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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

'A Christmas in Vermont' - an ION Christmas Movie!

Actor Chevy Chase stars in a NEW Christmas Movie, but No, this is not Clark Griswold's "Christmas Vacation", or a sequel. This movie was previously known as: 'Vermont Christmas Vacation,' however it was re-named 'A Christmas in Vermont.' Chevy Chase is the actor who made the original "Vacation Movie" franchise so popular in his role as Clark W. Griswold.

"National Lampoons Christmas Vacation" first premiered in theaters in 1989, and it remains a fan favorite to this day!

Now for details on this new movie...


Movie: A Christmas in Vermont

Previously Tiled: Vermont Christmas Vacation

Network: ION

Original Air Date: November 27, 2016

this is the previous movie title!


Abigail Hawk ... Riley Thomas
Chevy Chase ... Preston Bullock
David O'Donnell ... Wyatt Davis
Howard Hesseman ... Nick Harper
Zack Ward ... David Briggs
Gerald Webb ... Steve
Ben Giroux ... Cyril
Meredith Thomas ... Dana
Mary-Kate O'Connell ... Edie
Bob Rusch ... Frank
Guy Tomassi ... Jesse
Don Vidler ... Phil
Pricilla Young-Asker ... Miriam
Wendy Egloff ... Wendy
Tiffany Paige ... Receptionist
Brian Nolan ... Kevin
Anica Barbosa ... Lana
Michael Gaglio ... Jim
David Bianchi ... Bart


via ION press release:
Riley Thomas is sent by her profit-obsessed boss to shut down one of the company's holdings, a small outerwear company in Vermont, for missing profit targets. Riley finds that the company is the lifeblood of a town and, instead of closing down the iconic firm, she unexpectedly falls in love and learns valuable lessons beyond the bottom line.

Produced by: Hybrid Films

Movie Review:


See or Skip:




  1. Though they're selling this with Chase, I wouldn't expect him to have more than a glorified cameo, given this film's modest budget.

    Honestly, there's no way this can't suffer by any comparison to National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and as much as I will most certainly watch this one, I'm prepared to be extremely disappointed, as I have been my most of what Chase has done of late. (He's a shadow of his former comedic self, sadly.)

    Lastly, speaking of movie titles, as you were in yesterday's post, I'm shocked that this is really going to be called Vermont Christmas Vacation, particularly given Chase's (almost-certainly) minor role. One would think that the National Lampoon people would be all over this obvious attempt to draft off their most valuable property; surprised a network work take that legal risk.

  2. Yes!! I have always loved Chevy Chase and can't wait to see this! I love watching him regardless of if he has a large or small part in a movie. Looking forward to this! Thanks for the heads up, Net!


  3. Being a Christmas movie fanatic, Chevy Chase is not the draw for me, though it's disappointing to see the depth to which Chase will go to be in a movie these days. I'm just looking for something with a plot not used in every Larry Levinson to date. Based upon the description, this comes too unfortunately close to All She Wants For Christmas. We'll see...

    1. This isn't a Larry Levinson production

  4. I used to watch Chevy Chase a long time ago in the funny movies he was in. It's been awhile. I'll keep on the lookout for this.

    Oh, the Christmas movies will be out soon, I can't wait, especially those Hallmark ones!! Some of them are really good.


  5. Actually, I'm interested in seeing Blue Bloods' Abigail Hawk (Baker) in a more substantial role. She has been in Blue Bloods from the beginning, but has never had more than a couple of lines or so an episode. I'd like to see what she can do with a bigger role. I'm also a fan of David O'Donnell.

    The plot, unfortunately, is a very familiar one, however, as I have seen the "corporate person comes in to shut down local business but falls in love instead and saves the business" plot at least 3-4 times in previous Christmas movies.

    Still, I'll give this one a look and see what it offers.

  6. cant wait to see David O'Donnell again. Loved him as Andy in Garland (that's what I call Christmas Under Wraps, which I preordered from walmart and will get Nov 4th).

  7. I can't imagine that Chevy Chase has more than a line or two in this. I'm not a fan of his anymore and won't be watching this one even if he's only in it for a few seconds.

  8. I recently learned that “A Christmas in Vermont” was filmed in and around my hometown of Buffalo, New York. As was last years “A Prince for Christmas.” Which I thought was the best Christmas movie of 2015. And a thriller called a “A Mother’s Revenge” which aired on USA this past May. All three were directed by Fred Olen Ray. Who has said this area is one of the best places there is to shoot a movie.

    According to our local media, Chevy Chase did not film his scenes in Buffalo. That could mean that his role is very limited. As some have suggested. It could also mean he wanted too much money to film on location. Or it could mean nothing at all.

    I was looking forward to a “A Christmas in Vermont” even before I knew it was filmed in my neck of the woods. I’m obsessed with Christmas movies. Even if the plot isn’t very original Skyojedi already pointed out, chances are it’s going to be a very enjoyable and entertaining movie.

  9. What is the companys name in this movie?

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