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~ James 1:17

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Preview Heartland's Season 11 Finale - Tonight on UP!

Heartland Season 11 image via: CBC

Episode 17: Doubt

Watch April 25, 2018 at 8pm/7c. on UP.

Storyline via CBC: In the aftermath of a vicious viral video, Georgie reconsiders her future in show jumping… and in Hudson. Meanwhile, Amy and Ty are of differing opinions about what to do with their new land. A lucrative business opportunity puts Jack, Mitch and Tim at odds. And Lou struggles with how to support her daughter through a difficult time.

Preview Clip:

Episode 18: Naming Day

Watch April 25, 2018 at 9pm/8c. on UP.

Storyline via CBC: In the days leading up to baby Lyndy’s naming ceremony, the members of the Heartland family find themselves keeping secrets from each other. Without Amy’s knowledge, Ty enlists Caleb’s help in fulfilling a long-held promise to himself. Amy works with Spartan in secret on something she hopes will make her daughter’s day truly memorable. And when Val approaches her with yet another offer, Georgie has to make an important decision as she prepares for the Fall Finale. Meanwhile, Jack comes to a startling realization and Tim gets news that he finds hard to share.

Preview Clip:

Please note: I have not previously watched these episodes above. "Heartland" is a well known family television drama from Canada that often deals with real-life issues. Please always check ratings before viewing.

These are the last episodes of "Heartland's" Season 11 tonight on UP! I sure hope you've enjoy the ride!

Blessings, Net

Catch up on previous seasons of Heartland on DVD:

Heartland: Season 8 / Heartland: Season 9 / Heartland: Season 10

Heartland: A Heartland Christmas

Heartland Seasons 1-10 The Complete Series DVDs Season


  1. I love this show; I'm sad to see Heartland's 11th season come to an end.

    1. I love Heartland, too! And, thankfully, they are continuing on... and will be filming soon a 12th Season, which is incredible! :)

    2. I was up all hrs of the night watching heartland on netflix couldn't get away it is the most wanderful movie making you want be thair my family comes from Canada we are louisiana and I see how beautiful it isi love the show heart warming sad funny and I wish it didn't have to end bring it back it was a beautiful show

    3. Sarah, I'm so glad to hear how much you've enjoyed watching "Heartland." I've been watching it many years, myself.

      Many people ask me about the content and if it's family-friendly. I typically say it's a 8 or 9 out of 10, depending on the episode, because there are definitely some PG or PG-13 moments, with drinking, adult situations, dialogue, etc... Mostly, it is clean, and good for family viewing, but there are definitely some moments here and there.

      I have seen the series - up until the end of Season 13 on UPtv and they are now filming Season 14 in Canada.

  2. Thanks Net for the Heads Up. Taped and watch 1 episode so far. I have noticed that the characters Ty and Lou have been gone from a few episode. Unlike WCTH...who only knows to kill the cast members off, the Heartland show worked around these actors schedules. I know Lori said Jack would never leave Elizabeth except through death, well Ty would never leave Amy either and they chose to make his character just be gone on different outings. I guess Brian Bird And Lori Loughlin need to take some notes from this family show. My family was able to watch this show all together how refreshing!

    1. I'm glad to hear how much you love Heartland, too, Laura! It has been wonderful how the main cast has been able to stay together and work on this series for such a long time, and now they are going into their 12th season!

      There were 18 episodes in Heartland's 11th season, which is nearly double WCTH. Both shows work outside and with horses, quite a bit, although Heartland much more with Amy's horse training and Georgie's riding/jumping lessons. I'm sure it's a lot of work just to get a 5 minute scene when you're working with animals, too. I commend Heartland for all the work they do to make this series so great, it truly is a committed cast and crew, and clever writing, which makes this show and these characters... Jack, Tim, Lou, Amy, Ty, Georgie, Lisa, and baby girl Lindy, etc... season after season, a joy to watch!!! Thank you for sharing! :)


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