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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Praying for the Families in Texas...

Dear Friends,

I had a post previously scheduled for today to celebrate the 25th of May and 7 months 'til Christmas as we countdown to Christmas, but I decided to delay that until tomorrow.

Today I wanted to share that my heart and prayers are going out to the victims' families and friends in Uvalde, Texas. The news is absolutely heartbreaking. I know many of you here are also praying earnestly, as well, for the Lord to comfort those who are hurting.

Whether you're the parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, sibling, etc... to young children, I'm sure we'll all be holding our little ones even closer. Life is, indeed, so precious. And children are so innocent. This is a reminder that sadly we live in a sinful word and we must cling tightly to our faith and hope in Jesus. In the midst of darkness, He is the light.

Take care, everyone...
God bless you all, Net


  1. So sad. The children only had 2 days left in school. I can’t imagine what those parents are going through. It’s hard to imagine someone could do this to young kids. What’s wrong with our society?

  2. I heard of this earlier through a prophet who had us all praying for these families. The devil is here to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil is a liar. Praying the Lord will be present with these families through the Holy Spirit who comforts us all. The victory is ours in Christ Jesus! Too many are serving the devil in this nation. We need revival and we need it now! Only God can help us!

    1. Kitkat, are you saying the prophet spoke of this before it happened (at times prophets can forecast the future by Divine inspiration), or this person just happened to be the person that let you know about it afterward?

      Such a horrible tragedy. Really breaks my heart. So many are living in darkness, yet they think they are living in the light. That's what makes it so scary.

    2. Jim, the prophets did not predict this. It was after the fact I listened live to one of the prophets and heard this. Had God revealed this to them, action would have been taken. Many things have been revealed that have come to pass. Things like the pandemic was told years before it happened. The shutdowns, the masks, and the shots. Even the election of President Trump was predicted by God back in 2000. Everything came to pass like the prophets said.

      They are telling us things that are currently taking place but the news media are keeping it from us. God is on the move. Things like killing children and the unborn hurts the heart of God. This is coming to an end. This nation belongs to God and the devil can not snatch it out of the hand of God. This is a free nation and was founded on God Almighty. This is the year of Jubilee!

      The blood of Jesus paid the price for each of us. We are eternally free if we are covered by His blood!

      Net, if this is more than you think should be on this site, feel free to edit it.

    3. Jim, I have tried to tell others but they won't believe me. My best friend, my husband, and my family think I am just talking. If you want to hear more, go to YT and look up the prophets. I don't think I should name names here. Please ask God for discernment because all prophets may not be speaking the words of God. I do not listen to all of them.

  3. Joyce in CarolinaWednesday, May 25, 2022

    We live in dark times! The evil that surrounds us today is sad! People do not realize how blind Satan has made not just the USA but the entire world! Jesus is our only hope! Praying for those families that lost those precious children! Thank you Net for you thoughtful post!

    1. Amen, Joyce! I absolutely agree... Jesus is our only hope!

  4. Last year there were 249 school shootings - by far the highest number on record. This year there have already been 137 school shootings. These shootings are feeding off each other, and the shooters (oftentimes teens, if not younger!) have easier access to guns then ever before! I know the following is not the solution to every situation, but many parents need to stop being "friends" with their kids and start being parents, which means watching over them - giving them less freedom - and saying "no" when necessary!

    1. Mark 25, I had no idea there were so many school shootings last year until this week. You are so right - children today need guidance, discipline, accountability, and self-control. Sadly, these virtues are lacking in many of the younger generations.

  5. Praying with everyone here for healing for this Texas town.

  6. I strongly ditto all the comments! You who wrote put into clear words the thoughts I have. Pressing into Jesus during these times...Come quickly, Lord!

  7. These are very Dark and depressing times. Jesus is are Rock and only by our faith can we see are way through this. Parents pay attention to your children and get them help when they need it. Thank you Net for your thoughtful post. My Daughter in Laws mom was the child Psychologist killed in Sandy Hook elementary shooting. This keeps happing and is very hard to understand. Without my Faith, that is the only thing that gets you through this.

    1. Jersey Joe, Oh my... I'm so sorry for your family and daughter-n-law. I'm sure stories like this, make it seem fresh again. My heart breaks for her and the other families suffering this horrible loss.

      I'm so glad you have your faith to cling to. Jesus is certainly the answer!

  8. Thank you for your concern and your remarks.

    My nephew is a school board member in another district, his wife is a teacher in the district, and they have 3 young children going to school there. I'm sure they, along with all those who deal with children throughout the state, and indeed the nation and beyond, appreciate the prayers of all who are shocked and appalled by such senseless incidents.
    Hal, Austin

    1. Hal (TV Senior), I can't imagine what teachers are thinking of right now. I taught school for awhile, myself, and I know we were quite vulnerable at the time. Praise God nothing ever happened, but I know our doors were always open to anyone. I sure hope they make changes so our schools are not soft targets any more.

      I'll certainly be praying for all teachers dealing with this.

  9. Please Pray for Texas. The School shootings makes me very mad.

  10. Aww, my heart cries for them. Praying now.


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