Saturday, October 5, 2019

🍁 New Beginnings this First October Weekend - πŸƒ with Hallmark's Fall Harvest and MatchMaker Mysteries! πŸ”Ž #Sleuthers #FallHarvest πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

Saturday, October 5, 2019-

Fall Harvest arrives this weekend on the Hallmark Channel with Jessica Lowndes and Wes Brown in...

image: Hallmark Crown Media

Storyline via Hallmark: Matchmaker Brooklyn, owner of Over the Moon in Love, hasn’t seen Devin, a singer-songwriter, since high school. While their chemistry is instant, Brooklyn is focused on landing the cover of Life/Style by finding Stephanie, the magazine’s writer, a match. Putting her 100% success rate on the line, Brooklyn matches Stephanie with Devin but they have nothing in common. Determined, Brooklyn feeds lines to Stephanie guaranteed to capture Devin’s heart, and it works! Too bad Brooklyn has just realized she’s in love with Devin. Admitting the match is a sham, Brooklyn risks losing the magazine cover and, more importantly, Devin.

See the Premiere of Over the Moon in Love
Saturday, October 5, 2019
at 9pm/8c. on the Hallmark Channel

More... Saturday, October 5, 2019-

PixL Premieres an All New Movie with Makenzie Vega...

image: Tomboy / Larry Levinson Productions

Storyline via PixL: A former tomboy finds herself torn between a man who's fallen for her new femininity and a friend who has always loved her for who she is.

See the Premiere of Tomboy
Saturday, October 5, 2019
at 9pm/8c. on PixL

Sunday, October 6, 2019-

It's an All New Hallmark Mystery Movie Premiere with Danica McKellar and Victor Webster in...

Storyline via Hallmark: In life and on her popular reality show, professional matchmaker Angie Dove excels at pairing single people with their ideal mates. Shortly after proposing to his perfect match on Angie’s show, her friend Aaron is accused of murdering his fiancΓ©e. A disbelieving Angie launches her own investigation, cooking up clever gambits enabling her to gather clues and interview witnesses and suspects. Her efforts don’t endear her to Kyle Cooper, the by-the-book detective on the case. But he learns to appreciate the talents of the amateur sleuth, who is also the daughter of his onetime mentor, retired detective Nick Colomba.

Sunday, October 6, 2019
at 9pm/8c. on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

Hope you enjoy the new premieres this weekend. I know some of us saw all or some of the movie, "Over the Moon in Love," when it was played late (or early, depending on how you look at it!) last weekend at 4:30am in the morning. That was obviously an error, because the Hallmark Channel is still promoting this movie Saturday night as THE premiere date/time. For those who saw it early, I hope you enjoyed it! I only saw some of it, so I'm looking forward to the premiere tonight. Although, I've heard from many of you- that it lacks Fall dΓ©cor and scenery, which is, I must admit, rather disappointing for a Fall Harvest branded movie.

Anyway, I'll still be watching ,and I would watch the movie, "Tomboy," too... if only I had PixL. (Come on DirecTV - please add this channel to the line-up!) Hope some of you can watch it and let us know how you liked it. 

As for Sunday night, I'll have to record this one due to plans with family, but I can't wait to see the first, of hopefully many, "MatchMaker Mysteries!" This movie already looks quite suspenseful and enticing - from the promo videos alone! Looking forward to meeting these new characters and (maybe) solving this new Hallmark mystery!

Whatever your plans are for this weekend,
I hope you make it a good one!

Blessings to you all! Net 🍁


Shining His Light!

With the premiere of "Over the Moon in Love" this weekend, I was thinking of how incredible the moon is and this profound scripture from Psalms came to mind...

"When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?

You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor.

You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their feet:

all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,

the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.

Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

~Psalm 8:3-9 (NIV)


  1. Over the Moon in Love

    A woman with match-making business set up a writer with her childhood friend so, that she can get featured in a magazine & keep her company alive.

    Jessica Lowndes, Wes Brown, Miranda Frigon, Rachel Hayward, & Peter Graham-Gaureau

  2. After a Bride to Be named Emma is murdered, her fiancΓ© named Aaron becomes the prime suspect, Angie Dove works to prove her client’s innocence, much to the dismay of Detective Copper

    Danica McKellar, Victor Webster, Bruce Boxleitmer, Cory Lee, Randy Thomas, James Rsynard

    Matchmaker Mysteries: Killer Engagement directed by David Mackay

    Danica mentioned Detective’s last name is Carter on H&F

    1. Thank you for sharing! It's going to be so fun to see this all new Mystery Series premiere!

      I think Danica and Victor will be a great match! :)

  3. Why did they put Over the moon in Love in Fall Harvest if it's not a fall movie? They should've played it during the summer movies or after. The poster is deceiving making it look like fall with the leaves changing.

    1. Over the Moon in Love isn’t Fall Harvest Movie but Love Under the Olive Tree is Fall Harvest Movie

      Fall Harvest Movies:
      Love Under the Olive Tree
      Love, Fall, & Order

      Over the Moon in Love could air in February
      Country at Heart could air in March for Countdown to Summer

    2. Good question. I'm not sure why they didn't play "Over the Moon in Love" during Countdown to Summer or in the period between Summer and Fall Harvest. I, too, think that would've made much better sense... since the movie doesn't actually take place in the Fall season.

    3. While "Over the Moon in Love" probably *should have* aired during Summer Nights in August, if it wasn't ready to air in August then I think the best place for it would have been in one of those pre-Fall Harvest spots in September, as you said, Net!

      OTMIL could have aired on Labor Day as a bonus movie, just as "Love in the Sun" aired on Memorial Day. It could have aired on September 7th -- still technically in the summer season, but just not as a Summer Nights movie. Or it could have aired on September 14th, as a double feature with "Forever in My Heart," or FIMH could have moved to the 9/7 spot.

      "Over the Moon in Love" was filmed in May & June. The Countdown to Summer event was in May. There was no way to put the movie into that event this year, but that would have been a good place for it too -- Hallmark could have hung on to it and aired it in May 2020.

      Because Hallmark was acquiring OTMIL (in other words, they picked it up later -- it was not their movie when it was filming), that probably delayed the whole process of it airing, which might be why we did not see it in August. When something is made for/by Hallmark from the start, it seems like they can get it on the air faster -- not that they always do get it on the air faster, but they can. The acquisitions seems to take a wee bit longer to premiere after they were filmed, for whatever reason.

      Wes Brown definitely said at the Graceland event that OTMIL was not for Hallmark. It was an "independent" production. So that indicates that Hallmark took it later, after it wrapped up and they had a chance to view it, make changes, etc.

      BUT there is no reason OTMIL should have aired in October when they are talking about summer-ish things in it! So I think that if they could not get the movie on the air sometime in early July, August or the first half of September this year, then it should have been held back until 2020. It's not an October kind of movie. A lot of people were complaining on the Hallmark Channel Facebook page about it not being a Fall movie -- and that's not the fault of the cast or crew, because it was never intended to be a Fall movie!

      The Christmas events officially kick off in 18 days. The Spring Fever event was built up to be stronger this year. Winterfest had an extra movie in it (5 instead of 4). Hallmark kept the Saturday night premieres rolling out all the way from last August or September 2018 to early July this year. That is a good, long stretch of time.

      But they stumbled in July and stopped the new movies for 2 weeks. When they picked up steam again with 6 Summer Nights movies, it seemed like they were going to get back on a roll and keep the stream of new movies going (including "Love in Store") all the way into 2020. But, sadly, as we know, everything fell apart in September and Fall Harvest lost tons of momentum. :(

    4. Yeah, Fall Harvest kind of took a big fall this year. Sadly.

      If we had never known about the other two movies, then it would've been different. But since we did, it definitely left a big whole.

      As for when they should've played Over the Moon in Love... I was thinking what you mentioned above- instead of pulling Country at Heart or Love Under the Olive Tree, it would've been better to hold Over the Moon in Love for next Spring Fever or Countdown to Summer. I, too, feel bad for the cast in this, because like you said, it definitely wasn't their fault their film wasn't a Fall themed movie.

  4. Why didn’t Hallmark put Love Under the Oliver Tree is part of Fall Harvest Movie with Love, Fall, & Order too

    Over the Moon in Love - Love Ever After being part of Valentine’s Day movies
    Country at Heart - Love Ever After
    Love in Store - Love Ever After
    Love & Glamping - Love Ever After

    1. Excellent question! Like the say in the Tootsie Pop commercial... "the world may never know!"

  5. I downloaded the HM movie app and I was looking at all the new Christmas movies. This also included the Fall Harvest movie, Love Under the Olive Tree. The clip was of the two leads taking an autumn-themed quiz and at the end they said something to the effect of we hope you enjoy our Fall Harvest movie. What a shame that Hallmark pulled such a fall-themed movie from Fall Harvest! Sometimes I just do not understand how the HM powers that be minds work!! Thanks for all you do here, Net!

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for sharing that. It is disappointing still that we were not able to see this Fall movie THIS YEAR, especially when it was so close to premiering before they pulled it.

      I often don't understand scheduling decisions, either, but I do my best to report any changes along the way.

      Again, I appreciate you catching that and sharing here.
      Blessings on your day!

  6. enjoyed Over The Moon In Love

    Nice selection of scripture you shared from Psalms.


    1. Thank you, dstoutholcomb! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this movie and the scripture I included above.

      Blessings to you, Net

  7. Paradise by Jessica Lowndes & Wes Brown

    Well, is it love
    Got me running away
    Afraid to say I felt the same
    Is it fate
    Who showed me the way
    To your heart, against the grain

    'Cause I searched everywhere for love
    I thought I'd never find
    Until I looked into your eyes
    And found

    Paradise, some beautiful
    Paradise, just you and I, yeah
    Paradise, some wonderful

    Well, this is real
    I'm not playing pretend
    Do you feel
    Heart's beating out of my chest

    'Cause I searched everywhere for love
    I thought I'd never find
    Until I looked into your eyes
    And found

    Paradise, some beautiful
    Paradise, just you and I, yeah
    Paradise, some wonderful

    Don't go, stay here
    I want love, I need it
    Don't go, stay here
    I want love, I need it
    Don't go, stay here
    I want love, I need it
    Don't go, stay here
    Some beautiful

    Paradise, some beautiful
    Paradise, just you and I, yeah
    Paradise, some wonderful

  8. Matchmaker Mysteries: Killer Engagement

    Professional Matchmaker Angie Dove hosts a reality series that helps single people find their soulmates.

  9. I’m still waiting for Hallmark movie lineup

    Love Under the Olive Tee
    Country at Heart

    Release Dates

    1. Yeah, many of us are waiting and wondering, too. Unfortunately, unless they surprise us at the very last minute, it doesn't appear to be happening this year. We'll have to keep a look out for these movies next year on the Hallmark Channel or Hallmark Movies Now.

    2. I stick with Hallmark Channel, not HMN

      Country at Hearts
      Love Under the Olive Tree

      This year, Fall Harvest 2019 for the weekends
      Probably, they probably will gonna air on Valentine’s Day movies/Love Ever After or Countdown to Summer

    3. That's true... Both movie titles sound like they would fit right in around Valentine's Day (Love Ever After), but if you look at photos from the film, they definitely have a Fall Harvest look to the scenery and dΓ©cor. So, unfortunately, as much as I want to see them right away... I don't think they would look quite right in February with orange leaves in the background.

    4. Yep, Love Under the Olive Tree has autumn Trees is part of Fall Harvest movies & it makes could be air right away on TV for the weekends before Countdown to Christmas

      I’m not so sure Country at Heart is a Fall Harvest but it will gonna end up for Countdown to Summer

    5. If you look real close at the pictures from Country at Heart (see here), especially of the ones where they are performing on stage, there are sunflowers, scarecrows, and lights with faux autumn leaves in the background.

    6. Can u tell them when Love Under the Olive Tree & Country at Heart gonna air on TV for Fall Harvest movies lineup for the weekends? Or even Valentine’s Day Movies or Countdown to Summer.

      Love, Fall, & Order for Fall Harvey movie

      People kept ask them about Love Under the Tree & Country at Heart release dates lineup; we like to watch on TV just before Countdown to Christmas

    7. At this point, we still don't know when or where these movies will premiere, for certain. The last we heard, was that it would be next year.

  10. All these sound like good movies! I missed the movies from last night, but I see a new movie premiering tonight! Have a great week Net!

    1. Hope you enjoyed it, Pilar! A mystery is a great way to enjoy a cozy Sunday night. Have a blessed week!

  11. Alison Sweeney portrays Katherine, who is a recent widow. She and her son return to her hometown to spend the holidays with her family. Along the way, she meets Bryant’s character, Jack — a veteran. They will part but of course, they will end up traveling to the same place.

    Lucas Bryant appeared in the TV movie, Country at Heart & he will be playing Sweeney’s love interest.

    The original Christmas movie was based on Shelton’s 2012 song, Time for Me to Come Home, which the country star wrote and recorded with his mom, Dorothy Shackleford. Sweeney shared the exciting news on her Instagram page.

    1. How thoughtful of you to share! I am super excited about this cast news for Time for You to Come Home for Christmas, too! If only we could've seen Lucas Byant in Country at Heart.

      By the way, I have a special post with this news here:

      Look for Time for You to Come Home for Christmas to premiere December 6, 2019 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries!

  12. Angie Colomba’s TV name is Angie Dove; a Professional Matchmaker

  13. It doesn't look like they are playing a Christmas movie next Friday on HM, maybe cause it will be all Christmas starting the 25th. I am looking forward to the new Christmas movies this year, they look good, but overwhelmed with all the Christmas on all networks starting Oct 25th. I went to Hobby Lobby this weekend and couldn't even find straw to put out with my pumpkins cause they have gone all Christmas. Its still 90 degrees here every day, and you can cut the humidity with a knife but Christmas is all over the place, its just way to early.

    1. Hi Sabrina! Yeah, it looks like they removed the Christmas movie on Friday, Oct. 18th and replaced it with Halloween.

      I love Hobby Lobby! What a great store - I always find the cutest things there! It's too bad you can't find any straw, though. Wish I could give you some - we always have some around here on the farm. Would a home improvement store like Lowe's have it in your area?

      Your weather sounds oppressive. We went from 90's to 50's last week... to lows in the 30's coming up this weekend with a Frost Watch/Advisory. It's definitely feeling like Autumn now here in the Midwest. We grew pumpkins in our garden and I love displaying them throughout the season - up until Thanksgiving!

      Try to stay cool... hopefully some cooler weather will be on the way soon. I'd be happy to send some your way! :)

  14. Angela “Angie” Colomba’s TV name is Angie Dove

    Angie to Nick: English Translation: Colomba is love as Angie Dove

    Detective Kyle Carter meets up Angie’s Dad; Nicholas “Nick” Colomba

    Detective Kyle Carter had his 1s training when he joined the force by his training officer; Nicholas “Nick”Colomba

    Detective Carter asks Nick: Angie Dove is his Daughter?

    Nick to Detective Carter: Yeah

    Detective Carter to Nick: What's wrong with Colomba?

    Nick to Detective Carter: That’s what I tell her

    Angie: Both of you, Stop

    Angie: I was adopted, as if there’s something to say to me

    Detective Kyle Carter: I joined the force for 15 years to solve the cases & he gotta go back to work

    1. Thanks for sharing this dialogue from the movie... this was most definitely an interesting scene, which revealed even more about Angie's character.


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