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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Thursday, June 6, 2024

❄Merry Movie Week❄ On Hallmark Mystery Is Nearly TWO Weeks Away ►►

Hallmark Mystery is bringing all the wonder and merriment of the Christmas movie season back with their *Merry Movie Week* in June!

This event doesn't officially kick off until Friday, June 21st; however, the night before, on the Eve of *Merry Movie Week*, Hallmark Mystery is giving viewers TWO Christmas movies as a bonus launch - Murder, She Baked: A Plum Pudding Mystery at 7pm/6c., and The Royal Nanny at 9pm/8c.!

Here's a preview of *Merry Movie Week* on Hallmark Mystery:

Look for these beloved classic Hallmark Christmas movies during *Merry Movie Week*:

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas, To All a Good Night, A Glenbrooke Christmas, Heaven Down Here, Miracle in Bethlehem, PA (pictured above), Time for Her to Come Home for Christmas, A Veteran’s Christmas, My Christmas Guide, A Season for Family, Project Christmas Wish, A World Record Christmas, A Homecoming for the Holidays, The Christmas Secret, and much more!

See the Christmas TV Schedule for the Christmas movies airing in June and during Christmas in July!

May Your Day Be
Merry & Bright!


  1. Delighted that those who don't have the Mystery (HMM) Channel are getting the chance to see To All A Goodnight - it's a class movie - Florence

  2. I can’t wait to watch again, World Record Christmas, & Christmas Secret

    1. I’m watching The Christmas Secret right now. In my opinion, it is still Bethany’s best movie.

  3. Why not July? Is it mid June?

  4. If anyone wants to watch it early, A Greek Recipe for Romance is now streaming on HMN. -Maria

  5. Yay so excited for Merry Movie week! I’m hoping they play USS Christmas, as I had recorded it and it accidentally got deleted. Also some throwbacks would be great, love the older Hallmark movies.


    1. Paula, Unfortunately, "USS Christmas" is not scheduled to play during Christmas in July on either channel. Hopefully, they will air it at Christmastime. It is one of my all-time favorites, too!

      If it helps, Amazon has "USS Christmas" on DVD. The price is currently under $10.

      I sure wish Great American Family would take the opportunity to match Jen Lilley and Trevor Donovan together again! :)

      Blessings, Net

  6. Will we see a Christmas Mystery such Murder She Baked:A Plum Pudding Mystery during Miracles of Christmas in October

  7. I am getting so excited for Christmas movies. We always watch the Tour de france and it will be that and Christmas for me leading up to the olympics July 26th. I might have to miss the last few days of Christmas in july for the olympics.

    I will say I was sad and happy to see the movies from HMM moved over to HM in July. Happy to get to see them, but worried they are moving there so they cannot do HMM movies 24/7 in October. I usually only watch HMM cause that's the only way i get the older movies that weren't an agenda. But moving them to HM, they are missing SO many good ones like Romance at Reindeer Lodge, With Love, Christmas, Looks Like Christmas, Christmas List, Trading Christmas and Northpole.

    I fear if they stop movies 24/7 on HMM i will miss all the good movies and it will only be the newer movies.

    PS, I loved the 1st year they had Hallmark Drama, they played Christmas in October and I literally only watched that channel cause it was ALL the movies I loved and older movies.

    1. Hey Sabrina, Good to hear from you! I always enjoy hearing your enthusiasm for the Christmas movies!!!

      As I was posting the Christmas TV Schedule, I, too, was noticing just how many Christmas movies from the previous Hallmark Movies & Mysteries made their way over to the Hallmark Channel for Christmas in July... including the trilogy of A Godwink Christmas movies, A Little Christmas Charm, A Homecoming for the Holidays, A Veteran's Christmas, A World Record Christmas, A Season for Family, Heaven Down Here, The Christmas Note, Project Christmas Wish, Miracle in Bethlehem, PA, To All a Good Night, ALL of the Time to Come Home for Christmas movies and more!

      I'm wondering if they are just trying to give people, who don't have Hallmark Mystery, an opportunity to see these movies, so maybe they'll upgrade their cable package or purchase a streaming package to get it at Christmastime.

      Or... maybe since *Merry Movie Week* is rather short, perhaps they thought viewers might be happier if they aired some of the HMM originals during Hallmark Channel's *Christmas in July*. Just a couple hunches!

      I also noticed they are playing MANY of the Christmas movies in July just once! The Most Wonderful Time of the Year has one special showing on July 4th, along with A Veteran's Christmas.

      The one movie that really surprised me that only has one showing is Christmas Waltz. I think of it as being a fan-favorite, so I couldn't believe they are only showing it once at 11am (which is such an odd time for a well-loved movie), also on July 4th.

      Of course, the schedule could still change around some before we reach July. Since I've been posting the Christmas in July schedule, the movies have already moved around 3 times. Some changes, however, were less noticeable.

      By the way, I also miss those classics you mentioned. I was, however, happy to see A Very Merry Mix-Up, Snow Bride, Christmas Town, Let it Snow, etc...!

      Blessings, Net

    2. Wow, that’s a lot of movies from the HMM library. That will be nice for those who haven’t seen them.

  8. Speaking of Christmas movies, did anyone watch The Secret Gift of Christmas from last year? I looked and it was the same writer as A Gift Wrapped Christmas, and the movie had so many of the same things from that movie including:
    -She gets him the wrong color suit, she even says it matched his eyes
    -She gets a client a gift basket he loves so much and he comes in to tell Chris Russell, same as gift wrapped
    -she wants to get Chris Rusell measurements, and he says Marco has them
    -her sister fixes her up on a bad date like in gift wrapped
    -she even says she uses her "personal touch" same as Gwen says in gift wrapped

    I am sorry, I just do not understand how a writer of a movie would write another movie with the exact storyline, almost to a tee, and call it a new movie? I mean why? Cause it is easy? Was this a script from the writers strike time and they just changed a few names, made the kid older, and slapped a done on it?

    I LOVE Meghan Ory, but she was not anywhere near as charming as Meredith Hagner. Chris Russell was good, only reason I kept trying to watch it. And also so I could see how many things they would dare put in this movie that were the same as Gift wrapped. I thought no way they will put anymore of the same in, but they did.

    I do not get it, why anyone would put their name on this, they should have called it Gift Wrapped 2, and said it was the same agency and Gwen wasn't there anymore and MO was there now.

    I was just in amazement when they client CR wanted came in and was all about the gift he got. And when she said her personal touch I was like what??? They even had him asking her to get a gift for a teacher and she asked could his wife help, and he said no. That was cause, guess what, his wife had passed away. Hmm, sound familiar?

    This was one of the laziest movies I have seen, and I LOVE the director, and the actors and actresses in it. Why on earth would you use a copied movie and even the same lines?

    I have so many 2023 movies on my dvr, and after watching this one, I dread trying others. Ugh. HM had to have 45 or whatever new movies to beat the other networks, and just passed this movie off as one of them when it was not even a good movie of Gift Wrapped.


    1. Sabrina, I 100% agree with EVERYTHING you said!!! It actually felt like they were almost mocking "A Gift Wrapped Christmas," which I truly love.

      I hadn't realized one of the three writers actually wrote "Gift Wrapped." Wow. Thank you for sharing that. However, I definitely noticed all of the similarities while watching. That's awesome that you remembered them all to list. It's even more than I realized.

      I wonder if it was initially supposed to be a "Gift Wrapped 2," like you mentioned, but since it went to Hallmark, they had to change the name???

      Whatever the case, it was nearly as bad as "A Cozy Christmas Inn" being part 2 to "Christmas Under Wraps."

    2. Hey Net,

      I may be a little harder on this movie cause I have watched Gift Wrapped probably hundreds of times, seriously. I love the movie and know it pretty well. I was in awe of how much was the same. And why? I feel HM just wants to have the most new movies and they pass this off. I had high hopes too. I have so many movies on the dvr and recently I have just watched older movies like the 12 Dates of Christmas with Amy Smart. That might have been for ABC or something. It was cute. I am just getting excited for Christmas in July in June :)

      My husband knows the Gift Wrapped movie very well so I kept pausing it to tell him the parts that were the same. He was laughing. He laughs everytime I watch it, he says the personal shopper again. I just love little Owen and how Gwen brings happiness for Charlie and Owen.


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