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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Caution #2: Freeform’s Holiday Movie "Angry Angel"

When I first learned about Freeform’s upcoming original Christmas movie “Angry Angel” back in April, my spirit was immediately on guard- regarding the name of the movie and the short synopsis that was given, at the time. (see *here* or below...)

The original synopsis…

From director/producer Will Gluck of "Easy A" and "Annie" comes "Angry Angel" (working title), the story of a young woman who tries to get back to heaven after she seriously messes up. During this quest, she bumps into the love of her life and suddenly heaven doesn't seem so great after all. Think "It's a Wonderful Life" for the Snapchat generation. Produced by Olive Bridge Entertainment in association with Sony Pictures Television, Will Gluck and Richard Schwartz will serve as executive producers. "Angry Angel" (working title) is an all-new scripted two-hour movie, premiering in December 2017.

At the time (back in April) I shared these thoughts….

My Take:

As I read and re-read the description above for "Angry Angel," it sounds like to me, Hollywood is attempting, once again, to skew our religious beliefs. One does not "mess up" and leave heaven. We are saved by God's grace.

This would not be the first time that Freeform/ABC Family's so called Holiday programming was less than family-friendly or respectful of religious beliefs, or the Christmas holiday. ("Christmas Cupid" is a prime example)

I personally found the title of the movie, "Angry Angel," to be extremely offensive. To portray an Angel as Angry over frivolous (worldly) matters - is quite demeaning. Since this is the working title, it may change before it airs on TV, this Christmas, but I still want to caution you all - I have a strong feeling that this movie may not be in the same sweet-nature as Clarence, in "It's a Wonderful Life." (as they claimed)

And now…

Since then, a cast has been named for this made-for-TV movie… Jason Biggs (Orange is the New Black), Brenda Song (Pure Genius), Ricky Mabe (Preacher), Andrew Bachelor (Meet the Blacks) and Andy Favreau (The Mick).
And a new synopsis via Freeform…
(NOT for children to read, please!)
“Angry Angel follows a young woman turned angel, Allison Pyke (Song), who is stuck on Earth and can’t seem to ring the right bells in order to pass through those pearly gates into heaven. When the love of her life, Patrick (Mabe), shows up in New York City, it complicates Pyke’s journey as well as frustrates her angel mentor Jason Biggs (Biggs). The not-so-merry situation also turns into an unexpected love triangle with her friend with sometimes benefits, Barker (Favreau).”

My Take #2:
All of my concerns over this new Holiday movie, “Angry Angel,” have been completely justified in this new synopsis. Everything about this production twists reality and the spiritual realm entirely upside down.
Freeform’s “Angry Angel” is a complete mockery of Christianity and celestial beings… featuring a (“supposed return-to-earth”) angel who is in love with two men, one who is a friend, (and I QUOTE) “with sometimes benefits.” (This is blatant immorality.)
I am not surprised over what Freeform (who has increasing gone the way of the world) has created here, but I am deeply offended that they are boldly taking something so Holy and Precious, as one of God’s Angels, and making a deceptive parody of them. This caricature is completely false. Blasphemy. Sacrilegious. They must have no shame or respect for God’s Holy Word as they attempt to destroy something so sacred. Angels are supernatural messengers of God… holy, mighty and powerful!
Please – everyone do everything you can to warn your family and friends NOT to watch “Angry Angel” this holiday season on Freeform. This is not a cute little Christmas TV movie they are making here. They are trying to send a message– attempting to mock and destroy the very truth of God’s Word.
I am saddened to share this news, but I just had to inform you all of the worldly content within this movie. Please, join me in praying for those involved with this production.
Blessings, Net


  1. I agree with you Net, this movie is not worth watching. I am reminded of this Be in the world, but not of the world and the scripture in Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
    I pray many others will stand behind you and with you and not conform and watch this movie. Bless You Net!

    1. Thank you for sharing! I truly appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Blessings back to you!!! :)

  2. I agree. I will not be watching it.

  3. Thanks for the heads up...really appreciate all you do. I won't be watching this movie either!

    1. You're welcome, scrapnkaren. I was shocked when I read the storyline, and yet, not surprised. Sadly, this is the state of the world today. That's why we are to be in it, but not of it.

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment and support! I'm so glad you enjoy visiting here... I always enjoy hearing from you!

      Blessings, Net :)

  4. I will not watch this movie Net! Thanks so much for the heads up. The title itself says it all. We should pray for the ones putting this movie together...they need our prayers because they don't know our Lord!

    Thanks again for all of your hard work! Blessings!

    1. Thank you so much, Joyce! Your comment means so much to me! They absolutely do need our prayers.

      I'm truly grateful for you & your support!

      Blessings!!! Net :)

  5. Thanks Net. I will put this one on my 'pay it no mind' list.

    1. Great idea, Jim! Hope that list isn't too long this year! LOL!!! :)

  6. The division has begun, Net, good versus evil and many are crossing the line. "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold", Matthew 24:12. I, too will not be watching this movie!

    1. So true, Linda! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and God's wisdom through the scriptures with us.

      Blessings to you! Net :)

  7. I love it when you do this, this is the best part of everything you do, standing up for what's right, and fighting against what's just wrong.
    I love you for this.

    1. Awe, thank you A Wonderful Fan! What a beautiful thing to say! I knew from the moment I read the storyline description I just had to share this here. I'm so grateful for your uplifting, supportive message! It gives me hope!

      Blessings to you! Net :)

  8. I don't even know how they can call this a "holiday" movie. I am personally appalled by this movie and I for sure will not be watching it! I agree that since ABC Family turned to Free Form I rarely watched it, even right before they changed the name to free form, what they had on there was NOT family friendly shows.
    Thanks for the Heads up Net! even if you hadn't posted about this and I saw that synopsis it would have never interested me.

    1. I'm so glad to hear your thoughts on this, too, Sarah. Hopefully many will join us and feel the same. I'm with you - much of what they offer now on Freeform is not family-friendly. In fact, like you, I rarely turn there anymore, as well, unless it's an old family movie I know I can trust. Even then, the commercials are still not good.

      Thank you for sharing your support, Sarah!
      Blessings!!! Net :)

  9. I stopped watching ABC Family about a year before they became freeform. I don't even watch what people would consider safe/clean movies that play on there. This just confirms all I knew to be true! And I will never turn that channel on again. Thanks for the warning. Though I wouldn't have seen this on the tv since I don't watch FreeForm, it might have appeared on netflix or something. And now I can tell my friends who do still watch their channel for holiday movies!

    1. Thank you so much, Melissa, for your comment! It is such a blessing to know so many others who have moral convictions when it comes to their TV viewing. I believe that is why Hallmark's ratings are up, while others are down. People know they can trust their station for wholesome family viewing, not only at the Holiday season, but mostly, all year round!

      I so appreciate your response! Thank you, again, so much!!! :)
      Blessings to you, Net

  10. It's not religious!!! I don't wanna watch it.

    I wonder why they change from ABC Family to Freeform

    1. Unfortunately, it appears they wanted to move away from the family aspect of their old station name and free themselves to be whatever they choose.

  11. The fact that Freeform would even (unsuccessfully) attempt to compare this movie to “It’s a Wonderful Life” shows that they must not know what “It’s a Wonderful Life” is about. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Clarence (the angel from “It’s a Wonderful Life”) is an angel who seems satisfied with staying in Heaven and all he wants to do is get his wings. The reason why Clarence helps George is not because Clarence was looking out for his own interests, but because Clarence is answering the prayers of George’s family and friends that were created to save George’s life. Though it’s sad that Freeform decided to make these tasteless decisions, at least Hallmark Movies & Mysteries has two upcoming Christmas films that seem more respectful to Christianity and angels: “When God Winks” and “Christmas in Angel Falls”.

    1. Yes, it is refreshing and wonderful to know Hallmark is embarking on these wonderful faith filled movies, like the ones you mentioned... “When God Winks” and “Christmas in Angel Falls”!

      Plus, more of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" is on the way next year and we will also have "Karen Kingsbury's Maggie's Christmas Miracle" this Holiday Season.

      I agree with you... I cannot even imagine any movie ever comparing to "It's a Wonderful Life" and giving the impression that this movie is in any way similar is, well... impossible. So true!

      Thank you so much for sharing!!!
      Blessings, Net :)

  12. Pride And Prejudice And Mistletoe
    TV Movie

    I still waiting for this when it will start filming in Toronto but it's still on Production hiatus for Hallmark

  13. Seeing commercials for this movie made me wonder what the whole movie was about. I am also a Christian and I probably shouldn't have watched this, I will admit that. At first I thought I liked the movie once it was finally over, but in reality I don't think that I did, because after I watched it and even while watching it I kept pointing out how wrong everything was.

    #1 People that die ended up getting new bodies and not going to Heaven. They had to go to Earth to do good deeds and gain so many points on an App before they could get into Heaven, which is completely false. We are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it's not about the good works we have done and there is a verse about that Titus 3:5-7 "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    #2 While coming back to Earth, they kept claiming that it was completely fine to be horrible to everyone; to drink, have unmarried sex and screw people over.

    #3 They tried to get the point across where the "Angels" that got sent back to Earth to do good deeds and perform miracles, they were to fight other Angels and try and get to a miracle before another Angel did, so they could get the points to go to Heaven first before anyone else.

    #4 When actually in Heaven, the "Angels" would drink and go to parties. They never even mentioned God AT ALL other than to say "Omg" a million times. Other then that, he was not mentioned at all. They made it seem like Heaven was just some big place to party, but if you stole or did anything stupid, you got kicked out and had to earn points again in order to go back.

    1. Missy S, Thank you so much for sharing this very thorough review of Freeform's "Angry Angel". I'm saddened to hear all the further details and contents of this movie that you shared here with us. My greatest concern, is that people will watch this film and believe it to be true. Sadly, this will happen and people will use it to justify a life of sin.

      I am very appreciative you took the time to share with us your thoughts and warn others not to watch this movie. Your spirit knew the movie was not right and I pray others who watch feel the same.

      Just reading what you shared is in the film... angels drinking, using the term "OMG" (which I detest) over and over, as well as immorality, and competing against other angels to earn 'good deed' points from an App.... It all sounds so horrible... I honestly think watching it would make me sick to my stomach.

      But... I will not let them win. Instead, I will proclaim the Good News... Christmas is a Holy Season, when the Angels (perfect and pure) came to rejoice in the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!!! In order to be saved, we don't have to win any points through any sort of game. We simply must have the faith of a child, ask Jesus into our hearts, and forgiveness of our sins... Then, do our best to follow God's commandments and walk daily with Him!

      Thank you, Missy, for sharing your faith and your review of this movie. This means so much to me and I pray it will be impactful on others, too!

      Many Blessings to you and Merry CHRISTmas!!! Net :)


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