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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Friday, August 9, 2024

♫ Tune In To New Movies This Weekend ♫ On Great American Family And The Hallmark Channel -- SEE HERE:

Hello, Movie Friends!

I hope you all have a fun weekend planned! If you have some downtime, there are lots of movie options, old and new.

Which movie will have you singing its praises??? 🎢

Check out details on the new offerings from Great American Family and the Hallmark Channel below...


Saturday, August 10, 2024:

Storyline: Only God knows if Noah (Justin Gaston) can be the man and father he’s meant to be. Will Noah stop chasing selfish dreams, heal broken relationships and start down God's path for his future?

Premieres Saturday, August 10, 2024
at 8pm/7c. on Great American Family


Saturday, August 10, 2024:

Storyline: Grace (Skyler Samuels) has recurring dreams about a handsome stranger named Michael (Kapil Talwalkar) due to a mix-up in Dream Central. When they finally meet in person, Grace is shocked to learn he has no idea who she is.

Premieres Saturday, August 10, 2024
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel


Sunday, August 11, 2024:

Episode 3 "Heels and Faces" :

When a regional wrestling alliance rents out the local high school gymnasium, its meanspirited promoter, Earl, is found murdered under the ring. Justin and the team are called in to investigate and find themselves surrounded by the colorfully costumed cast of Southern Mountain Wrestling Alliance, where everyone seems to have a motive to kill. As darker secrets emerge from Earl's past, Justin is forced to confront the fact that the killer may have more ties to the Blue Ridge community than anyone could have ever expected.

Season 1, Episode 3
Premieres Sunday, August 11, 2024
at 9pm/8c. on INSP


Programming Notes:

Along with these new premieres, classic movies will air throughout the weekend on Great American Family and the Hallmark Channel. Hallmark Channel's movie block on Sunday has the theme: Meant-to-Be Movie Marathon.

Hallmark Mystery and Hallmark Family will also air classic movies throughout the weekend, and UPtv will air classic movies on Saturday.


I hope you all enjoy the new movies airing over the weekend. I haven't had the chance to catch God's Country Song, yet, on Great American Pure Flix, so I'm looking forward to seeing this movie on Great American Family Saturday night. Have any of you seen it? If so, please share in comments. I'm sure many (including myself) would love to hear your take on it.

Please note: I also haven't seen the new Hallmark movie mentioned above. If you'd like to leave a review, please share in comments below. Caution: Blue Ridge is best suited for a mature audience due to violence and a murder mystery.

Have a bright and beautiful Summer weekend, everyone!

Please know, my prayers are with those who have been in the destructive path of Hurricane Debby on the east coast.

Blessings to you all!


“God inhabits the praises of His people.”
~Psalm 22:3

“1 Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.
2 The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.
3 He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
4 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music;
5 make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing,
6 with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn— shout for joy before the LORD, the King.
7 Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."
~Psalms 98:1-7


  1. It's official! "God's Country Song" is the #1 movie on Pure Flix! If you haven't seen it yet, don't miss out...


  2. God's Country Song

    A charming but troubled country singer learns he has a 5-year-old son that he didn't know existed. Struggling with alcohol addiction, he must now decide whether to raise the boy or leave his family behind to pursue his dream of musical stardom

  3. After the week I've had, I'm ready for movies on GAF and Hallmark! :) -Maria

  4. Looking forward to God’s Country Song.

  5. Read preview from a source that God’s Country Song may have some storylines some may not prefer. There is drinking and a paternity issue. If you are looking for a romcom skip this one. But if you want a drama filled with life’s challenges the story offers you a movie to enjoy.
    - Gabe’s Mom

    1. Gabe's Mom, Thank you so much for sharing this information in such a thoughtful, gentle way. I just read a similar (if not the same preview) for this movie.

      I appreciate knowing Great American Family has edited some of the content, but unfortunately, it's not a movie I will watch with my entire family due to the paternity storyline. And that is unfortunate, because I typically look forward to watching the GAF movies with all of my family.

      I so appreciate you sharing this caution on this movie with everyone here.

      Blessings on your weekend, my friend! Net

  6. After reading Bill Abbott's newsletter regarding this movie, I am going to pass on it. Thank you Bill and Net for the heads up!

  7. God’s Country Song

    Noah Bryan wants nothing more than to be the next big country music star, until his past catches up to him. With the help of his seasoned manager Larry Walker, Noah is quickly on his way to becoming the next big thing. Playing the little honky-tonks and cowboy bars starts to pay off and Noah's career gains momentum. After a show one night, Noah receives the news that he has a four-year-old son named JJ with a woman he barely remembers, who recently passed away, leaving Noah sole custody of the child. JJ is in the care of Leeann, a pretty, young woman who cares deeply for JJ and eventually falls for Noah. Believing his career is over, Noah reluctantly agrees to meet the boy. He quickly realizes he must do the right thing and step up to raise JJ, but soon realizes he needs help. He calls his parents Sara and Jeremiah, and moves home with JJ, back to the farm life he ran away from

  8. Dreams of You has elements of Inside Out. It took a little bit for me to get into it. I was satisfied by the end.

  9. This Pure Flix Presentation is different than most original movies on Great American Family

    These uplifting stories have more dramatic themes than our standard RomComs


  10. God’s Country Song is a charming but troubled country singer named Noah Bryan learns he has a 5 years old Son named JJ that he didn’t know existed. Struggling with alcohol addiction, he must know decide whether to raise the boy or leave his family behind to pursue his dream of musical stardom. JJ lost his Mom & he’s with Luanne Harris from CPS. Noah receives a letter until his manager Larry reads to him… He’s a Father of JJ. Noah arrives at his parents named Jeremiah & Sara Bryan’s place… His family own farm with a stable & a dog named Dash. The Bryan family go the church - the Pastor mentions Philippians 3:8. Cole talks with Larry to give Noah a second chance to sing in front of the crowd .

    They edited some content in the movie

  11. My Dreams of You is fantastic!! -Maria

  12. LOVED God's Country Song!! -Maria

  13. I enjoyed God’s Country Song. The little boy is super cute, I only wish the back story could’ve been a little different. Christie

  14. God’s Country Song – This movie is for a mature audience only. Although this is a faith-based film, there are several adult themes throughout the story.

    The main character, Noah, is a budding country music star, who is completely wrapped up in himself; he’s often prideful, disrespectful, and selfish. In the first 15 minutes or so of the movie, Noah learns he has a young 4 year-old son (out of wedlock) who he has been given custody of, but that doesn’t make him change his poor lifestyle choices right away.

    For more than an hour into the movie Noah drinks too much and finds himself in a whole lot of trouble. We can clearly see that he has an issue with alcohol abuse and although it is not seen, it is made known that he has been promiscuous with multiple women. Mixed in with his bad attitude and drunken behavior, are verbal fights and a violent bar fight.

    However, this is a story about redemption, forgiveness, and rediscovering faith. Noah’s parents provide a stable environment for his son, J.J., and they are the main compass for leading Noah back to God.

    The little boy, J.J., is so cute; I only wish we could’ve seen him more throughout the movie.

    I hope "God’s Country Song" touches many people who are going through a difficult season, so they can seek forgiveness and discover God’s meaning and ultimate purpose for their life. ~Net

  15. God’s Country Song

    Philippians 3:8 says, "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ".


  16. God’s Country Song

    Here are some other translations of Philippians 3:8:

    New International Reader's Version (1998): "Even more, I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. To know him is the best thing of all. Because of him I have lost everything. But I consider all of it to be garbage so I can get to know Christ".
    King James Version: "Yea doubtless, and I count all things".
    The word Paul uses in this phrase, skubalon, is derived from Greek and only appears in the New Testament. It refers to excrement, and non-biblical sources of the time used it almost exclusively to refer to feces. English translations often use a more elegant word, such as "dung" or "rubbish," but some say that Paul's terminology is extremely strong and that English terms like "garbage" don't fully capture the sharpness of the expression

    1. Net-thank you for the heads up on God's Country Song and the heavier elements, I was glad to know what to be ready for. I haven't decided if I'll let my older teen watch, but I think I may because the story of redemption is really so powerful and it is well done. I liked the parents and their faith and unconditional love for their sone and new grandson. -LR

    2. LR, I appreciate your feedback. I also thought Noah's parents were great, rock solid. Thankfully, Noah had a wonderful foundation growing up, a Christian upbringing, and a welcoming place to turn to in his time of troubles and desperation. I thought they were a perfect example of God's love- with opening arms for all of His children.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. God bless!

  17. Hi Net.

    Thank you for the review of 'God's Country Song'. I haven't watched it yet mostly because I heard it has some dark themes. But, it sounds like that is true but we do see redemption and God is present. I will share my thoughts after I watch it.

    On another note: we did watch 'My Dreams of You' last night. It wasn't award winning but it had a different storyline and I enjoyed the acting for the most part. I liked the lead actress and the young Asian girl. She was adorable! I also liked the woman who played the sister. I thought the couple had decent chemistry and they were talented dancers. I know we had to 'suspend reality' in some places but overall it was a sweet movie. I needed something to lift my spirits and this movie did just that.

    1. Joan-thank you for this review of My Dreams of You. I couldn't get into it and quit early on, but I often agree with your thoughts so I think I'll give it another try now that I know better what to expect! -LR

    2. Joan, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on "My Dreams of You." It's still on my watch-list.

      I'm so glad this movie uplifted your spirits! It's nice to relax and watch a lighthearted movie that makes us feel good inside. :)

    3. Hi LR,

      Aw thank you for your comment. :-) I agree with you that the movie was hard to get into at first, but it ended up being a really was a cute movie. Like I said, it wasn't award winning but it was a nice diversion for a couple of hours.

      Hi Net,

      You are welcome. :-)


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Whatever you choose, I enjoy hearing from you! Blessings, Net