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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights...”
~ James 1:17

Monday, November 14, 2016

"Hearts of Christmas" - a Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Original Christmas Movie!


Movie: Hearts of Christmas

Network: Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

Original Air Date: December 4, 2016


Emilie Ullerup ... Jenny Miller
Kristoffer Polaha ... Matt Crawford
Sharon Lawrence ... Alice Shelby
Crystal Lowe ... Lauren Wright
Nicholas Carella ... Walt
Rachel Hayward ... Kate Miller
Bruce Dawson ... Bob Miller
Kimberly Sustad ... Isabel Lang
Jay Hindle ... Eric Lang


via Hallmark: Our tiniest angels and the dedicated nurses who care for them in the NICU are in the spotlight in this heartwarming Christmas story in which our "Scrooge," a corporate numbers cruncher, gets a lesson in love and humanity from the very people his cost-cutting plan impacts the most.

Movie Review:


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Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Kailey Schwerman

Credit: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Sven Boecker


  1. Awe, this looks so good, Net! I'm binge watching as much as I possibly can on the weekends, and when this one comes --- I'm there! I was a huge fan of Chesapeake Shores this summer and Bree was one of my favorites! By the way, have you heard anything yet? Are they bringing CS back next year?

    1. I so agree, Lauren! I enjoyed Chesapeake Shores, too, but I haven't heard any concrete news on it returning. Not yet, anyway!

      This is one I'll definitely be watching, too!!! They look like a good match! :)

  2. Is this Emilie Ullerup's first Hallmark movie?

    1. No, she has been in THREE Signed, Sealed, Delivered movies:
      Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without You
      Signed, Sealed, Delivered: One in a Million
      Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From the Heart

      She portrays a police officer and friend of Oliver O'Toole, Dale Travers.

      Emilie also portrayed a different character in the Signed, Sealed, Delivered TV Series prior to these movies.

      This Christmas movie 'Hearts of Christmas' is her first leading role in an original Hallmark TV movie! One of Emilie's co-stars, coincidentally, is Crystal Lowe, who portrays the adorable Rita, one of the Postables!, in 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered!'

  3. Kristoffer Polaha looks familiar? Where have I seen him?

    1. If you are a frequent Hallmark movie watcher, then Kristoffer Polaha should definitely look familiar! He starred in one of the "Countdown to Valentine's Day" Hallmark Movies earlier this year, 'The Dater's Handbook!'

      Personally, I thought he was great in that movie... so I'm really looking forward to seeing him in this!

    2. The Series Life Unexpected he was Baze(Nate) Seen him in Daters Handbook it bugged me then I finally remembered

  4. I'm finding more and more of this,new Christmas movies that says there are airing on a certain date are not there at all. I have searched the "supposedly" dates and air times on both the Hallmark Channel and HMM Channel and they are not there. I am not having a problem with any other channels,just the Hallmark channels.These are coming from your emails too. :(

    1. Hmmm??? Let me try to help you out. All of the New Original Movies on the Hallmark networks have premiered at the times I have promoted them or e-mailed them out.

      Maybe, you would prefer my Christmas Movie List which only lists the new premieres - by date. Hopefully that will help you out. You can see that HERE.

      Thank you for commenting!!! Blessings to You!!! :)

  5. I so appreciate the time you spend on updating us about Christmas movies and the cast interviews. I have come to rely on this site for movie news. Loved Wes Brown in Christmas Cookies! Hopefully, Hallmark will cast him in more movies. Thanks for all you do and Merry Christmas!

  6. This was a sweet movie and I enjoyed the plot. As a nurse, I was saddened to see the misguided views of nursing in some aspects. If I get a 15 minutes lunch, then I am having a great day. If I am able to eat my lunch while I chart, then I am having a good day. NEVER had a nurse had time for Pilates or lunch out of the hospital with someone. Never have I refused parents from holding there baby so forceful. Parents holding their baby is very important for the baby as well if the baby is not critical.

  7. We kept this to watch on Christmas Day as the synopsis sounded intriguing and it has a good rating on IMDB for a Hallmark Movie.

    Have to admit to some disappointment.

    Both the leads were new faces for us. Kristoffer Polaha came over well and I'd like to see him in a further movie but I somehow couldn't warm to the character played by Emilie Ullerup.

    She seemed rather abrasive and judgmental towards Matt from the beginning refusing to accept that anyone but herself could be right and I just couldn't feel much chemistry between them.

    While admiring the great work and support of the hospital staff I found that it was rather oversentimental and too sweet for my taste.

    I know you have to often take a leap of faith with many Hallmark situations but the idea that all the top brass in the Hospital would be prepared to take a salary cut to save other people's jobs doesn't ring true to human nature.

    It was watchable but left no lasting impression.

    My rating: 5.5/10

  8. was wondering can anyone see what kind of purse that emilie ullerup is using in this movie. I love it but can't tell who makes it.... email me numbr1dolly@gmail.com

  9. I just watched Hearts of Christmas yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m hoping someone can help me out. There was a Christmas song that played that was very upbeat and had a catchy beat to it that I have been unable to identify. Anyone have any ideas? I’ve researched for some time trying to find the music list for the show without any luck. Cheers!

  10. Lorrie Morgan—wrapped up in love

  11. Does anyone know the ‘verse’ that is part of a NICU baby’s celebration because they are well enough to leave the Unit? The verse is also paraphrased during Alice’s celebration near the end of the movie.

    1. Oh, I love the "Hearts of Christmas" NICU send-off Alice gives the parents and newborn baby:

      Alice leads it off by saying:

      "On glorious days like this, when our work is done, we have a special custom..." (she tells the parents)

      "Ready?" (she asks her co-workers as they join hands around)

      Alice almost whispers to the baby in a delicate, hushed tone...

      "Dear little angel,

      We bid you adieu. Spread your wings and fly. We're sorry we kept you with us so long, but so thrilled to be saying goodbye. And though you are leaving, you won't be forgotten. We'll never be truly apart. Dear little angel. We love you so much and each precious beat of your heart."

      "Now... you take your baby home," Alice says gently in a joyful manor.

      What a beautiful scene. It touches my heart each time I see it - because it speaks volumes on how precious every life is!

  12. Still hoping for Hearts of Christmas and Return to Christmas Creek to come out on dvd. Would make great Christmas presents. Has anyone heard of any new dvd releases? Also hoping for Matchmaker Santa, Window Wonderland, Catch a Christmas Star, Finding Christmas, Thanksgiving House, Twelfth Day of Christmas, Mingle all the Way, Help for the Holidays and Farewell Mr. Kringle. I'm running out of room on my dvr trying to hold on to movies that either aren't being shown or rarely. Would also like Love in Paradise and Pearl in Paradise. I know I can't be the only one. Please Santa(Hallmark) help us out. Merry Christmas to all and God Bless us everyone. RG

  13. I'm still waiting for Hearts of Christmas to come out on DVD. When will it be released?

  14. I, too, am still waiting for Hearts of Christmas to come out on dvd. Also, hoping for Return to Christmas Creek, Twelfth Day of Christmas, Love in Paradise and so much more. Window Wonderland, Thanksgiving House, Catch a Christmas Star, Christmas Land, Finding Christmas, 12 Gifts of Christmas etc. Hoping for Christmas in July shopping.

  15. Also rewatched this on DVD, so very sweet! -Maria


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