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~ James 1:17

Monday, March 10, 2025

Hallmark Announces "Mistletoe Murders" Season 2

Even though Production Weekly had already revealed the news about the new season, Hallmark has officially confirmed it today through Deadline.

Mistletoe Murders is coming back for Season 2.

The series stars Sarah Drew as Emily Lane, a small-town Christmas shop owner with a secret, mysterious dark past, along with Peter Mooney as local detective Sam Wilner and Sierra Marilyn Riley as his teenaged daughter Violet.

The first season of Mistletoe Murders premiered on Hallmark's streaming source, Hallmark+.

More details via Deadline: "Mistletoe Murders follows Emily, the optimistic shop owner of a year-round Christmas-themed store, Under the Mistletoe. Residing in the tourist town of Fletcher’s Grove, Emily finds herself compelled to investigate local murders. When Emily begins her personal investigations, Detective Sam Wilner (Mooney) begins to wonder if there’s more to Emily than meets the eye."

According to the article, the new season will air during this upcoming 2025 holiday season, and like the first season, the second season will also air on Hallmark+.

My personal take on the series:

If you love mysteries, this series is probably right up your alley! On the other hand, if you lean more towards cheerful holiday films, you might want to pass on this. While the mysteries aren't overly graphic, the hunt for a killer doesn't exactly create a festive atmosphere. In general, these murder mysteries are more appropriate for pre-teens and older.

Each of the mysteries that revolve around the tight knit community of Fletcher Grove are unique and interesting and almost always revolve around something holiday related. Sarah Drew is great as the lead, and I found myself intrigued by each mystery.

A word of caution: There is a passionate kiss at the end of the series and in the last episode, there is some mild language. One character also mentions briefly in a round-about-way that he is gay.

You can see more reviews for the first season of this series from myself, Elizbeth, Abigail, and Paula on the Christmas Movie Review Page. (Be sure to scroll down to nearly the end of the list to the Streaming Section.)

I hope all of you Sleuthers enjoyed this news!

Happy Sleuthing!


  1. Do you know if they plan on playing on the Hallmark channel or HMM? I do not have nor will I get Hallmark +. Already pay enough for directv and the other few streaming services I have.


    1. Sabrina, That is a good question. I haven't heard any word on that, yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to air the first season on Hallmark Mystery to encourage viewers to subscribe to Hallmark+ for season 2.

      I subscribed to Hallmark+ for only a month at Christmastime - just to catch all of the "Unwrapping Christmas" movies, which I really enjoyed, and "Mistletoe Murders." There was something else I wanted to see, but decided not to pay another month just for it. I'm with you... all of these streaming options can really add up.

    2. Did you know that you can watch hallmark+ through hoopla? Elizbeth

    3. Yes, that is how I watch Hallmark without paying and I love it!!😊

    4. I’m so glad to see this coming back, especially since WCTH is close to wrapping the season up. Which has been the best yet btw!! I’ll be nice to have a series to look forward to after it is over. Thanks Net!

    5. Do you have to have a library card to watch hoopla for free?

    6. Yes, you do need a library card. And a library that has access to Hoopla.

    7. Yes, you must have a library card to use Hoopla, and only some libraries participate. Go to the Hoopla website to see if yours does. Some libraries will give a digital library card if you live in that town. Hoopla does not show Hallmark+ on your TV, only on phones and laptops, which is really disappointing to me. But others watch that way anyway so it works for them.

  2. One of the #POstables posted today that SSD To the Moon And Back will be playing on Australia’s GOOD TV on April 5th. Not sure what Hallmark’s deal is, but at least it will be shown somewhere and hopefully there will be a DVD at least.

  3. Hi Net, I did the same and tried the Hallmark + during Christmas time to watch the Mistletoe Murders and 2 Aurora movies that were only available on there. I agree about the kiss at the end of the season, it was a little much for Hallmark. I think Sarah Drew directed some risquΓ© movies for Lifetime recently (one with Jana Kramer and I can’t recall the other one but I read about them here) so I’m hoping the 2nd season will be clean. I mean, I don’t think hallmark will show anything inappropriate but the first season was slightly creepy with her stalker and it seems she likes to push the envelope….

    1. Paula, Well said! I agree 100% with everything you mentioned, and yes... Sarah Drew was the one who directed those risquΓ© Lifetime Christmas movies. It's kind of hard to push the envelope at Lifetime, but she found a way to do it.

      I think you're exactly right... she may be trying to do the same thing here. So, while I'm curious about season 2, due to the loose ends from season 1, I'm also hesitant, as well.

      Haven't decided if I'll purchase Hallmark+ this Christmas season for a month or two; it will likely depend on what else is offered.

  4. Net, I agree with your assessment of the series. I like a mystery movie- a lot. However, I saved the series to watch after the Christmas season. It is not for the under 14 crowd.
    -Gabe’s Mom

    1. Gabe's Mom, Glad you agree, as well. I always value your opinion.

      Blessings to you! :)

  5. Sarah was a writer on the script for the Lifetime flicks also. She isn't in charge of MM but Hallmark has chosen to go further pushing the envelope on the streaming content that seemingly is now going to be series/unscripted first airs & some may not go to linear. Kind of surprised & yet not surprised since they have air space to fill that they're putting up Chicken Sisters on linear. It includes someone having an affair & a few curse words from what I hear, although that may be embellished. I think they would be better served to air Lacey's Celebrations show in that time slot, but they may still do that since this show is 8 episodes. -Megan

    1. Isn’t there also a gay character in Chicken Sisters?

    2. Yes. -Maria

    3. Megan, I really appreciate you taking the time to share all this information with us, especially the additional details about Chicken Sisters. It looks like they’re using Hallmark+ as a way to test these series before they make their way to the Hallmark Channel.

      Thanks again for sharing! :)

    4. Maria, Thank you for answering the question above.


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