Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made" - Now Available on DVD!

It's official! The last "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" movie (thus far!), "Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made," is part of the NEW "Signed, Sealed, Delivered DVD Collection: Movies 9-12"! You can now add this treasure of a movie to your DVD collection - to make it complete!

I'm so delighted to see this powerful, engaging film on DVD - that explores a mysterious lost letter tied to a little boy's hero and a very special, emotional, heartwarming event: Oliver and Shane's wedding day!

After this movie premiered last year in October, I shared a review, plus I was deeply moved by the many wonderful reviews from friends who visit here...


“Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made” was pure perfection! The importance of spirituality, the feelings of uncertainty, the closeness of friends, like family, the flashbacks to previous “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” movies… all of these precious moments touched my heart – over and over again! The wedding ceremony was beautiful, sacred, and spiritual! I was so blessed by the vows Shane and Oliver exchanged – repeating phrases from Ruth in the Bible – “Your people shall be my people and your God will be my God…” Once again, I was moved to tears!" (click here to read more) ~Net

"The Vows We Have Made took my breath away. Perfection is the only word that comes to mind. If we had one of these movies every week, it would not be enough. Oliver and Shane's wedding vows! Oh my! The lady who played Shane's mother was wonderful in her role. To hear our Lord honored, as SSD has always done, was a blessing to me. I'm so blown away by this movie; words can not describe my feelings this morning. Looking forward to comments here." ~kitkat

"I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the Vows we have Made SSD movie. I was so happy and they kept the faith aspect and they even had some references to past movies/show and clips. I felt like it was perfectly normal that Oliver would be worried about Shane or any person leaving him cause so many have in his life. I love so much when Shane said "I will never leave you". The writing on this series is so good, they always bring up past stuff and dont just leave you hanging like other movies that have sequels or continuations do. The thing is Shane did try and quit, or leave twice, and she didn't cause I believe deep inside she knew she was where she should be. I remember back on From Paris with Love, how she was looking in on Oliver and Holly and saying please don't kiss her. You knew even back then how much Shane loved Oliver. I absolutely loved the wedding vows, how they said them over each other, how beautiful they were. I know for Oliver it was hard to have faith that someone finally wont leave him, but he did and I love how at the end they were all looking at the letter they found saying they have time to go see where it belongs. (click here to read more) ~Sabrina

“Net, I agree completely, 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered' would be a perfect example for Hallmark to follow! You are actually the reason my family and I found Signed, Sealed, Delivered! Thank you!! We had heard of it before, but never watched it, then I found your blog a couple years back and saw how much you loved it, we instantly fell in love with every minute of it too!! We were counting down the days with everyone else waiting for the wedding last weekend, and it did not dissapoint! To put it mildly, it was perfect!” -A Fellow Brother in Christ-

"I finally watched the SSD "the vows we have made" movie. Net, when I read your review above in this blog post I was moved to tears once again. I read your review right after finishing the movie and boy did you nail it with that review (the other reviews are spot on also by others). The movie was fresh in my mind as I read your review and your review moved me soooo much. You really hit the heart of the matter. Now, for the movie. Oh my!!! As Net put it..."pure perfection". Most times there is a build up for something like a movie which never seems to live up to the expectations. You hear so many good things and you get such a high expectation and then it most always lets you down. Not this time. This movie was amazing. When Shane told Oliver she would never leave him and then they started to play the song, "Never my Love" I was absolutely destroyed through that whole scene...Wow!!! And the wedding was ridiculously charming and absolutely lovely and heart warming. So much scripture. So much love! The whole SSD series is remarkable but this movie practically brought me to my knees because I was so moved. (click here to read more) ~Jim

Just reading all of these incredible reviews again - makes me sense the emotional power of Martha Williamson's words in these four Postal workers - searching for the home to these lost letters: Oliver (Eric Mabius), Shane (Kristin Booth), Rita (Crystal Lowe) and Norman (Geoff Gustafson). It's fascinating to watch their endearing friendships and romantic relationships slowly develop over time throughout the series - leading to both their wedding days.

If you'd like to see the full "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" movie collection in chronological order - click here!

Happy movie watching!

Blessings to you all, Net


  1. Net, I have been waiting for this to happen since I watched the latest SSD movie back in the fall. I just checked the prices and Amazon is way cheaper than Walmart which surprised me. I placed my order before it goes up again. Thanks for letting us know.

    1. Allie B, I noticed that, too. That is fairly unusual for Amazon to be that much lower than Walmart on DVDs. I expect either Walmart will drop their price soon or Amazon will raise theirs up again. Inflation has been crazy, awful these days.

  2. My favorite series! Does anyone know if the last movie will be released on its own also? I have the others and hate to have to repurchase them to get the last movie. BeckyF

    1. Becky F., Thank you for sharing your love for "Signed, Sealed, Delivered"! I haven't heard, yet, if they plan to release "The Vows We Have Made" on DVD separately. I sure hope so, too, since I also have all of the others. I'm on the lookout, and I'll be sure to share if I hear any news!

      Please let us know, if you happen to hear anything! :)

    2. Net, I was afraid to wait. I ordered all the others but placed an order for this this morning. My DVR is threatening to quit again and that would mean losing all my movies.

      So surprised to receive all 3 of Trevor Donovan's DVD's today. Finally bought USS Christmas too. Can't wait to watch Love Finds You In Charm.

    3. kitkat, I hear ya! I've been wondering if it's a good idea to wait, especially with all the supply issues we've been having these days. I'm really surprised to see so many DVDs are still being manufactured and at a fairly quick pace - since "The Vows We Have Made" just premiered last October.

      Yay!!! ...on the arrival of your Trevor Donovan movies! "USS Christmas" is a favorite on mine, too... an absolute must for my collection. Happy watching - when you get the chance!

    4. Oh kitkat, I hope you won't have to replace your DVR! I had to replace (upgrade) mine a couple of months ago and therefore had to re-record all of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies from the past years when they were airing in November and December. Quite a chore that hopefully you will be able to avoid!

    5. Mark 25, appreciate your concern. Spent two hours on the phone with Comcast yesterday afternoon. They told me the boxes have to be replaced and we have 3 of them. I am heartbroken. All the movies I recorded on Hallmark in 2020 and on GAC 2021 which were commercial-free on Dec. 25th will be lost. There are so many without available DVD's to purchase. I do feel sad about this but life goes on. You do understand my predicament.

  3. I thought that they would release The Vows we made on DVD separately.

  4. I too have all the SSD movies but the last two and I see you can get To the Altar alone but like someone else mentioned I was afraid to wait for the other one to come out, in case it didn't, so ordered it. I hate to double up but didn't want to miss out.

  5. This may look like the last outing, but I hope we see more from The Postables in the future

  6. This is great!! Just pre ordered it. My sisters and I have been re-watching in order since October. Can't wait to see Oliver and Shane married. Hope they continue with the series.

  7. I have all the movies except for the very last one. I am disappointed that they didn't publish it by itself.


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