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~ James 1:17

Saturday, September 5, 2015

It's Beginning to Look A LOT Like Christmas on Hallmark!!!

With Bing Crosby singing in the background
of the newest Hallmark Channel
"Countdown to Christmas" commercial,
and clips of Christmassy scenes
promoting the new movies to come...
Hallmark announces 17 New Christmas movies
for the 2015 Holiday Season...
including 5 Nights of Movies during
Thanksgiving week! 


  1. Replies
    1. I believe it is going to be announced on Home & Family.


    2. Unfortunately, the commercial doesn't give the list of 17 movies. Misty's right - we'll have to wait for the big Home & Family Reveal Show for that on Sept. 15th!

      I do have the list of movies, we know so far, here:

      Hope that helps! Net

  2. Sherry in CaliforniaSaturday, September 05, 2015

    Well, I must admit that I get goose bumps whenever I hear the "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." lead-in to the commercial every year. I LOVE it. It's so effective.

    But... 17? It used to be 12. Then it became 13. Then it was supposed to be 15 this year, then 16 -- and now 17?

    I am sticking to my theory/prediction about what the 17 movies will consist of:

    -- One of the 17 will be the Lacey Chabert Movie that already premiered in July (that was a sneak preview, basically, so the "real" debut will be in a couple of month), so it's technically not new to a lot of us.

    -- One of the 17 will be the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie with Eloise Mumford, and that's only noteworthy because Hallmark usually does not count the Hall of Fame movies as part of the Countdown to Christmas.

    -- One of the 17 will probably be "The Ultimate Legacy," even though it is not technically a Christmas movie, simply because it is set to debut before the end of the year.

    -- At least one (if not two) of the 17 movies will be something that switches between the regular Hallmark Channel and the Movies & Mysteries Channel, just as "The Christmas Shepherd" did last year.

    In other words, my guess is that something will either premiere on Hallmark and then move over to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, or vice versa -- it will premiere on HMM and then move over to the regular Hallmark channel. I would almost bet on the fact that one or more of the movies will be doing 'double duty' on both channels.

    Don't get me wrong -- I absolutely LOVE that Hallmark is making so many new movies. No other channel makes as many new Christmas movies in a single year, nor do they give us a new one in July!

    However, that said, I have an uneasy feeling about all of these new movies. I feel like Hallmark is messing with their formula -- the great mix of their older movies and new movies -- by adding too many and pushing a lot of them out. I feel that they are kowtowing to the people who complain about how there "aren't enough new movies," simply because they aren't personally interested in watching the repeats of movies they have already seen.

    However, MANY of us watch the Countdown to Christmas to see the repeats of our favorites, as well as the new ones. I don't want to have only one chance to see a movie I love. I want to have multiple chances to see it during the course of 2 months.

    With all of these new movies -- not to mention the inevitable, endless repeats of a non-Hallmark movie ("Home Alone") -- this means that some of the gems from 2 years ago and prior are going to get pushed off of the schedule, or reduced to only one or two showings. That's what worries me. Realistically, how many times can we expect "Farewell, Mr. Kringle" to air this year? What about "Finding Christmas" or "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"?

    Unless Hallmark is planning to move some of their "older" movies (meaning the ones that are more than 2 years old) over to the Movies & Mysteries Channel this year, I think we may be looking at very, very few showtimes for a lot of the movies we love (as was the case in July). They had a good formula in the past, and it worked -- it got them big ratings for the network. I think they should have left well enough alone and stuck to 13 or 14 new movies on Hallmark, and then maybe increased the number of new movies over on Movies & Mysteries (how about 7 or 8 new movies for HMM?).

    1. I loved reading all your analyzation of Hallmark, Sherry. I'm also wondering how 17 movies will do + the ones coming on HMM, too! It's a bigger risk adding more, but Hallmark has been very successful in the past so let's hope this goes well.. cuz I know many of us love watching them all.

      Should be interesting to see what is included in the final 17!

  3. Wowwwwww!! I'm starting to get that "ole' time feelin" in the pit of my tummy again!! Can't believe it's right around the corner!! Thank you, Net, I love this site so much!!!

    1. Oh, thank you Linda! Your comments always brighten my day! I have that same feeling, too!!!

  4. Anything new for the holidays on UP Entertainment? Peace and Love

  5. You really do have quite an amazing blog here, Net.
    My husband and I do not have tv but like to watch the occasional movie in the evening, and how wonderful to have a place to go that gives a good and honest review.
    I'm happy to have found you and look forward to following along with you.
    Thank you for you visit and sweet comment that you left at my place. I look forward to having you follow as well.

    Joy! Debbie

    1. Thank you Debbie for your comment. I'm always delighted to welcome more members to my site. I do hope my movie reviews will be helpful to you and your family. Since I know you are a woman of faith, I must recommend the Signed, Sealed Delivered and When Calls the Heart series and movies, which are mostly available on DVD, and are amazing at expressing faith in today's world.

      Again, thank you, Debbie!
      It's a joy to have you visit here!

      Blessings, Net


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