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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hallmark Channel's 'A Wish for Christmas' starring Lacey Chabert & Paul Greene



Movie: A Wish for Christmas

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: October 29, 2016

*A Wish for Christmas is Available on DVD - ➤Click Here!


Lacey Chabert ... Sara Shaw
Paul Greene ... Peter Williams
Andrea Brooks ... Molly
Colleen Wheeler ... Barb
Amélie Will Wolf ... Amy
Naika Toussaint ... Chanel
Mark Brandon ... Wilson Taylor
Donna Benedicto ... Megan
Jason McKinnon ... Dirk Tyson
Craig March ... Hank
Eduard Witzke ... Bryan
Howard Storey ... Santa


Sara Shaw is the type of woman who prefers to sit on the sidelines at work, but when her big idea for a Christmas initiative is stolen, she makes a wish to Santa that she’ll finally have the courage to stand up for herself. Santa grants her wish, but only gives her 48 hours. As the clock ticks, Sara will discover how to channel the Christmas magic and speak her mind all on her own.

*A Wish for Christmas is Available on DVD - ➤Click Here!

Movie Review:


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Images: Hallmark Crown Media


  1. So, the big day has finally arrived!

    I'm jealous of all you lucky people who will get to see this tonight - it'll be a few weeks before we'll get this in the UK but of all this year's Christmas movies this is the one I am most looking forward to since it pairs my two favourite Hallmark actors, Pulu Greene and Lacey Chabert.

    Hope it's as good as it sounds.

  2. I'll be interested to see what the members here thought of this - it's not getting a great rating on IMDB - so far 6.2 from 34.

    1. It bored me to the point where I really can't tell you what happened during the movie

  3. Michelle - Tuscon, AZSunday, October 30, 2016

    Most of the Hallmark movies get around 6 to 7 on IMDB. These movies aren't ground-breaking and aren't ever going to be nominated for Emmys. Even some of the Hallmark movies that are most beloved such as A Christmas Card and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year are only rated in the low 7s on IMDB. They almost have to be graded on a different scale which is what so many of us do here on this website. We compare the crop of movies to past years. I thought that "A Wish for Christmas" was a pleasant start for Hallmark though the many attempts to hide Lacey's pregnant belly were often a bit distracting.

  4. Sherry In CaliforniaSunday, October 30, 2016

    I thought it was cute, but I might like it more in time, with additional viewings down the road. I saw the whole thing, but I had to keep stopping it and getting back to it, which probably impacted my enjoyment.

    It's not one that soared up to my list of all time favorite Hallmark movies, but it was pleasant, and the two leads were, of course, charming and appealing.

    I also thought the set decoration (aside from the faux snow) was good in a few scenes, where the Christmasy enhancements really made it feel like it was the holiday season. In some other movies on assorted channels, the seasonal touches can seem like an afterthought, or rather flimsy.

    So far, my favorite Paul Greene Hallmark Christmas movie is still "A Christmas Detour," and my favorite Lacey Chabert Hallmark Christmas movie is probably "Matchmaker Santa" or "A Christmas Melody."

    1. Hi Sherry - Like you, I now need to watch some of these movies a second or third time to appreciate them. I was initially disappointed overall with the 2015 movies, but I enjoyed a few of them more when I watched them this past July.

      So that said, I found "A Wish for Christmas" somewhat plodding without a lot of energy. But maybe I was spending too much time seeing how well they were covering up Lacey's pregnancy (which I thought they did an okay job with).

      "A Christmas Detour" is also my favorite Paul Greene Christmas movie, but I would list "A Royal Christmas" as my favorite Lacey Christmas movie -- I really appreciated the humor in that one.

    2. I feel like if you have to watch them again and again just to like them then you're forcing yourself to like them. I adored Hallmark's holiday movies in the past but I feel like they've been rushing to make them the past couple of years and leaving out the magic that made them great. I'd enjoyed the other channel's offerings more last year.

    3. Sherry In CaliforniaThursday, November 03, 2016

      Mark --

      I actually really enjoy "A Royal Christmas" too! Lol. When I was trying to name my favorite Paul Greene Hallmark Christmas movie it was an easier task to accomplish because he has only made two (so far!). However, when I was trying to name my favorite Lacey Chabert Hallmark Christmas movie it was much harder to decide because I wanted to name 3 titles (the two I mentioned above and "A Royal Christmas"). I thought that maybe I had better stick with naming two, but I think that on different days, depending on my mood, I might enjoy "A Royal Christmas" more than the others.

      A lot of my enjoyment of movies comes from what my mood is at the specific moment I watch, and how preoccupied I am, if I am interrupted, etc. That's why subsequent viewings have worked wonders for me in the past, and I have ended up loving certain movies that I did not love upon the first viewing. Another day and time can make all the difference for me.

    4. It's not necessarily "forcing" it. It could be a matter of your tastes slightly changing, so that the actor/actress that you didn't seem to like before now seems a lot more appealing. Or maybe you were sensitive to something in your life - the kids seemed really bratty the first time you watched the movie, but now they seem like just regular, imperfect, cute kids. Etc.

      As to the variation in quality over time - that's definitely going to happen. They are like the old studio system with a few A-list movies and a lot of "programmers" to fill the seats in 1930's and 40's theaters.

      Personally, I'm fine with that. I'd rather have a new movie to watch more often than not. They don't have to all be my favorite - my iTune movies and DVD collection would explode.

  5. I thought it was a really sweet easy to watch movie, it definitely put a smile on my face.

  6. Generally speaking a Hallmark Movie with a rating on IMDB in the high 6s or more is pretty good.

    One of the things I've learnt about Hallmark is not to judge a book by it's cover. Often I really enjoy ones I hadn't been expecting to while ones I have been eagerly looking forward to disappoint.

    I often find that their movies improve on the second or third showing.

    For example, it's impractical to expect an actor to only ever have one role but I always associated Amy Acker with Person Of Interest which detracted from A Novel Romance when I first saw it. But it's a really well constructed and acted romance and is now one of my most rewatched Hallmarks.

    Agree with you about A Christmas Detour - for about the first 20 minutes I wondered if I was going to be able to take much more of Paige's incessant chattering but once I got used to this it turned into a wonderful and funny film. Paul was superb as Dylan.

    One of its great strengths was the greater prominence than usual given to the secondary characters and Frank (even with the gum disease!)and Maxine were wonderfuly wacky and amusing and even stole some of the scenes.

    Lacey Chabert always gives a good performance in any role.

    As I write this the postman has just come with DVDs of Autumn In The Vineyard and Pumpkin Pie Wars so there's some hppy viewing ahead.

  7. Favorite scene with Sara (Lacey Chabert) - Being brave, and standing up to the Client to get what she and Peter want and need.

    Favorite scene with Peter (Paul Greene) - Saying goodbye to Sara at the airport, and the way he stares at her for a moment before he walks away from her.

    Favorite scene with Sara and Peter together - A Main Street walk complete with snowball fight and Christmas Caroling.

  8. I was very disappointed with A Wish for Christmas. The plot was so boring. I found that there was no chemistry at all between Paul and Lacey. Hallmark could had done better because it was the 1st movie of the Season. I hope the rest of the up coming Christmas movies are better than this one, Christmas Cookies in particular.

    1. Yes! It didn't hold my attention at all. Very boring for the first movie of the season. They should've had something more upbeat and unique.

  9. I didn't really like it that much either, for a first movie of the season. But last year they had Tis the Season For Love and I didn't like that either. Some movies I don't like at first but watch a few more times and love. A Christmas Detour was the same for me, had to watch a few times to like. Right now, I can't stop watching One Starry Christmas. I have it on my DVR for all year viewing, but I have watched it 4 days in a row now. And The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year took a while to grow on me, and I love it now. But some movies never grow on me. I cant wait for Christmas Cookies I love Wes Brown.

  10. Very disappointed in the message sent in this movie. The rude, disrespectful behavior in business is okay because the greed for money is of higher value than that of treating people with decency, kindness, and respect (which is what Christmas represents). Sadly, Hallmark went the opposite direction in this movie and totally lost what Christmas is all about.

  11. I really loved the movie and I love the song that was playing while Lacey is lying down and Paul Greene in the other room. I wish I knew the artist and the title of the song.


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