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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

It's Official! Hallmark Drama is now Hallmark Family - Details Here:

As of today, the end of an era has come as Hallmark Drama is rebranded to Hallmark Family. If you turn to the channel, you will now see the Hallmark Family logo, which has replaced Hallmark Drama in the lower right-side corner of the screen.

You can see the difference in these two images...

The network also released a new promo - giving viewers an idea of what the new Hallmark Family name means, and it appears the channel will air more of the same content we are used to - family dramas, like Little House on the Prairie and The Waltons and classic Hallmark movies.

Video Promo:

The New Logo Look:

As I was creating this post and staring at the new logo versus the old, I noticed how the company name, Hallmark, has become smaller, while the word Family is far bigger than Drama in the previous logo. The emphasis is strategically focused on the word Family over Hallmark, which I find to be rather interesting.

I pulled up my Frndly TV programming guide to see if changes had been made there, and yes, they have. For those of you who have this streaming service, if you don't have your Frndly TV guide in alphabetical order, then you should find Great American Family and Hallmark Family side by side in the guide. It was easier to tell the two apart before, but now that Hallmark Drama is Hallmark Family, I'm wondering if that might confuse some viewers into thinking they are watching Great American Family. It makes one wonder?

I know Great American Family and Hallmark Family aren't close on DirecTV, but are they close (in channel number) through other cable services?

Anyway, I wanted to be sure to mention this big change for Hallmark Drama to Hallmark Family today. Is this a channel you watch often or plan to watch more of since the rebranding? I must say, I don't watch regularly, but every now and then, I tune in when the network plays a classic Hallmark movie I love from years back.

Happy watching, everyone!


  1. Hmmm isn’t that a coincidence, lol, I guess Hallmark taking this step proves they are worried about the growth of Great American Family! Maybe we will get some regular good ole rom coms on Hallmark Family now too, only time will tell, but I can assure you there’s no fooling most of us, we know our channels, lol! Thanks for the info Net, Happy Lent~Susan Ann

  2. On Comcast Hallmark Family is channel 1460 and Great American Family is channel 1461. I also turn in when a classic Hallmark Hall of Fame movie is shown. Otherwise I do not watch it all.

  3. I sometimes record movies on this network. -Maria

  4. Thank you NetπŸ₯°

    I had to comment because I believe "The Waltons" is the best show Ever put on TV...
    Columbo is my favorite Slueth!!
    So I record them both all the time, Columbo is only early Sat/Sun usually.

    Thankfully GAF does 24hr Columbo marathons on weekends sometimes.

    Hopefully H Family will not change The Waltons or Columbo, I'd love more old classic movies, ones that barely get shown, like they did back at Christmas- some it had been Years since last airing.
    We shall see...
    May God Bless your every breathπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  5. It is not concidence. Hallmark is trying everything to get viewers to channel that not every cable company carries. I am surprised that they are airing one movie weeknights. Overall hallmark is ratings trouble.

  6. I may have mentioned this before. The old Hallmark Drama and now with change, DISH tv only offers this in Standard Definition. Curious if this is the way it is on other platforms.

    1. JoCo, That is interesting because DirecTV only offers Hallmark Drama/Hallmark Family in HD. For us, the station was never very dependable. If it got windy, we would loose it right away. We only get it through Frndly now. It's HD there, too. ~Net

  7. I agree. They are trying to look similar.

  8. I rarely watch it since I mainly use cable, but I do have FRNDLY, too.

  9. It's about time you recognize that Hallmark should be FAMILY viewing. I stopped watching over a year ago because the movies were no longer family friendly. Time will tell if Hallmark really is truly FAMILY FRIENDLY.

  10. I know they are calling it "Family" but i am pretty sure I still saw some same sex character movies on the movie list. So I am not sure it is "family" as many might think. It feels like they move many of the movies that didn't do well on the other channels to this channel. I miss when it was mostly the Hall of fame movies but now many of the movies they moved here are the Mahogany line, the same sex movies that didn't do well. I wish it could just be all the movies 2015 and earlier, then i would watch it.

    They used to play the SSD series, but haven't seen that in a long time.


    1. Sabrina, Yeah, you're right... I'm sure they will still air a variety of what they deem to be "family-friendly" Hallmark movies.

      And, yeah, I agree, it does seem like some of the movies there are from their B-list or something.

      As for "Signed, Sealed, Delivered," I have good news... Hallmark Family is airing a movie marathon on Easter Sunday!!! :)

      Blessings, Net

    2. It seems crazy to me that they are trying to change the image a bit, but then the first week of “FAMILY” they showed at least one Same-sex couple movie. I recorded it thinking “how did I miss this the first time around?” 5 mins in, the lead mentions her daughter and GF visiting. On the FAMILY channel? I don’t think they understand what we consider family friendly… A fail!
      We need a Hall of Fame channel. Actual quality entertainment.

  11. Love the Little House pics, Net! That smile on Laura’s face is the best!

    I do see what you’re saying about the new logo. Family is a whole lot bigger than Hallmark. That is strange they would make Hallmark smaller in size. I thought their brand would draw viewers in, but now it looks like they are trying to hide it.

  12. Isn't this interesting. Seems that Hallmark is worried about their viewers since Great American Family is showing decent movies and programming, unlike some of the questionable movies on Hallmark. Hallmark has gone diversified and unexceptionable to families who want their family to watch decent family movies. So I guess Hallmark is rethinking or Maybe trying to make people think they have cleaned up their programming..

  13. I was just about to take a nap when I saw this wonderful news about Aurora Christmas:



  14. On Dish they are not by each other, GAF is Ch. 165 and HF is 186 I believe. I don't watch Hallmark Drama/Family very often because it isn't available in HD on Dish. Otherwise I would probably record the movies on there.

  15. Will we see Christmas movies on Hallmark Family?

  16. Are the Waltons done? 24 hours of Little House now?

    1. No, "The Waltons" are not over on Hallmark Family. The channel is currently airing a special week-long marathon of "Little House on the Prairie" episodes to honor the 50th Anniversary of that show.

      "The Waltons" will be back along with Hallmark Family's regular programming on Monday, September 23rd.


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