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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sharing my Heart on Hallmark...

Thank you all for being faithful followers here. Please know, as a Christian, I am fully aware and disappointed with the current decision by Hallmark to bring back the controversial commercial to their channel. This sudden change of course is deeply concerning to me and my family.

I appreciate all of you who have reached out to me with the same concerns; I know Hallmark has been our safe haven now for many years.

With deep reverence, I believe in the Holy Word of God, the Bible, and I try to live daily by those principles. As we celebrate Christmas, the sacred birth of our Savior– who came into this world as a tiny baby and was crucified on a cross, to give His life so you & I could be forgiven of our sins, I stand strong on my beliefs, and I will not give in to what the world says is okay and acceptable. God’s word is the same yesterday, today, and forever, (Hebrews 13:8) and God’s Word clearly says in Leviticus 18:22- the homosexual act is detestable; it is an abomination (Leviticus 20:13). And in the New Testament, God repeats this statement in Romans 1:18-32.

Please know my heart – I love everyone. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) However, God loves us so much that He gave us a way to be in heaven with Him – repentance. Any sexual deviation from traditional marriage in the eyes of God is sin, but anyone who commits this sin can be forgiven.

If we repent of our sins, “He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Some people have asked - why can’t you just ignore it or be accepting. I’ve prayed and pondered on this and I believe God gave me this answer…

If you saw your friend in a burning building, what would you do?

Would you ignore it? Would you accept it and walk away?

No, if you love your friend, you would definitely not ignore it or accept it without trying to warn or help. You would run to the door and knock and seek out your friend – to bring them to safety.

That’s exactly what I’m doing here. In love, I’m warning all unrepentant sinners, without the grace and forgiveness of Jesus, they will spend eternity in Hell. Jesus is knocking on the door of their heart, and I pray they will turn from their wicked ways and seek salvation. Not one of us is perfect, no not one. (Romans 3:10) We all need a Savior. That’s why I rejoice at Christmastime and all year through - that Jesus came to save us!

Each of us has to make the decision for ourselves – on how we’ll respond and what we will watch. It has always been my goal to only share family-friendly programming here at It's a Wonderful Movie, and I will do my best to be even more careful and cautious with the programming I share here in the future. However, if I haven’t pre-screened a movie, it’s sometimes difficult to know. That’s why I’m also truly grateful for those of you – who take the time to share your reviews. Your support and kindness at this time has been such an encouragement to me.

Also, I want to share this message from Twitter by Christian evangelist Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham), that has helped me personally in affirming what I should do next… “We can change the channel. That’s what I’ll do if I’m watching @HallmarkChannel & an ad w/gay people kissing comes on. My family—& many, many others—have appreciated their wholesome content. But the LGBTQ agenda bullies everybody—including them.”

That's exactly what I'll do. If I see any objectionable content I will be changing the channel.

Thank you for being understanding. I will be in prayer today and spending time with my family as we prepare for Christmas.

God’s Blessings to you all… Merry Christmas! Net


  1. I don't think I've ever commented here before, but I found your site a long time back when I was looking for suggestions of wholesome uplifting movies! I don't have cable so sadly I don't have the Hallmark channel, but love the stuff they put out. I hadn't heard about this whole controversy until I saw your post. Thank you for your post and for standing up for what you believe. I echo your words and appreciate you for promoting uplifting and wholesome valued programs and movies. Thank you for being an example for good in this world where things that once were good are now viewed as bad, and vice versa. Thank you for your blog. Even if we stand alone, God still expects us to stand!

  2. Thank you Met for standing up for what you believe. I myself am struggling with whether I will watch Hallmark again. I've loved their content. It's clean and uplifting and epitomized Christian faith and values. We have to stand strong and be vigilant in the content we watch snd read. Thanks again for your gaith.

    1. If you mean epitomize Christian faith from the standpoint that their films don't show premarital sex or don't have swearing, then I agree. However, Hallmark rarely even acknowledges Christmas as a Christian holiday. It's the rare movie that even mentions God or Christ. Rarely are any Christmas songs used religious. For Hallmark Christmas is secular at best.

  3. Thank you for standing up for what you believe. I am with you 100%. I actually sent in a message online to Hallmark corporate. I don't know if they'll see it or not, but I wanted to make sure my stance was stated.
    It is very, very sad to me how quickly Hallmark folded just from peer pressure. They were going to lose fans either way (if there even are any gay fans of Hallmark movies), but they would have received way more respect if they stuck with their original decision. I know that right now it is "culturally acceptable", but at one point it was also "culturally acceptable" for people of different skin colors to hate one another. Was that ever right? Of course not! And abortion is considered okay right now, too. But should Hallmark have commercials promoting it? Absolutely not.
    I just hope that they never make any movies like this. And it is also very sad to see all of the cast members of When Calls the Heart with their "love is love" posts. It makes me see them in a different light.

    1. I saw the cast post that as well! How disappointing but not surprising! Love is Caring & Praying for the Lost...so they can have eternal life! I pray this whole situation will start a revival! Thank you Net for sharing your heart, it brought tears to my eyes! Merry Christmas!

    2. I totally agree with everything that has been written here. Unfortunately Hallmark was not loyal to its audience, which has always been loyal to the channel. The actors showed who they are: they are only there for the money, for the fame, with no respect for the fans. I even saw some debating and offending Instagram fans. I found that very sad. As for the fact that you mentioned not having gay couples in movies, Hallmark already did that in the movie "Road to Christmas". The character David, son of Julia Wise is gay and owns a shop with his boyfriend / partner. When I realized this, I immediately stopped watching with my family. I was shocked by that. Remember that most of the actors who are male protagonists in Hallmark movies are gay. Just look at your Instagram profiles. It remains for us to increasingly select what our family can see and resort to books or dvds ...

  4. The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter until the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18

    “Delight yourself in the LORD, & He will give you the desires & petitions of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; Trust in Him also & He will do it. He will make your righteousness shine like the noonday sun...”
    Ps 37:4-6.

    But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.”1 John 1:7 NLT

    He who has promised IS faithful to do what He has said — Hebrews 10:23

  5. I to am crushed and disheartened at the turn of events. I was also discouraged with the last episode on the When Calls the Heart cookie matchup where a male contestant mentions his boyfriend. I was stunned to find it on Hallmark. We live in dark times where its easier to conform with the world then stand on the sides with a few. Hallmark was the one place I felt would stand the test of time for what was biblically correct; that no-longer holds true. I certainly will not watch anything that glorifies a sinful nature. Thank you for your insight and your stand.

    1. Really? Oh my goodness I had no idea that was on the Christmas Cookie show! That's so not right.

    2. I had no idea about this, either. I can't believe they have already caved and included this! I am just SO sad over it all. Unbelievable how many people they have hurt.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this thoughtful post Net; I echo your thoughtful words as well. God does still expect us to stand. I'm very saddened with Hallmark's decision as we have trusted them for many years as a peaceful space. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as we deal with this news. Merry Christmas to you and your family Net, and thank you for all that you do!

  7. Hi Net,
    I completely agree with and the others who have commented. It is not right for people to impose their agenda on others. These people can advertise on other channels; why did they have to pick Hallmark to bully? The wholesome and heartwarming message in so many Hallmark films is why I watch. God Bless and Merry Christmas to you, Net, your family and to all the nice folks who follow "Its A Wonderful Movie."

  8. Thank you for posting this. I am torn as I am a Christian and love everyone but that was one thing I loved/love about Hallmark is that they don't show content unbecoming. Yes it is just a commercial but we can see that on regular channels. I don't want to see it on Hallmark. It's my escape from the world around us. And just because I don't agree or want to see it doesn't mean I don't love/respect those who are of the other 'side.' Thank you

  9. I am more that disappointed in Hallmark's decision to normalize sin. That is the tactic of Satan (read Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis). I have watched my last Hallmark movie...I will not even watch the rest of this holiday season.

  10. Thank you for your insights. I knew Abbott would cave as he is only interested in money. I am finished with Hallmark personally, but I am saddened to see yet another good thing ruined.

  11. I agree with you completely! Thank you for your blog and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Dear sister in the Lord, I want to say the Lord has beeb glorified through your expressing yourself re: Hallmark's decision. And all the comments written so far also glorified our wonderful Redeemer. I am dismayed by the change and will want to obey the Lord as to what to do. I have written to corporate also and additionally signed the One Million Mom's website to join with fellow sojourners. I love that God is sovereign and is the blessed controller of all things. I have tried to watch the ION and Lifetime Christmas movies that you've posted. (I don't get UPTV.) I'm not comfortable with the other channels because of what I pick up in their movies. The values and the way the characters speak to one another and how they speak in situations...it's not the same as Hallmark. Hallmark has always had a graceful way to present their stories. There's been a kindness that is missing in the other channel's presentations I've watched...though I haven't watched many. I've been so spoiled by Hallmark movies. So I am grieving that Hallmark seems to be getting ready to fall by the wayside along with the other channels mentioned.
    Thank you, dear Net, for taking a strong stand and being an example to many who use your website.

  13. I am personally concerned about the part when the Hallmark CEO said that they will work with GLAAD and other LGBT organizations.....it seems like it is a matter of time before Hallmark will feature a film with same sex romance. It makes me sad that even a family friendly network will eventually go down that road. I know I can always just not watch that movie/commercial but it will be hard when they advertise the movie while another movie is on. I am just so disheartened by all of this.

  14. Thank you, Net! I still am deciding to even keep watching Hallmark. I will still come to your site as I do every day!


  15. Thank you for your post! I couldn't agree more!! <3

  16. I’ve only commented a couple of time though I’ve been reading this wonderful site for years. Thanks for your post. I haven’t even turned on any of the hallmark channels since they reversed their decision...my hearts just not in it. I unliked all their social media accounts...it was disheartening to see the bullying that is being allowed when anyone expresses their religious beliefs. It’s a sad situation. On a cheerier note, Merry Christmas and thank you for all your work! Becky F.

  17. I do not watch When Calls the Heart. I ignore most commercials. I don't care for much of what Hallmark does, either way. They haven't shown any couples of mixed race in recent years. I have never considered the network overtly Christian. In recent years, an unmarried couple was sharing a bedroom, and nothing was said about it.

  18. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this. It was nice to read a thoughtful response rather than some of the vitriol that's been flying around social media. Here's something I haven't seen addressed by people who feel that Hallmark has strayed from family-friendly programming with running the Zola ad: directly after the ad ran last week was an ad for Fabletics, an athletic wear company. It was basically 30 seconds of extreme (and I do mean extreme) closeups of women's backsides in form-fitting yoga pants. I would be very uncomfortable if my children had seen that.

    During another movie, I saw an ad for a company that sells "bottle wraps" to hide an alcoholic beverage. It depicted a man getting drunk to avoid interacting with family during the holidays. Again, not something I want my children to see. I haven't heard from anyone upset about the Zola ad saying that these ads also bother them. If you have addressed this previously, I'm sorry. I do read your blog often but not every post. I feel like there are a bunch of ads that are inappropriate and conflict with Biblical teachings. But the Zola ad is the only one getting called out. I agree that it's nice to watch a movie and know what you're getting, but I also don't expect any channel to be perfect.

  19. Thank you for your words, Net. God has truly blessed us with you and your website. As I've learned on GoodReads, the definition of a "clean" book varies greatly depending on the reader and their values. And, likewise, a "clean" movie or tv channel means something different to all viewers. For me, it is so refreshing to have a place to come and hear what other Christians and faith-based viewers have to share about all these movies. Thank you for all you do, Net! And please keep doing it! (Philippians 4:8)

    Merry Christmas!
    May you and your family have a wonderful celebration of our Savior's birth!!


  20. Net, thank you for the stand you have taken. I stand with you my friend and sister in Christ. The world is so dark and blinded by Satan. I am so disappointed in Hallmark. Christians are fastly becoming the minority. The world does not care how much we are offended. We need to stand united and pray.

    Love you Net and love all that visit here. Merry CHRISTmas to all.

  21. Dear Net! How I appreciate you and ALL you said in this post! I could NOT agree more with you, and your heart for God and stand for His truth is like a breath of fresh air. I cannot say enough how much I thank you for your uncompromising love for Jesus and His Word and standards. My heart is so deeply saddened and heavily burdened over what Hallmark is doing. I have written two letters, pleading with them to NOT do this. Why do companies cave to the bullying of a mere 3% of our population and yet dismiss the concerns of the other 97%? Bill Abbott of Hallmark apologized for "hurting" them, but what about the many Christians he is hurting by completely betraying us? WE and those like us are the ones who have made Hallmark what it is by our unrelenting support of them. Yet, they dismiss us and our concerns as if we don't matter at all. I wanted to share with your readers (in case anyone doesn't already know) that there a three things we can do to make our voices heard and make a difference. #1 - One Million Moms has a petition to sign that they are going to present to Hallmark at this link: https://onemillionmoms.com/current-campaigns/hallmark-announced-they-are-reinstating-zola-ad-sign-the-boycott-hallmark-pledge/. It currently has 36,458 signers. If we all pull together, we can make a huge difference. It would be great to see this number far more than what it is! #2 - You can email Hallmark and pour out your heart and concerns by writing to: viewers@crownmedia.com. I am not sure if they even read the emails because I do not get a response when I write, but it is worth a try. #3 - PRAY! Proverbs 21:1 says, "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will." Pray for God to turn the heart of Bill Abbott and the management of Hallmark and Crown Media - to make them see how wrong this is and to somehow change their minds. It breaks my heart to know of the innocent children who are being influenced and led astray by this evil agenda being injected into a place where we have all always felt safe. It feels like losing something precious, and it makes me so sad. Thanks for listening, and thank you again so much, Net, for all you do for all of us and for the Lord! Your labors are not in vain!

  22. Along with you, I'm disappointed with how this all turned out, but I can't say I'm terribly surprised by it. There are very very few things we can watch on TV nowadays, and I knew that sooner or later the few good ones will be contaminated as well. My kids don't watch TV at all with the exception of PBS Kids shows. With more and more people "conforming to the world", it's so sad that we will have to have this conversation with our young kids about this type of topic sooner than we want to. It's so hard to be a Christian in this world we live in. Thank you again for standing up to your belief and sharing your heart. I know it's not easy.

  23. Thank you for standing strong! I echo many opinions in the comments above. I watch a lot of Christmas movies in November and December. I believe we need to really need to be cautious of what we see on the new movies coming up. Ratings are huge for a TV company. If certain movies are lacking in ratings they will be shown less than the movies that have better ratings. My gut feeling is that the main characters will not be gay but a side supporting actor but that is still enough for me to not watch it. It will take time but I feel the viewers need to show hallmark by caving how much they can lose

  24. Net, I am so thankful for your courage, your bold faith. Your godly example inspires me. You have been a huge blessing to our family.

  25. Thank you Net for this message and for all you are and I am proud to have you as a friend. I have to believe that a lot of Hallmarks 2019 decisions have to do with their lower ratings this season. To me it seems Hallmark wants to go where the money is, where the ratings are, where it is "accepted" and it seems they have gotten away from what they claim is their message, family friendly, it seems they only care when it helps their pocketbook, more and more I am seeing this with Hallmark and it is extremely disappointing.

    I always struggle with the homeosexuality, and I feel like I am being judgmental when I don't want to see it, I feel like I am a terrible person, but Net you reminded me here why I feel like I do. And maybe God is reminding me too thru my dear friend Net. I sometimes feel its cause I am older and don't want to see certain things but its not, and we will be the minority someday if we aren't already. But we should stand in what we believe and keep our faith.

    Thanks Net and Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

    1. TV networks cannot survive without ratings and sponsors/advertisers, etc. That IS the nature of their business. They HAVE to care about things like money earned and ratings. It is imperative.

      Family-friendly content does not mean that a TV network won't try to get ratings, viewers and more advertising dollars.

      We would not be getting any new content from Hallmark at all if the ratings and advertising dollars were not paying off, or if there was a significant drop in revenue or viewership.

      People cannot expect a TV network to not try to do things to survive. They are not making content for free, out of the goodness of their hearts. They are a business. I think people sometimes forget that.

    2. Anonymous, I get it, they wont survive without ratings, but there is no denying the ratings this year are terrible compared t last year and the past few years. So whatever they were doing before was working and they didn't need to go and change and cater to certain fan bases and not others, they didn't need to start doing the 3 mins past the hour on movies, they need need to do all the things they have done this year, it seems they were doing quite well before. but that wasn't enough and this year the ratings show.

      And before someone tells me that cable tv has changed and people watch stuff streaming, I know that too, but it seems this year there has been a BIG drop in ratings, and I don't see that is from people streaming, I feel it may be like I feel, I dont want 45 new movies, and I don't want one fan base catered to, it seems if hallmark made 12 really good movies they would be far more successful than if they make 45 sub par, terrible storylines, and way to overdone plots.

  26. I echo the comments of so many others who agree with your post Net. Thank you for the years of this blog. Its been heartwarming and a light in the dark. I will do a lot of year reading next year instead of watching Christmas stories...unless! Some brilliant person comes up with another channel to replace Hallmark that will remain true to wholesome values. Merry Christmas!

  27. Thank you, Net, for your thoughtful and spiritual comments, on which I stand with you 1000%. As a poster previously put HM has been "sneaking in" this type of character first in Road to Christmas (where it was strongly suggested) and there was a couple of the last of the Vineyard series. If they think it goes unnoticed, they are wrong. I have turned it off. Without viewers there are no ratings, and with no ratings no $$ to line Abbott's selfish pockets. He and the HM channel will lose big on this gamble. It will never be the same for me. I'll stick with the classics such as It's a Wonderful Life and older versions of a Christmas Carol. No thanks, Hallmark, you've just lost yourself literally thousands of viewers. Merry Chrsitmas, Net, and may the Lord continue to shine his bright light on all of us this Christmas season.

  28. I agree with you Net on everything. The commercials are one thing and I can change it, but they are already wanting to make characters gay, so will you be able to warn us of those particular shows? This is so irritating because Lifetime already does everything that everyone is complaining about Hallmark not doing. But this is how the agenda works. Those pushing the agenda will not be satisfied with that.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Grace. I will try to inform you, if I know, but it's not always easy to tell. If we are all here informing one another, then hopefully that will help.

  29. They you so much Net for your stand for God. As you mentioned in Romans 3:23 “We ALL HAVE SINNED” not just the homosexual but each and everyone one of us. We are to love the sinner not the sin. None of us are prefect but to us that have received Jesus Christ as our Savior He has forgiven us of our sin. This doesn’t mean that we can just go out and do anything that we want to. We desire to say no to sin because we desire to serve Christ and not the things of this world. Several years ago Christ placed it upon my heart that I needed to flee unwholesome TV programming and that is what I have strived to do. It has been a pleasure to have Hallmark to turn to so I could watch wholesome programming. I am not all that comfortable with the programming on Lifetime, ION and even UP.

    This evening I chose to write to Hallmark corporate that I would not be viewing anymore of their programming, buying any of their cards, DVD or anymore ornaments. I have certainly bought a lot of DVD’s and ornaments.

    I certainly will continue to monitor your website Net and thank you so much for taking a stand for our Lord and Savior. We all need to be applying 2 Chronicles 7:14 to our hearts. It says “ If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” We all need to be praying for our country and our leaders (regardless if you voted for them or not). In the past 20 plus years our country has become a very divided country and it just keeps getting worse. WE NEED TO BE PRAYING. The United States of America certainly needs healing. One day (and I pray that it will be soon) Jesus Christ will be coming to take us that have placed our faith in Him back with Him. We ALL need to be ready.
    Thank you so much Net for your wonderful blog and for keeping us updated on wholesome programming. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

    Merry Christmas

  30. I was planning on watching When Calls the Heart Christmas show, but after hearing about the casts remarks I will not. They have the right to their opinion as does each of us. They can make their choices and so can we. I expect Hallmark will lose a lot more viewers than they will pick up from the LGBTQ community. Will continue to read your posts, Net, but have given up on the Hallmark channel.RG

  31. Hi, I really appreciate all your hard work keeping all of us informed of new movies etc on Hallmark and other channels with family friendly movies. I understand that quite a few are upset about Hallmark's decision to reverse their decision, but their original decision was to actually air the commercial. That was their original decision. In the not so distant past, they've had a movie with a supporting character that actually referred to herself as gay. I recall another movie having an unwed couple living together. Other movies have hinted at dirty jokes. I've also seen same sex couples dancing in the background of a couple of the Hallmark movies as well. And these movies have aired long before Hallmark's decision to air the same sex couple commercial. Other commercials as others have pointed out aren't exactly family friendly either, so I don't really get all the commotion about this particular ad. Hallmark has been cleaner than many of the other channels for years.

  32. It pains me how the left controls everything but yet are never satisfied. They control 99% of everything but won't let that 1% of conservatism exist. They need to control 100%. It also saddens me that so called conservatives are bowing down to these evil people (i.e Chick-fil-A; Hallmark Channel). Btw, liberals don't watch Hallmark Channel. I'm out. Goodbye Hallmark and good luck with your decision to bow down to people who do not watch your programming.

  33. Net, I came here today to read your message again. I have struggled with continuing a friendship with two lesbians, or I should say a neighbor of theirs said they are. Everything points in that direction. They know I am a born again Christian. We talk a lot about the Lord. They know where I stand on homosexuality. They are very kind people. Always helping someone in need. They attend their church faithfully. What I don't understand is why isn't their minister preaching the Word of God to them? I was going to end my friendship with them, but after much prayer, I knew I needed to continue to try to get the truth of God's word to them. I love them and don't want them to lose their souls to the devil. I keep praying for them to be convicted in their hearts of this sin and repent. Many churches won't talk about homosexuality or the reality of hell. Thank you Net! You have strengthened my walk with the Lord.

    1. kitkat, Bless you for being a messenger for Christ. I feel your heart immensely here in your desire to reach those who are lost. There is great Hope in Him! I am so honored to know my post here has strengthened your walk. That's what we are here for - to encourage and build each other up.

      God's Blessings to you... I'll be praying!

  34. I was thinking back on when this scandal was 1st announced.
    My 1st thought was: 'Why should Hallmark apologize for pulling the ad and then putting it back on? Why should they care what complaining gays think?!'.

    At first, I was determined not to be bothered by what had happened. I just kept on watching their new movies week after week and tried not to let it bug me. I even trued not to mind the occasional gay couple the next year because I just wanted to see new Christmas movies and only care about the main couple! Like hey, the gay couple was just the lonely background couple, no problem to me! The movies are still centered on straight people

    As for when I can definitely remember finally getting fed up with Hallmark normalizing this kind of content, it was before Christmas 2021. The attitudes of some Hallmark fans regarding people who wanted to complain about the content in the movies was really bugging me, and then GAC Family was announced, and that's when I finally fully realized how wrong it was to try and insert gay couples into movies! And then of course, that year, Hallmark started inserting more bad content into the Christmas movies, and I was so disgusted by it. Finding this site when I did that year was like finding an oasis in a desert!

    Now, I barely watch anything on Hallmark. Not being able to recognize the clean network that you grew up loving is really awful. Yeah, I still have some small attachments to it (like WCTH and Dayspring movies), but that's about it. I feel zero enthusiasm towards pretty much all their new movies because there is zero guarrantee that they will be clean, and I now look at their low ratings they keep getting and can't help but think 'You deserve the low numbers'. And given how bad last year's Christmas lineup was and how very, very little new movies of theirs I watched, I don't have much hope for this year's new lineup either, other then maybe a new Dayspring movie.

    I miss the Hallmark I grew up with. And I think I always will. Because for a long time in my life, it was the best place to go to to relax with a good movie. And now that is more or less non existent now. -Maria

    1. Maria, Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I miss those old carefree days, too. Sadly, so much has changed with the morals and values declining in our world and entertainment. So many people need the love of Jesus.

      I'm so glad you found It's a Wonderful Movie, too! Please know you are a highly regarded member of this IAWM family. Many of us share your concerns and know exactly how you feel.

      God bless you, Net

    2. Thanks, Net! -Maria

    3. Well said Maria! ❤


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