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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

🔎 "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" and more - October 2021 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Premieres! #POstables #Sleuthers 🔎 Get the Scoop Here:

October's new premieres on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries will fill our hearts with emotion, drama, and suspense! Check out the new titles below...


One Summer

Premiere Date: Sunday, October 3, 2021 (9 p.m. ET/PT)

Starring: Sam Page, Sarah Drew and Amanda Schull

Storyline: Jack takes his son and daughter to his late wife's beachside hometown hoping to heal and become closer. The summer brings visions of the past that could forge a new path forward.


⛅ "I watched One Summer. It is a sad movie but it's soooo good! Sam Page is awesome as are the other actors as well. It shows a family working through their grief. It has some very intense moments just before the ending. No romance...family friendly. Story is left where there could easily be a sequel. I know we have a lot of sadness in our world today, but this movie is so worth watching! I love it!!" ~Joyce

⛅ "One Summer was such a beautiful movie! It made me cry, so do be warned that it's a drama, not a rom com. The subject of grief was realistically portrayed for all the family members: parents, spouse, and kids. The entire cast was amazing. I was excited to see Sarah Drew in another Hallmark movie because I loved her so much in Mom's Night Out. I hope she continues to make family friendly content for Hallmark. All around this was a family friendly movie though the death of a parent may be difficult for sensitive kids, and there's a scary boating scene in a storm at the end. So for kids some caution, but for adults it's a beautiful film! I also loved the symbolism of the lighthouse." ~melnewlife


The Vows We Keep

Premiere Date: Sunday, October 10, 2021 (9 p.m. ET/PT)

Starring: Fiona Gubelmann, Antonio Cayonne, Linda Thorson

Story: An event planner (Gubelmann) must organize the perfect wedding for her sister in less than a month when she finds out that the Rosewood, a historic inn and beloved wedding venue, is being sold.

Movie Review:

⛅ "First of all, I just love the actress Fiona Gubelmann - she's usually so expressive and energetic in her Hallmark roles, like "Tulips in Spring" or "Christmas Next Door," but in this movie her character, Hazel, an event planner, seemed a bit more uptight and serious. I guess I prefer the fun Fiona much more. The romance was extremely subtle throughout the movie; I really never felt much of a connection, other than a new friendship, between Fiona and Jared. What I actually enjoyed most was the B story. You see... Fiona's sister's wedding is in jeopardy because the wedding venue, Rosewood Inn, may be being sold. The location, however, is owned by Simone Nash, who is a bit older now and doesn't want to contend with all the upkeep any longer. The problem is, in order to sell the property, Simone must get her sister's signature on the deal; however, they haven't spoken for years, which obviously complicates matters. It's interesting to watch their story unfold, with hesitancy, patience, regret, love, and forgiveness. Overall, the movie is a little slow moving, but it's a family-friendly lighthearted drama, ideal for a quiet afternoon viewing while sipping tea." ~Net


Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made

Premiere Date: Sunday, October 17, 2021 (9 p.m., ET/PT)

Starring: Eric Mabius, Kristin Booth, Crystal Lowe, Geoff Gustafson

Story: As Shane (Booth) and Oliver (Mabius) prepare for their wedding, they must pause to help a young boy fighting leukemia reunite with his long-lost friend. Their search is complicated by Shane’s mother who arrives with her own plan for their wedding. Meanwhile, Rita (Lowe) and Norman (Gustafson) navigate the challenges of trying to start a family, but a new employee in the Dead Letter Office may deliver the answer.

Movie Reviews:

🔎 Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made –

"I’ll begin my review by saying… “Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made” was pure perfection! The importance of spirituality, the feelings of uncertainty, the closeness of friends, like family, the flashbacks to previous “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” movies… all of these precious moments touched my heart – over and over again!"

(Warning: Spoilers below!)

"Each scene in “The Vows We Have Made” was incredible… I loved Shane’s mother and the way she was instrumental in figuring out the child’s drawing with the letter. Her scene with Oliver at the end was so powerful – in the way she asked him to be his mother, and then Shane asking her mother to help her with her wedding dress because the zipper could be tricky – it was all so touching! We knew the underlying meaning. She simply wanted her mother to be there with her - on this very special, momentous day.

Days before the wedding, however, it was obvious Oliver was dealing with troubling emotions. Oliver’s face had doubt written all over it; however, it was deeply moving to watch Shane erase all that away - by expressing to Oliver, repeatedly, that she would never leave him… and then they kissed and danced “the dance” in the DLO! It was so beautiful!

The wedding ceremony was beautiful, sacred, and spiritual! I was so blessed by the vows Shane and Oliver exchanged – repeating phrases from Ruth in the Bible – “Your people shall be my people and your God will be my God…” Once again, I was moved to tears!

In many ways it felt like they summed up this series with this movie – all of our POstables happily walking off together down the road with another mystery letter in hand, but I pray it is not the end. They could make these movies FOREVER (the simple word engraved on Shane’s new necklace), and honestly, I would still want more – as each story is so deeply moving in the way these character’s lives and these lost letters are interwoven together. If more “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” movies are made one day, that would be truly wonderful, but until then, we will just have to “trust the timing”!

Thank you to creator Martha Williamson and this amazing cast – Eric Mabius, Kristin Booth, Crystal Lowe, Geoff Gustafson, and Gregory Harrison - for this wonderful gift!" ~Net

🔎 "I am still enjoying SSD from last night. The Vows We Have Made took my breath away. Perfection is the only word that comes to mind. If we had one of these movies every week, it would not be enough. Oliver and Shane's wedding vows! Oh my! The lady who played Shane's mother was wonderful in her role. To hear our Lord honored, as SSD has always done, was a blessing to me. I'm so blown away by this movie; words can not describe my feelings this morning. Looking forward to comments here." ~kitkat

🔎 "I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the Vows we have Made SSD movie. I was so happy and they kept the faith aspect and they even had some references to past movies/show and clips. I felt like it was perfectly normal that Oliver would be worried about Shane or any person leaving him cause so many have in his life. I love so much when Shane said "I will never leave you". The writing on this series is so good, they always bring up past stuff and dont just leave you hanging like other movies that have sequels or continuations do. The thing is Shane did try and quit, or leave twice, and she didn't cause I believe deep inside she knew she was where she should be. I remember back on From Paris with Love, how she was looking in on Oliver and Holly and saying please don't kiss her. You knew even back then how much Shane loved Oliver. I absolutely loved the wedding vows, how they said them over each other, how beautiful they were. I know for Oliver it was hard to have faith that someone finally wont leave him, but he did and I love how at the end they were all looking at the letter they found saying they have time to go see where it belongs. I can still hold out hope for more movies. I mean I could watch forever the POstables reuniting old letters with their owners. The POstables are forever a family. I am going to watch this movie over and over. I am actually sad Christmas movies are coming on cause i am going to miss them playing the SSD movies, but i think they may play them on Hallmark Drama during Christmas. I didn't watch the movie live, i wanted to have time to watch and reflect on the movie and i guess i just dont want to watch anything hallmark live anymore. Its sad, but i am not looking forward to many hallmark Christmas movies. I know i will watch some, maybe the Ms Miracle movie and CCB movie, but i decided i am not recording any, i will just see them eventually, maybe when on one day it will spark some interest." ~Sabrina

🔎 “Net, I agree completely, 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered' would be a perfect example for Hallmark to follow! You are actually the reason my family and I found Signed, Sealed, Delivered! Thank you!! We had heard of it before, but never watched it, then I found your blog a couple years back and saw how much you loved it, we instantly fell in love with every minute of it too!! We were counting down the days with everyone else waiting for the wedding last weekend, and it did not dissapoint! To put it mildly, it was perfect!” -A Fellow Brother in Christ-

🔎 "I finally watched the SSD "the vows we have made" movie. Net, when I read your review above in this blog post I was moved to tears once again. I read your review right after finishing the movie and boy did you nail it with that review (the other reviews are spot on also by others). The move was fresh in my mind as I read your review and your review moved me soooo much. You really hit the heart of the matter. Now, for the movie. Oh my!!! As Net put it..."pure perfection". Most times there is a build up for something like a movie which never seems to live up to the expectations. You hear so many good things and you get such a high expectation and then it most always lets you down. Not this time. This movie was amazing. When Shane told Oliver she would never leave him and then they started to play the song, "Never my Love" I was absolutely destroyed through that whole scene...Wow!!! And the wedding was ridiculously charming and absolutely lovely and heart warming. So much scripture. So much love! The whole SSD series is remarkable but this movie practically brought me to my knees because I was so moved. Maybe even too moved at one point. When I get that emotionally moved it brings to mind things that are lacking in my life and things that should be but aren't which causes me a feeling of anxiety but I certainly don't blame the movie for that...haha. Those are my own weaknesses. This movie made me feel alive. My emotions were real and I felt connected to the Supernatural. It was like my soul was exposed and all the good and bad came pouring out. A great blessing to be touched so deeply. Every Christmas movie put together this year can't possibly match the powerful effects of this SSD movie. A true masterpiece. Anyone not seeing these WHOLE SSD series leading up to this movie have no idea how much they are missing out. ~Jim

🔎 "Jim, I love your message here. You are so right, the SSD movies and this movie in particular are some of the best out there. I just love how they bring up things from the past movies, storylines, they don’t just think the viewers won’t remember something or think we don’t know they made something up. I always loved that they would talk about things from the shows to the movies 6 years later. I love how the stories weave together. I love that they took the time to build a love story that i know will stand the test of time. I too loved when Shane told Oliver over and over "I will never leave you". And those were not just words, she tried to leave the DLO and Oliver twice and she kept coming back cause I think she knew there was something bigger there for her. I always loved when she was looking in the window at Holly and Oliver in From Paris with Love and she was begging Oliver "Don't kiss her". Even back then, she knew Oliver was something special. I loved their vows, how they did them. I loved Shane's relationship with Joe, how he was always in her corner for Oliver. This movie was easily the best Hallmark movie in a few years. I watched it over many times already. Thank you Jim for such an uplifting message." Sabrina

🔎 "My sister and I just watched the newest SSD for the first time and we're blown away. I loved the scene when Shane's mom, says to Oliver, for him to call her mom. I think I almost cried. And the ceremony.. Rita and Norman quoting Isaiah and then Shane and Oliver, quoting Ruth. Soooo wonderful to have Scripture and God mentioned in the wedding, because it is sacred. But the ending... When Oliver calls her by her maiden name after the ceremony..Why?? Oh, and when Norman mentions helping the pregnant girl instead of adopting the baby. That scene was so precious." ~Abigail


Which movies did you enjoy seeing?

If you'd like to share a review, please leave your thoughts in comments below. Thank you!

Blessings, Net


  1. So excited for the POstables. I am hoping this wont be the last. Let all of us POstables show up and watch and make the highest rated of the year, or years and they will do more :) Thats the only movie i care much about. So So excited!!!!


    1. Sabrina, I love your idea so much. Lets do it. I'm telling all my friends. 😂😂😂

      I hope the Postables will continue for many years as well. Really want to see Oliver be a new father eventually...😍

      Just can't wait, we've been waiting soooo long for this. Thanks Net for the info.

    2. Absolutely, Sabrina & Abigail! All of us POstables need to support this new SSD premiere in a big way!!! I'm definitely going to be spreading the word with all of my family and friends, too - and get everyone to watch!

  2. Honestly with all these new movies on Up, Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movies & Mysteries my head is literally spinning! I'd be lost without you Net! Thanks for keeping everything straight for us.

    I'm so happy we get to see Signed Sealed Delivered before Christmas!

    1. Awe, Allie - that is so sweet! I'm so happy we are getting another SSD soon, too!

      And... To be honest, my head has been swirling too with all of these new titles... plus, right after that, we are going to have a big drop of Christmas! I don't know how my DVR will ever hold them all!!! :)

  3. The Vows We Keep Is that new title for The Willoess

    1. Yes, it appears "The Vows We Keep" is the new title for "The Willows," which was filmed in Harrison, British Colombia and at Rowena Inn, in Harrison Mills, where the "Wedding March" movies have also been filmed.

  4. Finally another Fiona Gubelmann movie! Happy to see this, but thrilled to see a new SSD movie above all the others. I am with you Jim! It has been a long wait.

    1. Totally agree, kitkat! So happy to see Fiona & SSD, too! THe Fall preview is looking up! :)

  5. My thoughts exactly, Jim! SSD is the perfect way to welcome in Christmas! I have a hunch they know SSD will have a big draw - so that's a good way to bring viewers in before the holiday season begins.

    I love your idea of putting your mail on your Christmas tree to celebrate this news! That is so clever and fun!

  6. Where are the mystery movies? All weekends are booked till Christmas!

    1. Yeah, pbody, it looks like the majority of Hallmark Movies & Mysteries' movies coming up are going to have more of a drama feel. It appears we only have 3 mysteries to go this year - Aurora Teagarden, Redemption in Cherry Springs, and Signed, Sealed, Delivered.

    2. Any chance there's information on mystery movies being shot for next year? Thanks.

    3. pbody- Hallmark hasn't made any official announcements, yet, but I believe we will see more Aurora Teagarden, Mystery 101, Hannah Swensen, Chronicle Mysteries, Morning Show Mystery, Martha's Vineyard, etc...

      A lot of these stars will be busy filming Christmas movies first, but I'm sure some of them will be scheduled to film a mystery sometime this Fall for January / February 2022. We will have to keep a look out to see who it will be!

  7. Will there be a Signed Sealed Delivered movie number 13 coming soon? Since I thought that there are 12 Signed Sealed Delivered movies..

    1. Chris, That is an excellent question! You are right - there are 12 previous Signed Sealed Delivered movies. I have no idea why they are all calling this Movie #11???

      1. Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Pilot Movie

      (then Signed, Sealed, Delivered - the TV Series)

      2. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: For Christmas

      3. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris with Love

      4. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Truth Be Told

      5. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream

      6. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From the Heart

      7. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: One in a Million

      8. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without You

      9. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Higher Ground

      10. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Home Again

      11. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Travelled

      12. Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar

      It doesn't make sense to me either. As mentioned above in the post, there is a new SSD movie, that is currently not titled, coming in October.

  8. Wiki labelled SSD 11

    Wiki says SSD 12 - new movie this year 2021

    There’s new movie: SSD 13

  9. Pumped for the new POstables movie. Have wondered if they were going to leave us hanging like they did with Cedar Cove. Agree with you that SSD #13 is a great run-up to the Christmas movies. Love this time of year. Blessings to all.

  10. One Summer was such a beautiful movie! It made me cry, so do be warned that it's a drama, not a rom com. The subject of grief was realistically portrayed for all the family members: parents, spouse, and kids. The entire cast was amazing. I was excited to see Sarah Drew in another Hallmark movie because I loved her so much in Mom's Night Out. I hope she continues to make family friendly content for Hallmark. All around this was a family friendly movie though the death of a parent may be difficult for sensitive kids, and there's a scary boating scene in a storm at the end. So for kids some caution, but for adults it's a beautiful film! I also loved the symbolism of the lighthouse.

  11. Movie Review - Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made:

    I’ll begin my review by saying… “Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made” was pure perfection! The importance of spirituality, the feelings of uncertainty, the closeness of friends, like family, the flashbacks to previous “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” movies… all of these precious moments touched my heart – over and over again!

    (Warning: Spoilers below!)

    Each scene in “The Vows We Have Made” was incredible… I loved Shane’s mother and the way she was instrumental in figuring out the child’s drawing with the letter. Her scene with Oliver at the end was so powerful – in the way she asked him to be his mother, and then Shane asking her mother to help her with her wedding dress because the zipper could be tricky – it was all so touching! We knew the underlying meaning. She simply wanted her mother to be there with her - on this very special, momentous day.

    Days before the wedding, however, it was obvious Oliver was dealing with troubling emotions. Oliver’s face had doubt written all over it; however, it was deeply moving to watch Shane erase all that away - by expressing to Oliver, repeatedly, that she would never leave him… and then they kissed and danced “the dance” in the DLO! It was so beautiful!

    The wedding ceremony was beautiful, sacred, and spiritual! I was so blessed by the vows Shane and Oliver exchanged – repeating phrases from Ruth in the Bible – “Your people shall be my people and your God will be my God…” Once again, I was moved to tears!

    In many ways it felt like they summed up this series with this movie – all of our POstables happily walking off together down the road with another mystery letter in hand, but I pray it is not the end. They could make these movies FOREVER (the simple word engraved on Shane’s new necklace), and honestly, I would still want more – as each story is so deeply moving in the way these character’s lives and these lost letters are interwoven together. If more “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” movies are made one day, that would be truly wonderful, but until then, we will just have to “trust the timing”!

    Thank you to creator Martha Williamson and this amazing cast – Eric Mabius, Kristin Booth, Crystal Lowe, Geoff Gustafson, and Gregory Harrison - for this wonderful gift!

  12. Thank you all once again for the beautiful reviews for "Signed, Sealed, Delivered." That says so much about how alike we are - that we all thoroughly enjoyed this movie, especially the special, inspirational details!

    I posted all of the "SSD" reviews above, and I shared a review for "The Vows We Keep."

  13. Rewatched this absolute gem in anticipation for the new movie!! -Maria


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Whatever you choose, I enjoy hearing from you! Blessings, Net