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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Saturday, November 25, 2023

πŸŽ„πŸŒŸ Happy ONE Month ‘til Christmas!!! πŸŽ„πŸŒŸ

I wanted to be sure to take a moment from this busy Thanksgiving Holiday weekend to highlight this important day...

Happy ONE Month 
‘til Christmas, Everyone!

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving day and are enjoying some special time during this holiday weekend... to decorate for Christmas, shop for gifts, spend time with family, eat some yummy leftovers, listen to Christmas music, binge-watch Christmas movies, and lots more!

Usually, on the 25th day of every month, as we Countdown to Christmas, we share which Christmas movie we'll watch to mark the day. I've already seen portions of three Christmas classics this morning as I've been busy doing chores around the house.

Last night, we watched the first part of Candace's movie, so I'm hoping, after a busy day, to finish "My Christmas Hero" tonight with the family, as I record Danica's and Lacey's new Christmas movies and others. So far, "My Christmas Hero" is really good, and I enjoyed reading many of your positive reviews.

For more details on ALL of the NEW Christmas movies airing this weekend, be sure to check out my *Thanksgiving Weekend Christmas Movie Post*.

I would also love to hear which Christmas movie (or movies!) you are watching today. And if you'd like to share a review, please do so in the comments below.

Happy *Mark the 25th*!
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Weekend!
Merry Christmas, Everyone!


  1. Awww, happy 1 month till Christmas! -Maria

  2. I am watching A Christmas Miracle for Daisy to mark the 25th. I did not see it when it first came out so it is new to me. Also, if there is time (and I can manage to stay awake!) I plan to watch Destined at Christmas sequel. Thanks to all who leave reviews, it really helps me choose what to watch.

  3. Happy 25th everyone! I’ll be watching “A Cookie Cutter Christmas” Love that movie, I can watch it over and over!

  4. My Christmas Hero: A wonderful movie that honors our military and highlights the need for supporting our men and women. I enjoyed Candace and Gabe's characters relationship and thought it was flirty and fun and also the comradery between Gabe and Robin's characters was great too - that's brotherhood/friendship! The entire cast was great! Finding out what happened to the father/grandfather was a wonderful testament to heroism and the honor to him was endearing. There aren't many WWII veterans left - we need to keep their stories alive! The only thing I didn't like in the movie were the mistakes about the military, maybe I'm old school but if you're going to do military, do it correctly. It's a movie I'll watch over and over!

    A Royal Date for Christmas: A decent enough movie, but it didn't keep me fully engaged throughout. Danica and Damon were good, but I'm just not a fan of royal movies. The fashion was nice, but the fake snowman made an appearance and I'm definitely not a fan of that. Supporting cast was good. Probably not a rewatch for me or at least not until next year anyway.

    A Christmas for the Ages: I absolutely loved this movie! Truly enjoyed the storyline and it put me all in my feels for remembering my own past Christmases. I laughed, teared up, and thought the budding relationship between Natasha and Anthony's characters Savannah and Rudy was wonderfully done. I'm glad their characters had been dating for a while before meeting the parents/grandparents as I thought her reasoning for that was special. Anna Ferguson and Mel Tuck were great as Marie and Jim (so adorable), Cheryl Ladd and Dean Paul Gibson were wonderful as well as Joan and Paul, and Kate Craven and Giles Panton were so fun as Kristi and Steve (and all their relationships with each other were so loving). I thought Giles' portrayal of the protective father was hilarious and Anthony nailed the nervous suitor so well. Taking us back to the 40's, 60's and 90's was fabulous. I loved the decor/food that was portrayed as it brought back some great memories. The double-date scene was lovely! Seeing the Boom Box definitely took me back and hearing Tickle Me Elmo reminded me of when my daughter was a toddler. She had Tickle Me Elmo! So fun! The scenery/decor was really nice, and I thought the ending was terrific (especially the guys coming on stage). The singing, mentioning of God/faith/praying and the gifts we have been given were exceptional. Natasha did wonderful! I'll definitely be watching this one over and over! ~ Debbie

  5. Hello everyone,

    I thought I would put together a list of my favorite and not so favorite movies so far.

    My favorite Christmas movies of 2023 (in no particular order):

    Ms. Christmas Comes to Town
    Holiday Hotline
    My Christmas Guide
    Twas the Text Before Christmas
    Everything Christmas
    A Season for Family
    A Paris Christmas Waltz
    A Christmas Blessing
    My Christmas Hero
    The Santa Summit

    Oh, some of these were absolute gems!

    My least favorite Christmas movies of 2023 (in no particular order):
    We’re Scrooged
    Haul Out the Holly – Lit Up
    Country Hearts Christmas
    Christmas Plus One
    Letters to Santa
    Santa Maybe
    Christmas in Notting Hill

    Oh, some of these were absolutely terrible!

    I still need to watch the following movies:
    A World Record Christmas
    A Biltmore Christmas
    Christmas in Maple Hills
    Christmas for the Ages
    A Royal Date for Christmas

    All of which will hopefully land on my favorites list! 😊


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