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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Summer Nights Movie - Wedding Every Weekend


Movie: Wedding Every Weekend

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: August 15, 2020

*Please Note: Even though this movie includes several of my favorite Hallmark stars, sadly, I will not be able to endorse this film. See details in the 'Movie Review' section below...

Wedding Every Weekend
Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer


Kimberley Sustad ... Brooke
Paul Campbell ... Nate
Brandi Alexander ... Ginny
Jaime M. Callica ... Greg
Geoff Gustafson ... Dan
Peter Benson ... Colin
Malcolm Stewart ... Leo
Karen Kruper ... Lydia
Nicole Major ... Gretchen
Klarc Wilson ... Scott
Chris Ippolito ... Will
Karen Kelly ... Nina
Makayla Moore ... Amanda
Carmel Amit ... Vicky
Ryan Rosery ... Kingston
Patti Allan ... Mary
Kazumi Evans ... Wedding Planner
Joel McCooey ... Handsome Guy
Robert Allan Hughes ... James
Sebastian Gacki ... Romantic Guy
Princess Davis ... Assistant
Jorden Birch ... Deejay
Jasmine Lukuku ... Salesperson
Jorge Vargas ... Roof Guy
Jill Morrison ... Paint Leader


Storyline via Hallmark: Nate and Brooke are going to the same four weddings, four weekends in a row. To avoid the singles tables and set-ups, they agree to go together as “wedding buddies.” But what starts as a friendship soon becomes something deeper.

Movie Review:

Please know, I have not pre-screened this movie; however, like many of you I have seen the commercials, which includes two brides getting married. This is one of the four wedding ceremonies the lead characters attend through the course of the film. Due to this storyline, I will not be watching this movie. I know there are people of all faiths (or no faith at all) who believe as I do - in traditional marriage. My family and I have chosen to do what is right for us - according to our beliefs and Christian faith. The Bible speaks strongly against this and we will always stand on God's Word. I'm not worried about what the world thinks about me. My only concern is what God thinks!

I know Hallmark wishes to be more "inclusive" with their movies, but this one does not include my (and many others) values. I feel very excluded now from the Hallmark movies I've always loved.

Before any of you view this film, I wanted to make certain you all are aware of this storyline - so you can choose what is right for you.

If you're interested, I spoke more in depth about this subject - *HERE!*

See or Skip:

I must recommend skipping this movie for those who believe in traditional marriage - as I do.


*image via: Hallmark Crown Media Family Networks 


  1. This is so sad. I just love Paul & Kimberley on Hallmark. For me it has taken the joy away from watching their other movies. I will NOT be watching! Actually, since I heard the news of Hallmark’s choice of adding more gay characters I haven’t been watching there channel at all. The comfort of turning to that channel has been lost. Poor choice Hallmark.

    1. Not watching either. Hope hallmark realizes we want no lgbtq involved.

  2. This is so disappointing! I won’t be watching either! Thank you Net for letting my family know before we sat down to watch it. I don’t need this shoved in the faces of my little ones. What a world we live in. Compromise is good in some cases but Hallmark comprising to the homosexuals hopefully will be their downfall!

    1. We will not watch either. Very disappointed that Hallmark would give in to pressure to film and show this scene. They will likely lose lots of their audience.

  3. I ws wondering whether they would be able to get this movie filmed in time but it looks as if they have.

  4. Thank you so much for the heads up! I to will not be watching. I've been quite unnerved over the whole homosexual stance that hallmark has taken over their family friendly content which has brought them so many loyal fans. Unfortunately I haven't watched Hallmark at all since the latest announcement. The network is no longer my safe place either. Thank you again for sharing!

  5. I will not be watching as well. what really bothers me is how all of a sudden, Hallmark goes out of their way to have this "inclusion" which all seems to be around what is happening in our country right now. I feel very saddened by Hallmark being added to the growing list of everyone that has to do everything now simply because many rioting people in the country say they have to. I will sit back and watch this movie TANK in the ratings as it will, because this is NOT hallmarks audience. and all the people out there praising hallmark don't even watch hallmark and aren't even watching this movie. They just want to be ugly about Hallmark being a family channel. Everyone who wanted the African American characters as leads have not watched, I know this cause all the movies in that area have tanked in the ratings.

    Fashionably Yours--1.81 one of the lowest rated movies of the year, other than the acquired movies hallmark got that people likely already saw

    Last years a Christmas Duet--1.67---a very very low # for a hallmark Christmas movie

    there were also Majestic Christmas and Gingerbread Christmas that did terrible

    I just feel that many people complain about having inclusion but those people complaining aren't going to watch a hallmark movie anyway.

    And now it seems this Christmas it is a race of Lifetime and Hallmark to have the first or most gay main characters in a movie. I will not be participating in this and Hallmark may not be able to afford to anger all their loyal fans as last Christmas they bragged on the ratings, but they were TERRIBLE compared to past years, not 1 in the 4 million and actually only a few even in the 3 million.

    1. I haven’t had a chance to see all those movies yet, but Gingerbread Romance was adorable!

    2. listen i am black but not african american if you want to be technical. I am a fan and i watch Hallmark movies and tv regularly. It was refreshing to see other characters that not white. so if you say that the ratings was low i was one of those people watching. I love that hallmark movies and tv shows is full of happiness, joy and warmth. the holiday movies are the best. that is my comment on that issue. it was really a wow moment reading this statement. i love reading from this blogger as well for many years.

    3. I love the Evergreen movies and Morning Show Mysteries, both heavily featuring black actors and actresses. I choose movies based on subject matter and these really appeal to me. Being older, I prefer actors and actresses with a little age on them, I’m just not into the teenagers.

    4. So are you saying those movies did poorly because the cast was black? If so that's sad! I am black and watch Hallmark faithfully I for one am glad the channel has added minorities, not only black people but Hispanics. I enjoyed and was quite excited to see people who look like me on the Hallmark channel. I watch Aurora Teagarden and Morning Show Mysteries, was upset they cancelled Signes, Sealed and Delivered as well as The Flower Shop Mysteries. All of the Christmas movies you named I watched and they were GREAT! The world is made up of all kinds of people, God created us in his image. For the record Black and Brown people believe in God, read the bible and go to church regularly. Now if Hallmark would include more Asians and Jewish people.

  6. Hallmark is no longer the Heart of TV at our house. We will not be watching!

  7. Pretty sad you have to check on the internet now for comments and reviews before watching a movie on Hallmark. Once was safe but not anymore!

  8. I will not be watching Wedding every Weekend either. Thank you for the heads up on this Net. I love both Paul and Kimberly but I cannot support this movie. Too bad Hallmark is alienating so many of their faithful followers, but we must take a stand for God. God bless.

    1. Amen Anonymous! I was so looking forward to see two of my favorite actors together again. When I saw the two brides on the ad a red flag went up. I will not be recording this movie.

  9. It would be interesting to see some data on this movie. Like what are the ratings compared to other premiers. I'd also be interested in how the subscribers to their streaming service are effected if at all. Like another commenter, I'm not sure if I'll be able to enjoy other movies by Hallmark any more.

    1. I canceled my subscription to HMNOW. I only got it for When Hope Calls and no word it is being renewed... probably too much faith for them now since they turned secure. I also didn’t want to support Hallmark so I cancelled. I hope many more do the same. I haven’t been too excited about their movies for the last few years. Same old story lines gets quite old and bringing gay characters into the mix is not going to help or freshen things up. Like Sabrina mentioned, their ratings are not as good because Hallmark is not as good. They try go big and do more and the quality is just not good. Really it is no lost if you ask me.

  10. I agree! I contacted hallmark and commented on this after I saw the preview. Of course, I won't hear back from them.

  11. I agree with you Net. I didn't realize this was the story line until I read it here and am so disappointed because I was so looking forward to watching. I love the main characters (together and separately). I am not judging, this is just my choice. Hate the sin not the sinner. I will not be watching.

  12. Thank you so much for letting us know. I too believe in the Biblical definition of marriage and am disappointed to see Hallmark going down this road. There is already so much of that content on all the other channels it was nice to have a place to go for family friendly movies.

  13. We won't watch either. And thank you for the heads up and sticking with Biblical values no matter what.

  14. Thanks Net! When I saw the promo for this movie, it made me very sad. I love Paul and Kimberly and they were so good in A Godwink Christmas. Such a different movie than what this one seems to value. I also won’t be watching.

  15. I agree with commenters #1. NO MORE HALLMARK. This time they have gone way too far, and the only way they are going to get the message is for enough Christians to have a backbone and say NO, and the only real way to say no is to stop watching their channel altogether. How can we support (at all) a channel who has kicked us to the curb in favor of a very small minority who trample God's Word concerning the most sacred human union ever instituted by Him? To think we cannot stop watching this channel is blatant proof of how in love with the world we have become and how completely we have lost our way. One Million Moms has a petition to sign to boycott Hallmark. Over 43,000 have signed it, and I hope you will, too, and stand up for the truth and defend God's stance on marriage. Here is the link: https://onemillionmoms.com/current-campaigns/hallmark-is-loud-and-proud-about-its-lead-gay-characters-sign-boycott-petition/

  16. The preview of this movie is now on YouTube. We have to stand strong in the face of this evil that Hallmark is promoting. This is an abomination to our Lord! The bible is very specific about this in more than one book of the bible. God will not be mocked! His Word will stand forever. Keep the faith!

    1. I was just repulsed by the preview Hallmark released. The two stars are just so proud to be a part of this movie which they say celebrates love of any kind. What's interesting is when they mention the weddings these characters attend they just say a biracial and Jwish wedding. They didn't mention same sex wedding.

    2. I don't understand why we can't watch a movie with things we don't believe in them though. It doesn't mean I support it!! Does no one here watch a show that has a murder in it? I'm sure you all have, and surely don't support it. But the bible is very specific about that as well. I will never understand people who pick and choose from the bible so that they may judge others on their personal issues. ....go ahead and delete this as I know you will...which is sad as well.

    3. I must say - that is completely different. Of course, murder is wrong. The Bible tells us in the Ten Commandments "Thou Shall Not Kill." It is a sin. In these mysteries, murder is never glorified as being right. In fact, murder is portrayed as being wrong and those who commit any crime are punished in the end. Good overcomes evil and we know it will prevail in real life, as well.

  17. Thank you Net for the review. I will not be watching this movie and feel as most, that Hallmark is no longer a safe place. I have a choice a choice to follow Jesus and a choice to not watch Hallmark movies that go against God's word. Not surprising though is it, Hallmark does not claim to be Christian. Sadly, looks like Hallmark has run it's course with family friendly movies, an end of an era.

  18. Net this has to be so discouraging for you! Please keep sharing family friendly movies. There are other channels besides Hallmark. Don’t let this stop you, keep strong, stand on your faith and let His Light Shine, which you always do! Thank you for always being a great outlet for our family on decent movies we can watch together. We will not be watching!!!

    1. This is discouraging for so many of us. I've gotten so much joy and pleasure from watching these Christmas movies and now I'm not sure what I want to do. Part of me says I can no longer support Hallmark and won't watch anything any more. Part of me says I'll just avoid the objectionable movies. I just don't know what to do.

  19. THANK YOU, Net, for standing strong for your faith! I wholeheartedly agree with you! I will not be watching either! Hallmark's poor decision to completely disregard their audiences' religious beliefs makes me tremendously sad and I feel like I have been betrayed by a close friend. As always, I am grateful for YOU Net! God Bless! Susan

  20. The new petition on one million moms...https://onemillionmoms.com/current-campaigns/hallmark-is-loud-and-proud-about-its-lead-gay-characters-sign-boycott-petition/

  21. Net, you know where I stand on this issue. As much as I love Kimberly Sustad and Paul Campbell I will not watch this movie! I just hate Hallmark caving in to a few instead of standing fast with all of their faithful viewers.

  22. Thank you so much for all you do, Net. It is a wonderful ministry God has entrusted to you to give us all warning about what is up ahead. Hallmark has completely forsaken their base, and it is like they have slapped all of us in the face. We cannot, as Christian wives and mothers, let down the standard of God's Word and allow what He calls abomination play out in our homes in the face of our dear children. We must keep the faith and stand strong, shoulder to shoulder. When enough Christians stop watching, maybe Hallmark will get the message.

  23. I will not be watching this one or any other that offend my Christianity. This breaks my heart, I watch Hallmark less and less each year.

  24. Just another reminder that while we are in the world, we are not of the world. I greatly appreciate your God-minded reviews. Its helpful to see your wise, faith based recommendations. Thank you and God bless you!

  25. I'm not making excuses for Hallmark,but we had to know this day was coming. The actors who appear in these movies are part of the Hollywood bubble for the most part. There are a few strong people of faith but not many. In recent years Hallmark has tapped more and more actors who work in mainstream Hollywood productions. These people live and breath in the LGTBQ culture of Hollywood. A number of these movies are written by gay men (just do a little research). Ron Oliver who directed Christmas at the Plaza and other Hallmark movies has had two same sex marriages. I can only imagine the internal pressure Hallmark is under from all sides. Again, not making excuses for Hallmark, but they are a secular company who has made a lot of money secularizing Christmas. Their Christmas movies are no different than the other movies they air outside of the season. The same basic stories with a Christmas tree, hot cider, and talk about Christmas magic added. Even with all that having the Hallmark Channel on was like white noise and now I can't even trust this any more.

    1. The SSD Christmas movie is about the birth of Jesus. What a blessing to see the real meaning of Christmas in a Hallmark movie! Had to get the DVD!

    2. Kitkat, I just bought it myself. I cried in 2014 when it first aired and when I watched my dvd. It actually mentions the name (wait for it) Jesus! Like the first time, I felt the warmth of Son as I watched it.

    3. I love it!! The recurring theme of Christian Faith in these movies is wonderful! The SSD Christmas movie was the best and had me crying.

    4. Boy do I agree with this commentary. This has been coming for a long time but it is super sad to see the blatant and overt movement of Hallmark into supporting the disregard of biblically based marriage of a man and a woman. I also agree with some who have questions how are they going to "rate" this movie as all of their movies are considered "G"...and this type of content is definitely not "G". I will not watch this movie either...I have been following Hallmark's decline for many years....Jesus used to be a part of their Christmas movies and that faded away years ago and like a lot of others I am not so fond of the ridiculous repeat themes etc but it was still clean etc. and I love so many of their regular Hallmark actors and actresses. When Lifetime Christmas last year had more movies that at least had faith based content - Jesus or Christ centered carols as a part of their content and movie plots that were not cookie-cutter...I guess I knew we were in trouble. Thanks to Net for her reviews that help us sift out the good from the bad. For me I had not been on this website since last Christmas and then Yahoo of all places (the tabloid search engine) had the headlines of Hallmark's intentions for their Christmas movies to be "inclusive of LBGT focus etc." and then a headline about this Four Wedding movie and they highlighted the focus on the same sex couple wedding. So I sent out an alert to any Hallmark fans I know and all of us agree we will not watch this. To the person who asked about why we watch murder and not this etc....murder is clearly defined as sin in scripture and in the movies is never glorified it is always a crime to be solved and have the perpetrator arrested (unlike the rise in lawlessness happening in some of our cities today). But same sex marriage presented as acceptable is a huge red flag...the end of Romans 1..you approve the very things that they do..paraphrase...but for many of us in watching this we are promoting this and it is a sin in I Cor 6 that clearly those who practice will not inherit the kingdom of God...but it is being fed to millions as "normal and okay" and it is not okay. And it makes me sick to see it portrayed as "normal...from the beg of time to date this is not normal and Romans 1 clearly shows how this decline occurs. And as others said we who are boycotting really need maybe to increase our prayer for so many of the folks we love at Hallmark Channel. I am also super sad to see Hallmark go down this path...but we can also be thankful for all the years of great programming and family friendly content and thankful for the stuff that they are putting out that is not compromised. A big thanks to Net for this website.

  26. Thank you so much, Net. I haven't been on your site in about a week, and I just received an email about his, and my first thought was to hop on here! I will NOT be watching this either, and I was looking forward to it, but I will not support this type of programming. It's very sad, and unfortunately, I think they will continue with this trend. It will be interesting to see what this movie's ratings will be compared with the other two Summer Nights movies. Thank you for all you do, Net! God bless and keep you safe.

  27. I called the number that someone commented on one of these posts and told Hallmark how I feel. The person I spoke with said they would pass it along to their leadership. We need to speak up and call them and let them know that we are not in agreement with their decision. Even if it doesn't make them change their mind, God will be pleased because we are doing what's right.

    1. Hi, what number is that? I would love to call and voice my concerns as well.

    2. The phone number Christian sites are asking fans of Hallmark to call is 1-800-425-5627.

      Thank you to our friend, kitkat, for sharing this info with us!

    3. I sent an e-mail to the only address I could find for contacting a Hallmark, I am so very disappointed that this channel no longer stands for Biblical marriage as set up by God. I’ve received no response but am hoping that a drop in the ratings will wake up the channel and it’s sponsors!

  28. So sad to see Hallmark caving in to the pressure to produce films that cater to a very small percentage of our society. I won't be watching a Wedding Every Weekend. Even though I like Kimberly and Paul, I just can't sit and watch this type of programming. Not sure if I'll completely stop watching Hallmark Channel. Time will tell.

  29. Well, I won’t be watching the Hallmark Channels all week, due to the Summer Nights commercial that airs over and over again and then the movie. Actually ever since I heard the news I haven’t been watching. The freedom of knowing it was a safe channel is gone. Why in the world are they doing this? I know they are not a Christian station, but we as viewers have built their empire on just that family friendly movies and now this change, hopefully it show in the ratings how we all feel. I hope many who say they are not watching or taping it will stick to their promise.

  30. I will NOT be watching!!! So sad to see the support this movie is getting on social media. Someone I follow on social and who I believed would feel the same as I do about this movie is instead very supportive and is pushing the movie with tweets and interviews. I don’t know how you can be a Christian and read the Bible and sit there and watch this movie this weekend knowing what God says about homosexuality and He is watching us and our actions. It just really surprised me!

  31. I appreciate And agree with all of the comments. I have been very sad and disappointed that Hallmark felt the need to bend to the far left and disregard their strong Christian fan base. I removed the Hallmark apps from my phone and iPad and have no desire to turn that channel on. I do hope that more people stop supporting Hallmark.

  32. Is Hallmark jumping the shark with “Wedding Every Weekend”? I have watched the first and second Summer Nights movies and they were both slow and the same old storyline. I read on social media that Hallmark has had their day and is sinking in the ratings. I believe people are just not interested anymore and their new movie this weekend which I will not be watching, if they think that will help they are seriously kidding themselves. They are annihilating their core audience family which I believe is still majority traditional. We shall see.

  33. I will not be watching.

    I am reminded of this song whenever I watch anything, that I learned in Sunday school.
    “Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
    Oh be careful little eyes what you see
    For the Father up above
    Is looking down in love
    So, be careful little eyes what you see”

    This includes everyone adults and children. I was raised according to God’s Word and the homosexual lifestyle is a sin and we need as Christians to pray for all who believe this is acceptable! Bless You Net!

  34. Why all the uproar, if the movie was ok then it would be just an ordinary weekend with a new Hallmark movie. But is not!!! This movie is wrong and not family friendly! Thank You Net for putting it out there. There is another blog I follow about Hallmark movies and she is supporting it. You can not be a Christian and promote the homosexual lifestyle. I don’t care if you want everyone to be happy, they will not be in the end if they don’t change, There has never been an uproar over traditional marriage and that is because that is what God intended!

    1. There are many surface Christians. The name Christian does not mean anything to the world anymore. Churches where I live are accepting the gays as Christians and some have pastors that are gay. There is even a Bishop that is gay. That is why I say I am a follower of Jesus. You will know them by their fruits. Pray for the lost!

    2. Amen to that, kitkat! Anyone can call themselves a Christian, but actions speak louder than words. We will be praying with you and all who feel the same.

  35. Wow, guess the wife and missed the commercials on this one. Faithful watchers, but after the “wedding kiss” we had to switch channels. We have this constantly crammed down our throats constantly on other networks. Thought we had at least one safe place we could watch good wholesome movies. If this is now to be the standard on Hallmark we’ll have to find a substitute I guess, geez. We’re currently discussing dropping the network from Dish. Unbelievable.....

  36. I wouldn't watch it either. I'm tired of hearing "love is love" and "love wins" from the LGBTQ crowd. Love hasn't won here--compromise has. When angels came in human form to escort Lot out of Sodom, a roving band beat on Lot's door because they wanted to have intercourse with the "men" staying with him. This gay mob is still banging on doors to be let in to express their perversion, and Hallmark opened their door. The saddest part is that "inclusion" and "acceptance" of this lifestyle isn't helping anyone who is gay. It's actually encouraging them to continue in their sin, which ultimately separates them from God for all eternity, unless they repent. Anyone who disagrees is labeled a "hater," even though we don't hate gays--we don't want anyone to perish! Those calling us "haters" are the ones making the most hateful comments of all and scorning our faith. Hallmark endorsing this sinful lifestyle is like handing a gun to a suicidal person, thinking you're being supportive of their decision. Let's hope people of faith stand by their values and not watch these type of movies. Maybe if Hallmark's ratings bottom out on this type of programming, they won't be able to financially withstand the blow and stick with shows that align with the values of their largest base.

  37. I have read all comments and I'm so glad to see others feel same way I do.ive posted several comments on tweeter and have been slammed,I don't care,can't believe hallmark so willing to let go of millions of loyal fans just to please a few.so sad so heartbroken.hopefully uptv will stay the course.from what I've seen.im curious how actors that claim to be Christian,Candace will react to this.thank you for your post

    1. I too am concerned for Candace and other actors who are for traditional marriage. Candace is the only one out-spoken about her faith, but there must be more. Kathie Lee Gifford is a Christian, and I wonder how this will affect her relationship with Hallmark. Money talks for the majority of the actors. The Bible tells us that no weapon formed against us will prosper. A woman is now leading Hallmark. Bill Abbott has been gone since these changes started. Bill was a good guy. The scriptures Net posts here are so encouraging. We will win in the end.

    2. Will not be watching these same sex movies. So sad Hallmark caved . I think they will see how many people are disgusted to see this. Who would want this? OH YEAH MONEY TALKS!

  38. Very disappointed with Hallmark for caving to the liberal values in our country rather than standing up for the traditional ones. It’s easy to give in to peer pressure, but it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. Shame on you!

  39. I am so saddened and disappointed with Hallmark. I started being disappointed with them when they apologized to the gay and lesbian community. I was again disappointed when they portrayed two men as gay without saying it a few weeks ago in the movie about olive oil. I also saw the previews and was saddened and disappointed they were putting a lesbian marriage into the movie. I started watching the beginning because I wanted to make sure I was not judging the movie wrongfully. Almost the very first thing was the lesbian couple, so I turned it immediately. Shame on Hallmark! I watched Hallmark movies because I did not have to worry about cussing or gays and lesbians. I love God with my whole heart and know that the gay and lesbian lifestyle is wrong! The Bible makes that very clear! As true Christians, we all need to sign the petition and call Hallmark and let them know true Christians are against this and we will stand STRONG AGAINST THIS EVIL!

  40. I was sadden to Hallmark has circum to pressure. What happened to wholesome entertainment. I have been watching Hallmark channel for years. But now I will have to read all about the new movie coming on before watching. I also will have to rethink if Hallmark will be my favorite channel. Disappointing.

  41. For all the Christians out there now disappointed in Hallmark, take heart that you are not alone. You will be Blessed in doing the right thing for your values and family, by no longer watching any Hallmark at all. Some in my family told me to still watch the "acceptable" movies and shows and not the ones that aren't. If that works for you, fine; but I think the impact will be much bigger if they lose viewership across the board. Who knows when a commercial or scene in something on their networks pops up that is against Christian values and beliefs. However, one mistake I see people making in the comments here is to compare having more prominent black/African-American characters to having gay characters. This is what the gay community has tried to convince the general public of--that their "fight and plight" is the same as that of people of color and the civil rights movement. It is NOT!! The civil rights movements, both of the past and present, are quite legitimate and should have the support of every American. It is Biblical; not anti-Christian. The LGBQT--whatever all the letters are, (I can never recall because them seem to add more daily), is just the opposite. It is NOT Biblical, it is Anti-Christian and in no way should ever be compared to what people of colored have suffered and fought for.


  43. As a loyal reader and an avid Hallmark fan, I was torn about even watching the movie. But in the end I taped it and I watched it. Kimberly sustad and Paul Campbell were excellent together, they had great chemistry and are so funny! They are each friends with one of the same sex couple, so they are mentioned a number of times. Aside from the kiss, which truly disgusted me. I totally fast-forwarded through that part. There was an art class scene in which the focus was more on the bride couple than the people talking. Someone pointed out to me that this is a conversation we need to be having at home with our families, regardless. That is why I watched it.

  44. Dear Net, I spent some time without accessing your blog and today reading the posts I saw this terrible one. It was repeated again, and more strongly. Last year we had the case of the commercial and that was not enough, now we have a film openly addressing this topic. As I wrote in the post about the commercial, many of Hallmark's actors and actresses are homosexuals, the pressure for that to happen was great. There is an ongoing agenda to end everything in relation to family and marriage. It is up to us to make our choices and cancel the subscription to Hallmark, change the channel. They live on public money and, I'm sure that all the fame and audience of the channel were not earned with the lgbt audience, but with the Christian audience that is a regular of the channel. I am only sorry for that and I thank you Net, for all the work and care you have always had with us. May God keep on blessing you.

  45. I'm very disappointed in Hallmark!!! They have really let their viewers down!!! I watched Wedding Every Weekend not knowing that it included a lesbian wedding. It would have been a cute story line if they didn't ruin it with the lesbian couple & their wedding. I never thought that Hallmark would need warnings on their movies. It used to be safe to let your kids watch-- not anymore! I don't want to watch either! It ruined my love of Hallmark movies forever. If they are going to include gay & lesbian people in their movies, they should also include ugly people, divorced people, & movies that don't have happy endings, because they have just ruined everything that Hallmark used to be! I will be canceling my subscription to the Hallmark Channel! I guess I won't be a heartie anymore! Oh well, I was tired of the love triangle anyway!

  46. I didn't know anything about the same-sex wedding story line when I watched the movie. Once I realized what was happening, I decided to watch it all the way through to see how far they would go. I guess by showing the bride and the bride kissing at their wedding said it all. Let me also add that the movie itself was flat. The two main characters didn't seem to have any spark between them. It was as if the only purpose of the movie was to finally have an LBGTQ couple on a Hallmark movie. So sad. I will miss Christmas movies. Maybe if their ratings fall, they will return to their roots.

  47. No more Hallmark in my home. I will boycott all they produce since bending to the LGBQT agenda to normalize and romanticize immoral lifestyle. Interesting they stopped productions with Lori Laughlin for her greedy, monetary crime while embracing sin against God and all Judeo-Christian beliefs.


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