Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts Following Memorial Day and Prayer Request for Hallmark Actress ➤➤

Memorial Day -

I hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend.

My family and I attended a Memorial Day ceremony that honored those brave souls in our military who made the ultimate sacrifice and their Gold Star Mothers and families. As stories were shared of their courageous heroism, tears filled all of our eyes, giving our already grateful hearts a renewed sense of gratitude for the incredible sacrifices made on our behalf for our freedom today.

When I hear the stories of war, I am always grateful to those in my family who served, including my Daddy, Grandpa, several Uncles (one was a Navy Chaplain), and Cousins. All returned home, Praise God! However, growing up, I always heard stories of how my Great-Uncle was never the same after returning home from World War II. He was on the frontline of the battle, and I can only imagine the horrors he saw. My heart goes out to those who return with not only physical wounds, but emotional scars, as well.

I pray Memorial Day will always remain a sacred day of remembrance and honor.

Storms -

I also wanted to mention that my prayers are going out to those across the Heartland, Midwest, Ohio Valley, East Coast, etc... where the storms badly hit over the weekend. It was heartbreaking to hear about the loss of life. I pray all of you and your property were safe. This has been quite a brutal spring with storm outbreaks of Tornadoes and strong winds. In fact, one of the storms that came through last week had a burst of strong wind that took down a large old maple tree in our backyard. Thankfully, it missed our home, but when it fell, it also damaged some of our wood fencing, which extends around our pastures and fields. We are grateful our damage is small and can be fixed, and our hearts and prayers go out to those who lost much more.

When Calls the Heart -

Briefly, I wanted to express how much I thoroughly enjoyed Sunday night's episode of When Calls the Heart titled Brother's Keeper.

When Elizabeth's brother-n-law, Tom, is in trouble and cannot repay his debt, Nathan spearheads an idea to bring everyone together for a Hope Valley choir festival fundraiser—Voices of the Valley. In this episode, there is cheerful, lively music from that time period and a beautiful, meaningful rendition of Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound 
 That saved a wretch like me! 
I once was lost, but now am found; 
Was blind, but now I see. 

Overall, it was a delightful episode, and yes, it had a bit of romance with a very special dance, but more importantly, I appreciated how faith was an integral part of this story. Even the episode's title, Brother's Keeper, is a reference to scripture, Genesis 4:9. 

The scenes with Pastor Joseph and his brother, Jacob, who have been estranged for years due to a past disagreement, were especially enjoyable. Watching the two brothers renew their friendship and hearing Jacob's prayer over the Canfield's meal (after he admitted he hadn't attended church in years) touched my heart deeply and brought tears to my eyes. The mighty power of love and forgiveness never ceases to amaze me.

Prayer Request -

Also, if you follow When Calls the Heart on social media, then you have likely seen this news, but for those of you who haven't, the When Calls the Heart cast members are sharing their love and support for one of their own, who has had an unknown medical emergency. 

Mamie Laverock, who portrayed Rosaleen Sullivan on When Calls the Heart, the daughter of Molly (Johannah Newmarch), is currently in a hospital in Vancouver, Canada

To support their medical bills, her mother and stepfather have set up a GoFundMe page, where they recently shared this tragic update: "We are deeply saddened to report that on May 26th, Mamie, who has been in intensive treatment for the past two weeks, was escorted out of a secure unit of the hospital and taken up to a balcony walkway from which she fell five stories. She sustained life threatening injuries, has undergone multiple extensive surgeries, and is currently on life support." 

It is such a sad situation. If you'd like to give or read more details, visit Mamie's GoFundMe page.

Please join me in lifting sweet Mamie and her family up in prayer.

*See update on Mamie from May 30th in my comment below.

God bless you all,


  1. Aww! That poor girl! My heart goes out to her and her family and WCTH family. I'll be praying

  2. Terribly sorry to hear about Maime. :( -Maria

  3. Here are some prayers for injury recovery:

    Renew my mind, body, and soul
    "I come before you today in need of your healing hand. In you all things are possible. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul. I am lost, but I come to you with grace".

    Assist me in all my needs

    "You are a guide of those who journey and consoler of the afflicted. In my injury I beg you, assist me in all my needs and be with me in my journey of recovery".
    Be near me in my time of weakness and pain
    "Be near me in my time of weakness and pain; sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail; heal me according to your will".
    Provide me with your kind assistance
    "Lord God of all, please extend Your healing hand to me as I come before You today. Renew my mind, body, and soul by holding my heart within Yours. Please provide me with Your kind assistance and heal my injury".

    Comfort and relieve your sick servant

    "Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant, and give your power of healing to those who minister to his needs".

  4. I’m joining you all in praying for Mamie and the Gold Star families.

    I cannot imagine what Mamie’s mother is going through. 5 stories! That’s awful. Someone at that hospital is going to be in big trouble.

  5. So sorry to hear about Mamie. We really liked her story last year with Henry.

  6. Isaiah 53:5 "But He was wounded for Mamie's transgressions, He was bruised for her iniquities; The chastisement for her peace was upon Him, And by His stripes Mamie is healed." NKJV

    Sometimes we think that we are alone and He is far away. That is not true. He is there with her and feeling her physical and emotional pain. He's there with the family, too.

    Mamie will be in my prayers for a total recovery. With God all things are possible.

  7. Two brief, but positive updates on Mamie Laverock from her mother...

    Update #1: Mamie is alive and only moments ago has been wheeled past us on her way to recovery. Our beautiful daughter lives due to a miracle beyond comprehension. Thank you medical team and every single person rooting for her today.

    Update #2: Mamie is out of her big surgeries and the doctors day she is doing well. It's impossible for us to be happier. Thank you all for your support.

    Praise God a miracle healing is taking place and Praise God for the doctors, who have had the wisdom to help her through this unthinkable tragic accident.

    Let's keep this sweet girl and her family close in our prayers!

    Blessings, Net

    1. Oh!! I'm so glad!! She's been on my mind all day. Praise God!

    2. I am so grateful to the Lord for His mercy and healing power! Psalm 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod (a shepherd's club to beat off attackers) and Your staff, they comfort me."

    3. I'm including the latest update on Mamie below from her mother and family. It breaks my heart to know how much she is hurting. Please continue to pray, everyone.

      Update on Mamie Laverock:

      I wanted to speak yesterday on the speculations.

      Focusing now on Mamie's surgery today. Her body has been shattered. She has undergone two 11 hour surgeries with two doctors working on her, a three hour surgery and another surgery today. We have nothing but gratitude for the doctors and nurses who have been exemplary in her care since May 26.

      Mamie is ' doing well' comparatively to when she arrived Doing well because she has survived these extensive surgeries. She is enduring tremendous pain and continues to not give up. We can only hold onto the miracles of each day and continue to thank everyone for their prayers and marvel at the miracles of her story . Our daughter loves her life and loves her family and is fighting hard everyday.

      Thank you
      Nicole Rockmann, John Laverock , Rob Compton and her family.

      *The current statement above is via: Mamie's GoFundMe page.

      (please note: when a new statement is released, they often delete the previous one.)

  8. When Calls the Heart's Mamie Laverock Is 'Doing Well' After 'Big Surgeries' Following Balcony Fall, Family Says

    Erin Krakow, Johannah Newmarch and more 'When Calls the Heart' stars expressed their support on social media after Laverock's hospitalization

    **Its a miracle**

  9. Hallmark Stars Rally Around Mamie Lamerock With Social Media Posts

    Newmarch, Laverock’s TV mom, has become close with the teen’s family over the years and was the first star to alert fans via social media about the “tragic and horrible turn of events” that transpired at the hospital.

    Posting a screenshot of the GoFundMe campaign, Newmarch wrote, “I love this wonderful family so much, and my heart is broken. Such a devastating time for them and all who care deeply for sweet Mamie. Please help if you can. They need all the support they can get to make it through this nightmare. Thank you. ♥️🙏”

  10. I thought Mamie was recovering. Sorry to hear about this. The pain she must be feeling. Poor girl. She's been on my mind every day. I will continue to pray. Is she still on life support? And do we know how she came to be injured?? I heard she fell 5 stories while checking out of the hospital. I'm kinda confused...

    1. Abigail, I think we are all feeling unsure about what exactly happened here and why. It is such a sad, confusing story.

      The two updates I shared above from her family also gave me hope that she was okay, but I think, perhaps, reality sank in after those were posted and they learned more about her condition and the pain she was in.

      You can read more on her GoFundMe page:

      As I mentioned above, when a new update on Mamie is shared, they often delete the previous one at the end of their statement.

      I'm hoping and praying we will hear another update soon with good news.

      Blessings, Net

  11. When Calls The Heart's Erin Krakow Says Costar Mamie Laverock 'Is on the Mend' After Fall

    Laverock, 19, has been in the hospital for over a month and is still "recovering" from her five-story fall

    Her costar, Erin Krakow, said that the 19-year-old is "recovering slowly" weeks after she fell five stories from a hospital balcony.

    "She is on the mend," Krakow told Entertainment Tonight on June 13. "I've been in touch with her parents and it's a really tough time for the family right now."

    The family has shared their "immense gratitude" to the "When Calls the Heart community for all their support," Krakow, 39, said.

    Krakow, who plays Elizabeth Thornton on the hit Hallmark series, previously said that she's "been in touch" with Laverock recently and is "wishing her all the best."

    "She's such a great girl and I hope it's just the speediest recovery," she told Page Six,

    before clarifying that she and the cast want to "offer her family some privacy."

    On May 30, four days after her fall, Laverock "opened her eyes for the first time," her mom told the Los Angeles Times after her body was "shattered" from the fall.

    Her mom called her daughter's recovery "an absolute miracle" and clarified thatthe fall was not "intended," nor was it a suicide attempt.

    "All we care about is that Mamie can make a recovery and that she’s alive and that she’s fighting and that she’s strong. It's unbelievable that she’s with us."

    A spokesperson for Providence Health Care, which operates the hospital, told PEOPLE it does not comment on patient-related matters due to its privacy and confidentiality policies. However, the rep shared: "In cases related to patient safety, an internal critical incident review is conducted to determine exactly what happened and to make recommendations for improved patient safety."

    Our hearts go out to the patient, family, and all affected by this event, and offer our best wishes for a full recovery," the spokesperson added.

    Laverock, who played Rosaleen Sullivan on the Hallmark series, has undergone "two 11 hour surgeries with two doctors working on her, a three hour surgery and another surgery," according to an update shared by her family on a GoFundMe pageearlier this month.

    "She is enduring tremendous pain and continues to not give up," the update continued. "We can only hold onto the miracles of each day and continue to thank everyone for their prayers and marvel at the miracles of her story."

    "Our daughter loves her life and loves her family and is fighting hard everyday."

  12. For those of you who have been praying for Mamie Laverock, there is a wonderful, uplifting article at Heavy that updates her condition.

    She is improving and healing more and more every day. Mamie celebrated her 20th birthday with a very special "When Calls the Heart" themed cake shaped like the Hope Valley church - made by her stepfather. Isn't that sweet? However, the best gift of all, Mamie was able to gently hug her mother for the very first time since her accident. Oh my goodness... Knowing this makes my heart so happy!!!

    God bless her! My family and I will continue to pray for Mamie's healing, and I know many of you here - are keeping her close in your prayers, as well.

    Here's the link to the Heavy article for more details:

    Blessings to you all, Net


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