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~ James 1:17

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Lost Valentine ~ Hallmark Hall of Fame


The Lost Valentine

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Network: CBS

Original Air Date: January 30, 2011


Jennifer Love Hewitt ... Susan Allison, a TV reporter
Betty White ... Caroline Thomas
Meghann Fahy ... young Caroline
Billy Magnussen ... Neil Thomas
Sean Faris ... Lucas
Gil Gerard ... Neil Jr
Nadia Dajani ... Julie Oliver
Robert Pralgo ... David Oliver
Lori Beth Edgeman ... Jenny
Mike Pniewski ... Craig
Will Chase ... Andrew Hawthorne
Wilbur Fitzgerald ... Conductor
Keith Allen Hayes ... Orderly
Michael L. Covington ... Office Worker
Steve Warren ... Conductor
Shannon Guess ... Sue
Ron Clinton Smith ... Western Union Man
Kelso Harvin ... Senators Aide
Eddie Rattanasouk ... Orderly
Errol Suleyman ... Train commuter
Larry Mainland ... Train Conductor
Russell Babb ... Guerilla Soldier
Neill Calabro ... Alex the mover
Barry Hopkins ... Disabled Man
Susan Hope Lee ... Train Commuter
Justin Geer ... Jeff Billings
Mitch Grant ... Officer Harris
Alexis Camins ... Young Morang


The Lost Valentine, based on the novel by James Michael Pratt, stars Jennifer Love Hewitt as a reporter who profiles a woman (played by Betty White) whose husband was declared missing in action during World War II.

News reporter Susan Allison is looking for the perfect story about true love, though she doubts where such a thing really exists. Neil Thomas, Jr. wants the world to know about his parents’ bittersweet love story: On February 14, 1944, Caroline Thomas said good-bye to her beloved husband, a Navy pilot sent to the Pacific. For fifty years, she waited for him—until a miracle happened, and she received his lost valentine… In the present day, when Susan and Neil meet, can the story of Neil’s parents bring them together in a love as powerful as she dreams of and he remembers?

Movie Review:

A beautiful touching reminder of how precious love is!

THANK YOU to all of our Service Men and Women - past and present. GOD Bless You!

The World War II generation is a lovely setting for the love story of Neil and Caroline. As he is leaving with the Navy on a train - Caroline rushes to find him - and hands him a red envelope. Inside he finds a sweet Red Valentine shaped as a heart... written on it is a message telling him to keep it close to his heart and bring it home to her.

Betty White portrays Caroline, as an older woman now - recalling her love story to Susan, (Jennifer Love Hewitt) a TV Reporter. Neil was reported as Missing in Action those many years ago- and since that time, Caroline has returned every year on Valentine's Day at the train station to wait for him.

While Susan is following Caroline and Neil's love story - she is realizing herself, the meaning of true love. Her boyfriend, the nature photographer, has just proposed, and taken off again on another excursion halfway around the world.  He often places his own needs and pleasures ahead of hers. Lucas, Caroline's grandson, is altogether different - as a physical therapist, he is always helping others... as well, as being there for his grandmother. Susan instantly finds herself drawn to him... and he to her.

It's a beautiful story of lasting love til the very end.

Tissues absolutely needed!

See or Skip:

See, a timeless love story!

*There is nothing offensive in this, except there is one scene near the end I will caution for children, depicting war violence. This probably would not be entertaining for most younger viewers, anyway. This movie is more suited for maturer young people - and could be used as a great historical lesson. I know many adults enjoyed this movie - whether they are looking back at their own, their parents, or their grandparents generation!



  1. I know a friend of ours is playing Betty White's mom in the past scenes of when she was younger. Look for the name Kathy Dillard.

  2. Sean faris is also in this movie.

  3. Check out imdb.com (internet movie database link) -


    to see a complete list of cast and crew credits

  4. Meghann Fahy plays the young version of Betty White's character.


  6. I loved the book and can't wait for the movie. The Book was "The Last Valentine". I read it when I was 18. that was 10 years ago and Have been a fan of Mr. Pratt ever since.

  7. Gabe Guidry is also in this movie.

    1. Sure is! God Bless our military.

  8. I am looking forward to relaxing with a flickering soy candle to watch this wonderful and delightful movie. Robert, a aviation pilot in the army was deployed to Bosnia on January 3, 1995. I met Robert [from Georgia], in September/1995, while driving down the freeway, in Dallas, Texas.

    I was driving to my professional printer to print programs for a fashion show project at my former high school to raise scholarship funds. It was early Monday morning around 10:30am.

    As soon as I slid the music tape in the radio and turned the volume up extremely loud. I heard an audible voice saying, "He is your husband." I slammed my breaks, looking in the back seat to see if someone was hiding in my car.

    Turning my head back to the front I noticed the man flagging me to pull over aggressively. He was driving a brand new Cadillac, and he was handsome. The moment was perplexing because ten minutes prior I had just ended a relationship over the telephone and drove back upon the freeway speeding and listening to the music for the show to refresh my thoughts.

    Finally, I pulled over and Robert pulled up in front of me about the length of three cars. When he opened his car car and stepped out, I noticed his shoes, designer slack, and he walked with authority standing 6 feet 4.

    He was handsome, preppy, distinctive, distinguished, and debonair. Long story short we exchanged business cards after a twenty-minute chat. He was preparing to travel. He came back through Dallas, Texas the next week.

    We sat at the park across from my condo and he held my left hand as we talked for hours. He shared so much with me. He asked if he could sing to me, and I said, "OK." The moment he opened his mouth tear were trying to find my permission to fall. His voice was like silk, and angels singing out of heaven.

    I moved twice and misplaced all the information he gave me concerning his deployment to Bosnia. Finally, I felt as he may have lost his life. He said, to me before leaving, "I might not make it back from Bosnia." Afterwards, he shook his head, which caused me to stare at him in silence to remember him forever.

    January 17, 2011, I saw him in a dream. He was inside an isolated window with a thick pure white frame calling for me to come to him. I jumped up, in the dream running to my backyard to greet him. I jumped upon his waist because I was so happy to see him alive. I jumped down and danced with victory.

    He pointed to an estate facing south, saying, "This is for you." It was beautiful, but I was more excited to see him after 15 years come September/2011. He was dressed in casual navy blue preppy attire. He is a very meticulous dresser with unique style. The jacket was navy blue, the shirt was navy blue with thin white stripes, and navy blue designer slacks.

    He stood in his authoritative stand looking down into my eyes ready to smile. I saw him in another dream yesterday, dressed again, in navy blue. There is a military base directly behind my backyard and I wonder if he is now in Dallas, Texas? Everytime I see an army helicopter I think and wonder if it's Robert. Those dreams means something. Today, I learn about this movie "The Lost Valentine." I cannot wait to relax and enjoy this movie.

    Linda Johnson

  9. The railroad scenes were filmed in Chattanooga at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum. www.tvrail.com

  10. the movie just ended and my tissue box is empty!!!! it was such a great movie. a true must see. i wanna watch it again already!

  11. I just watched Lost Valentine. It was a wonderful love story. Betty White is such a great actress and this love story touched my heart and made me cry. My Mom and Dad met during WWII in San Francisco at a USO dance. I think more movies should be made with such honest, old fashioned stories. Loretta

  12. what is the song at the end of the movie when she is dancing with her husband?

    1. The song was dream a little dream of me and was on this occasion performed by the wonderful Doris Day

  13. I watched this movie from beginning to end tonight. I cried...I really enjoyed this movie. It's sort of on the lines of the movie "The Notebook", starring Rachel McAdams. I cannot remember the young man's name.

    1. I cried,too...and even when I tell someone about the movie, I am moved to tears.

  14. My grandparents and partents had this kind of love and we need to be sure we don't settle for less, I would certaintly hope that I would wait for him foever until I knew he was gone, he is my childrens father, and truth is you only get 1 true love, so you owe eternity to the othr one. It was so refreshing to see a movie about the way love CAN stay in love....no matter what. Thats true love, they gets you to your 25th, 50, and 75th still in love. A truly coragious story to write wher it touched every part of yourlfe Wonderul Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JANUARY 30, 2011

  16. just to let everyone know where those sailors at the end of the movie come from.....


  17. im trying to look for the soundtrack for this movie any help any body know? pls

  18. Kathy from Conn.Monday, January 31, 2011

    I saw The Lost Valentine on Tv last night and I want to say I loved it. It is nice to see a family film without sex and blood.
    And Betty White and all the other
    in was just great. Betty hasn't lost her touch. I would love to see more of her.

  19. Doloress Miami, FlMonday, January 31, 2011

    Excellent performance by Betty White, she deserves and award. Great movie.

  20. This movie was so wonderful - from the beginning to the end - a box of tissues in between - I loved everything about it. The story was wonderful and actors were tremendous. This movie will stand the test of time for it's pure message of true loves lasts forever! I'm so thankful I took the time to watch it!

  21. I have to say that was the best movie ever. My husband and I cried like babies the last half hour of the show. I wish they would play it again so my mother can watch it. Thank you Hallmark for such a wonderful movie. Evelyn Wilcoxon, Denver colorado

  22. it was a wonderful movie...i just cried and cried...couldn't help it...Betty is just awesome! well done movie

  23. Great movie - Why can't we have a lot more wholesome real movies these days? Thank you, Hallmark!!

  24. I don't know when a movie has touched me quite as much as The Lost Valentine. Betty White certainly deserves an Emmy for this one. When they bring her soldier home. . . Betty is transformed into this person we've never seen. She was so real and the scene was so poignant. Must see! I recorded it on DVR and I will probably watch it again with my husband on Valentine's Day.

  25. Loved this movie. Is it up to the viewers descretion on how it ended?

  26. Although "Dream a Little Dream of Me" was written in 1931, the recording by Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald that was played wasn't recorded until some time after the war had ended.

  27. To the one who requested the name of the song at the end of the movie when she is dancing with her husband, it is DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME by Ella Fitzgerald.

    I cried so much when I watched this movie. I can't wait to get it on DVD. My mother grew up during WWII and she told me stories of boyhood friends who were killed in the war. I can't imagine going through something so tragic as what Betty White's character did. I thought her acting was superb, the best I have ever seen. I normally have seen her in a comedic role, but this movie shows that she can do a serious roll without any problem what so every, even at age 89. What a true professional she is at her craft. I also felt the cast selection was wonderful. I have always loved a guy in uniform, in particular, the Naval dress whites. The actor they chose to portray Neil Thomas was absolutely breathtakingly handsome. It really pulled me into the roll of Caroline. What an absolutely wonderful and haunting story. I loved the ending where the rose bloomed as a symbol of his return, and then he was dancing with her, just like back in 1944. Cudos to the makers of this movie. Well done!!!

  28. What a Beautiful Romantic story..When will you be airing it again???So many more people need to experience this for themselves...,makes you really believe
    Love may exist!!!!

  29. I just watched the lost valentine with my mom. i am only 13 but that was the best movie i've ever seen. i cried, i smiled, and i laughed. it was an amazing movie and VERY well casted. you DEFINITLY should see it.

  30. Beautiful movie! I'm so glad I was able to watch it with my husband on our 18th anniversary.

  31. My husband, Ron Clinton Smith, is the Western Union Man who delivers the bad news to all the women in the movie. I cried and cried and cried watching Betty White react to her husband's casket near the end of this movie. She is phenomenal. I loved her already and thought she was one of the most hip 89 year old women I have ever seen. I thought my husband conveyed such a respect and empathy when he had to deliver the message that the husband was missing. He was such a dreaded figure to see coming down the street, but was able to show the humanity behind that.

  32. I thought Megan was amazing as the young version of Betty White. She shows such emotion with her eyes. My husband said he and she cried almost every time they did the take where he delivers the message from Western Union. This is such a wonderful story. It is so well directed. Darnel did a fabulous job.

  33. Last night I was in a bit of a quandary as I weighed up the option of watching at the movie 1am or wait till a saner time of day to catch LIV.

    My romantic side won over sanity and I decided to brave a slow day at the office on the morrow! My oh my!!!..and what an absolute joy it was to watch this! I was sniffing so loudly towards the end that my hubby woke up and asked if I had a bad dream lol.

    Lost in Valentine was beautifully portrayed by all concerned and JLH & BW were superb in their roles.

    I loved the interweaving love stories of Caroline & Neil and the budding modern romance between Lucas & Susan. Betty White is truly incomparable and she has aged very beautifully on screen and off screen. That scene at the station towards the end was just so heart rendering. Also Jennifer L Hewitt(despite the distracting eyelash extensions) portrayed Susan well and her onscreen chemistry with the very handsome Sean Faris was very believable. Faris ably underplayed Lucas without coming across as cheesy or corny as some of the lead romantic characters sometimes do in HM movies.

    This is one happy camper this morning despite the lack of sleep lol and guess what, this movie deserves another rewatch tonight.

    Kudos all round for a beautifully made drama/romance and certainly a keeper for HM Hall of Fame series. Well done :)

  34. The song at the end of the movie reminded me of the french song from "French Kiss" with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline. The song is "Les Yeux Overts" by The Beautiful South. It turns out there is an english version by them called "Dream a Little Dream." I always loved the french version but after hearing the english version, I think it's equally as beautiful.

  35. I loved this movie! I am a fan of Betty White and Jennifer Love Hewitt. I set my recorder to record it because I didn't want to miss it. I was crying so hard my husband came in to check on me. This is a movie I most definatly want to own and watch again. Thank you Hallmark.

  36. This movie had me crying so many times. My husband is in the U.S. Navy SEALs and I couldn't imagine losing him. I thought Betty White was fantastic. She is one of the best actresses from her time and my time. What a wonderful roll and how she played it felt so real.

  37. Does anyone know who sang "You'll Never Know" the song during the movie. I know Sinatra did but on the film who was it? It was my parents "song" and brought back many memories.
    I loved the book and the movie was good but not as moving as the paperback. Some things were lsot on it.
    Thank you.

  38. 'You'll Never Know' is a beautiful war-time song, and I'm pretty sure that was VERA LYNN (now Dame Vera Lynn) who also recorded that song back then, was the singer.

  39. Beautiful, beautiful movie. My wife and I had recorded the movie and watched it tonight. When the casket was brought forward in the end, Betty White's performance was so moving. My wife and I cried, thinking of our Dads who were in the military. We need more movies like this.

  40. I have enjoyed reading all the comments about the movie "The Lost Valentine". It was very well done and all those involved should feel very good about it. It is based on the book "The Last Valentine" written by my brother-in-law, James Pratt. He sent the initial draft to my wife and every time I came home I found her crying but upbeat. Finally I read the book and determined that Jim might just be a good novelist, so I financed the initial publication as no other publisher would. It was an hommage to his parents love and their fidelity to each other. She waited faithfully for 4 years for her sweetheart to come home during WWII before getting married. They stayed married for another 50 years, only seperated by death. They were a great couple. I didn't make any money on the intitial publication, but St. Martins Press picked the book up and now it is made into a movie. However, the reaction to the movie as epitomized by most everyones comments made our every effort worthwhile. The message conveyed is the one we wanted - that love is the most powerful force in our lives and that love truly is eternal when lived in it's noblest form.

  41. what channel can i catch up on as i missed the show an dreally want to see it please if anyone knows can u let me know thank you.

  42. Loved, loved, loved this movie. Betty White is wonderful. I would really like to see her in more Hallmark movies.

  43. There have been a few comments about the song "Dream A Little Dream of Me" at the end of the movie and it has been credited both times to Ella Fitzgerald. I don't doubt that she recorded the song at some time, but I just watched the movie again and it sure sounds like Doris Day singing in the soundtrack to me. Anyone have any definite info?

  44. One of the best Hallmark movies- Can Betty White do anything thats not top-notch? I hope she has more to come!

  45. One of the best Hallmark movies-Betty White is always awesome- the entire cast was good.hope to see more soon!

  46. I've been putting off watching this wonderful movie on my DVR because when my 18 year old daughter watched it she cried terribly. This was so beautifully done. Such a touching story which brought back so many memories to so many young lovers of that time. You couldn't have found a better actress than Betty White to play this part. Just a wonderful, wonderful movie!

  47. As the wife of the actor, Ron Clinton Smith, who played the Western Union man who delivered the bad news to Meghann Fahy, I am so appreciative of all the positive comments about this beautiful movie. I believe it should be an annual Valentine movie shown on Valentine's Day. Betty White is superb as are most of the actors in this precious movie.

    1. What's the name or composer of the instrumental that is played in the opening scene of the movie and that was also played during Betty White's emotional scene at the train station when her husband came home

  48. i really love this movie,, it inspires me a lot, that LOVE REALLY CAN STAND THE TEST OF TIME,,,

    im a Filipino and proud to be part of this movie,, thannkyou for inspiring me,,

  49. Does anyone have any idea what versions of "Dream a Little Dream" are in this movie! I'd love to buy them but i can't figure out which ones they are! And all the ones i see on Youtube just don't sound right!

  50. what an amazing film! just watched it on sky i dont think you could get a more romantic film than this! its an inspirational film not to take anything for granted and to hold on to love and never give up! the actors in it are amazing, well done to you all. i cried i dont know how many times in this film i just love it!

  51. The Song Dream a Little Dream of Me is not the Day Day version it is sung by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.

    Wikipedia also confim it "The Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong duet version of the song is featured in the 2011 Hallmark movie The Lost Valentine".


  53. This movie made me ball! It was so sad! But a very touching, beautiful story. :)

  54. In answer to a few both versions of dream a little dream were played. Both the duet of Luis Armstrong and Ella and at the end. Doris Day Such wonderful music.. And a soul touching story.

  55. I was able to work as an extra on this film, in Atlanta. Truly a great group of people, worked alongside Jennifer Love Hewitt, Betty, Sean and Gil as well as all the cast/crew. Was a great time, and Betty is so personable, she told funny stories between takes. She did an awesome dramatic job. I watched it again recently and cried so much. Truly touching story. And wonderful memories.

  56. Does anyone know who played the officer who pulled Betty Whites character away from the casket? Thought it might be Hugh Dillon but not sure. Thanks for anyone who can tell me.

  57. Fantastic love story! Really tugs at the emotions. Definitely one of the top ten love stories. Betty White and Jennifer Love Hewitt are fantastic. Betty White should have received an Emmy for her role.

  58. I was born 1987 and now well in my 20s. I have no idea how it really feels to be in a time of war but this movie made me realize how scary and sad it can be.

    I fell in love with Caroline and Neil's love story. I watched it twice in one day. First, I watched it on my own and I couldn't help but feel really heartbroken and cried during the last couple of scenes.

    The second time, I was already crying at the beginning. I was laughing and crying at the same time like crazy. Laughing because I was with friends and I can't wait to see them cry as well. On the other hand, crying because I already know what's gonna happen and it just makes me feel sad all over again. It's weird really. I love this movie. I can't wait to watch it again with my fiancee.

  59. It was a wonderful, a very wonderful movie that I cannot forget. I think this is really the best movie that I have ever watch. I really enjoyed this movie. It really touched my heart. It made me cry. And I really want to watch it over and over again. It will not be redundant. And even when I’m about to sleep, I still remember it.

  60. Hi Net, Am from the UK but somehow found your blog, absolutely love it. Have watched many of the movies you have focused on but must admit I was not prepared for the tears when I watched this movie, so very touching, sobbed my heart out...just what I needed! God bless you and your site xxx


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