the divorce papers buried at the bottom of her purse. Since Laura and Kelsey moved to New York six years ago, Dylan has seen his daughter on a mere handful of occasions. He’s had enough. Dylan sues Laura for custody, forcing her to return to Texas.

At the hearing, the pair begin bickering, forcing a Texas State Family Court Judge to order a cooling off period to give Dylan and Laura a chance to think about what’s most important – Kelsey. The judge re-sets the custody hearing for February 14. Now Laura, Dylan and Kelsey have a Valentine’s date to remember what made them a loving family, so that everyone’s heart can be happy once more.

“A Valentine’s Date” is executive produced by Barry Barnholtz, Zelma Kiwi and Jeffrey Schenck, produced by Michael Feifer and co-produced by Peter Sullivan. The movie is based on original material by Jeffrey Schenck and Peter Sullivan. “A Valentine’s Date” is directed by Michael Feifer from a screenplay by Michael Feifer and Peter Sullivan. Music by Andres Boulton.

Movie Review:

This was a delightful movie to sit back, relax, and watch.... a Terrific Family Film.

There is a sweet love story, a cute little girl, and a beautiful outdoor setting of country-side and horses.

Laura (Elisa Donovan) is living in New York with her daughter, Kelsey (Kirstin Dorn), and living on the fast track to success. She has left her husband, home, father, family, friends, and everything back in Texas. Nothing seems to slow her down, until her husband, Dylan (Brad Rowe),who she is seperated from, files for joint custody of their daughter. He is tired of only seeing his little girl only a couple times a year. This forces Laura and Kelsey to go home to Texas for a hearing.

The Judge (Catherine Hicks) is not sympathetic towards Laura and reschedules their hearing on Monday, February 14th - Valentine's day - and asks them to talk it over and come to their own agreement. Well, this makes for a long weekend - as the couple disagrees back and forth as to what should be done. Dylan remains very calm over the matter and eventually reveals to Laura that he had been speaking to their Pastor, Frank (John Schneider) and he asked him - 'if, at the end of his life would he be happy with the choices he has made.' Dylan said, no. This was an interesting and thoughtful moment in the movie - you could tell Laura felt the same way about their lives and each other.

(see the script to Pastor Frank's sermon about Marriage below.)

Everything, seems to slowly be working out between Dylan and Laura.... however, things take a turn when Laura's Attorney, Samantha Pierce (Tracey Gold), reveals to Laura that Dylan is near broke and losing his family's ranch. He can't possibly ever win custody of their daughter.

What will Laura do now? Expose Dylan and run off with their daughter - back to New York - or can Laura and Dylan learn to forgive, trust, and love one another again?

The ending is just as sweet as the rest of the movie. The all-star cast is spectacular and believable in all of their unique roles in the lives of this couple.

Enjoy.... ahhhhh.... a Happy Ending!

See or Skip:

See, Sweet Movie!

Very Family Friendly!

Pastor Frank's Marriage Sermon:
(portrayed by John Schneider)

"Today I want to talk about something I haven't talked about very much in this church."

"Hello." (The Pastor acknowledges Dylan, as he waves from the back and walks in late and joins his family, in their pew.)

"Something that is very important. I want to talk about marriage. I've married a lot of couples over the years. Some of who are sitting in this church right now. They always come to me with the same wish... they want a perfect marriage. So today I want to ask everybody here - exactly, what is that? - what is a perfect marriage?

Now, a wife might tell me that a perfect marriage is one where her husband is devoted without question... he's loyal, he's deeply sensitive to her needs.

A husband might tell me... a perfect marriage is one where the wife goes out on Sunday afternoon so he can sit down and watch the game.

Yeah, my point is... everyone has their own definition of what a perfect marriage should be. As long as that's the case, no marriage can ever truly be perfect. Perhaps the question is not what we want the relationship to be, but rather what we need one to be. Maybe there's an emptiness inside their soul. They are looking for something to fill it. But, Marriage is not some kind of spiritual spackle. See, only God can fill that void. What we need is a partnership and that, like any partnership, takes skill. Takes effort.

Look here, we're out of time, go ye out into all the world and Love One Another!"



  1. Interesting little fact -- this is set to release to DVD under the revised name "Your Love Never Fails." Apparently Hallmark likes to do that since that also happened with a title from last year! It makes it difficult for someone like me to find them on DVD when looking for another name. =) There are two conflicting dates; one says March 1st, the other April 5th, either way it will be out early 2011.

    Nevertheless, this looks cute, so will be checking it out on DVD. Plus I like most the cast.

  2. I checked the Hallmark channel schedule for Feb. 4 in central time zone and it does not show this movie. What am I missing?

  3. Here's a link to the official page for A Valentine's Date on the Hallmark Channel's Web-site:

    The show is airing at 9 PM Eastern Time- on Feb. 4th. So, it would probably air at 8 PM in the Central Time Zone.

  4. Who was the judge in this movie

  5. The Judge was played by Catherine Hicks - well known as: Annie Camden, the Mother, on 7th Heaven. She used a Southern Texan accent, so her voice sounded a little different than usual. I thought she did a terrific job.

  6. Wow! It has the handsome Brad Rowe and John Schneider... I think I found my Valentine Date!

    Thanks for sharing! Pass the popcorn please!

  7. The setting was Centerville Texas, but it did not appear to be filmed there. Where was the movie filmed?

    1. It was filmed in California. I used to live in Caldwell Texas which is the neighboring town to Centerville.

    2. I was disappointed that nothing was filmed in Centerville Texas. I lived there for 20 yrs. The court papers at the beginning of the movie is what perked my interest in the movie.

  8. The film was set in Centerville, TX, but the scenery did not look like it. Where was the movie actually filmed?

  9. rmartin500a@gmail.comMonday, February 14, 2011

    I've watched this movie twice(sort of) on Hallmark. I tend to like chick flicks and I liked this. The mother is shown to be a pretty self-centered woman who has had cusody of her daughter (Kirstin Dorn was really a cute and likeable kid, and I hope she doesn't go the typical Hollywood route when she gets older.) though she has been too busy for years to ever get sign her divorce papers.

    In divorce cases, women tend to virtually always win in custody cases. I was glad to see that that wasn't the case in this movie. I appreciated the focus on family values that this movie showed. Happy endings are possible.

  10. What are the names of the songs and artists in the movie A Valentine Date?

  11. The preacher played by John Schneider discussed the concept of marriage and the effort it took to bring about success. I do not remember the wording but remember it touched a cord in how he described it. Does anyone remember the script used in that part of the monolog?

  12. Debra,

    I included the script of Pastor Frank's Marriage Sermon above. I hope it is helpful to you.

    God bless!

  13. My wife made me watch this movie... now I'm damaged for life... Seriously, I liked it... no surprises in this movie.. Only question: the husband gives up his country life (at the end) to become a city slicker? That wouldn't of happened in real life.

    1. You had to listen carefully; they kept the ranch. He agreed to move to NY; she was working and his career was going in the hole. Maybe he wanted to eat? LOL Truly, in real life they'd probably move back to the country; we all do. Right? It's so much nicer and healthier than the city. However, many of us have sojourned in the city in order to eat to stay alive temporarily until we figure something out. Right??

  14. What's the name of the song they played when Laura( Kirstin Dorn) went out riding by herself?....would love to find out...thanks

  15. What are the songs called? Please tell me I've been searching for my dad and i feel so bad for him because he sits on the couch and listens to little parts of the songs :( so please im begging you please tell me them.

    1. I'd like to get the soundtrack if it's available. I don't particularly like the ones available by other artists (on Amazon), and it's only the main song. I'd like the entire soundtrack by the artists in the movie. Any ideas, anyone?

  16. http://www.soundtrack.net/movie/your-love-never-fails/

  17. Why does it say they are in Centerville Texas? There are no mountains here

    1. Would have been awesome if they had filmed it there in Centerville Tx. Home for 20 yrs 1995-2015


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