Wednesday, October 14, 2015


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is quickly approaching! If you live in a place where it's seasonal, you can surely feel that chill creeping it's way into the air as temperatures "fall"!

October 31st marks the Day - when Hallmark begins to air Christmas Movies on both the Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movies & Mysteries!

17 All New Movies will air on the Hallmark Channel, for the 2015 Christmas Season - with Tis the Season for Love (with Sarah Lancaster and Brendan Penny) premiering first on November 1st!

Included in those 17 Movies, are A Christmas Detour (with Candace Cameron Bure and Paul Greene), Crown for Christmas (with Danica McKellar and Rupert Penry Jones), Northpole 2: Open for Christmas (with Lori Loughlin, Dermot Mulroney, Bailee Madison), and many more!!! See the complete list of Christmas Movies, with premiere dates, here!


  1. Ooooh, Net, I love your countdown to Christmas picture; so "at home", ready for Santa, beautiful scene.!! I can't believe it's almost here!!!

  2. I can't believe it's almost here! It seems like just yesterday we were talking about 100 days or more.

  3. Does anyone feel the way I do, I use to love watching ABC Family but it's seems to be going in a whole new area I'm not sure I care for let alone have my kids watching......

    1. They are specifically steering away from the "family" focus in search of higher ratings. They are also changing the name accordingly next year. I wouldn't be surprised if they do away with the 25 Days of Christmas, too.

  4. I Just can't wait my favorite time of year, I just wait for the countdown....It's such a fun thing to share with my family.....

  5. Anonymous, on June 2. 2015, WND, a faith based internet news media put out an e-mail entitled "Christians unite to crush brand new ABC venom". Ironically the news article can no longer be viewed??? Apparently they were going to introduce a LGTB type sitcom to their lineup. I, too, thought this station was a family oriented channel and wondered if anyone else had heard.

    1. Introducing an LGTB type sitcom doesn't mean it can't be family oriented.

    2. Thanks to the first anonymous for responding with a message of kindness and tolerance that, to me, seems like the truly Christian response. It makes my heart glad that someone said it. Remember: Do onto others ...

    3. This site probably isn't the place for people to be airing their intolerant views. You have every right to your opinion, but spreading hate and using God as your excuse to do it is inappropriate. Jesus never mentions homosexuality in the Bible, but for some reason no one ever mentions that fact.

    4. It is in the Bible.

      1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states:

      9 "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men."

      10 "nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

      ALL have sinned. Thankfully God sent His Son so we can ALL be forgiven.

    5. Except that the King James, deemed the first complete English translation, version has had this FAR more ambiguous version of that same verse since 1604: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind"

      The specific references to male homosexuality were added only in Bible editions published in the latter quarter of the last century, or even more recently.

      More importantly, while I greatly enjoy this website, I will have to stop coming if it becomes a place were hate and intolerance — to anyone, including devout Christians — is tolerated.

  6. Now it's 16 DAYS! This post was written on Wednesday! It's Thursday now - making it 16 Days!!!!!


  8. Love the sinner; hate the sin......only in America can we agree to disagree.....

  9. ABC Family already has several shows with strong, positive LGBT portrayals (e.g. The Fosters) that are very much in line with their current, “family” branding. I’m sure people complained, but there is nothing "un-family" about representing ALL people, and the undeniable truth is, just as with those who used religion to justify racism in the last century, anyone who feels otherwise is on the wrong side of history here.

    Aren't we all God's children? And isn't He the only one fit to pass judgement? I, personally, find it offensive when intolerance masks itself as piousness. I think it only helps solidify every negative stereotype of religion in general, and Christianity specifically. Love, acceptance, kindness and inclusion were the mainstays of Jesus’ teachings and ministry. And aren’t we supposed to try, as imperfect as we all may be, to follow in his footsteps?

    1. We all have the right to our opinions. I believe in The Word of God. It is the same "yesterday, today, and forever". Homosexuality however you try to word it - is still a sin and I have the right to my opinion as you do yours.

    2. You won't come back here if your view is opposed by other commenters? How do you go anywhere on the internet or in life. We all come across people with opposing views every day. C.J.

    3. I have shared on this site before, that I support traditional marriage and I review movies here with that and my Christian beliefs in mind.

      We all have rights to our opinions, but please let's drop this issue here. I will not be posting or approving any more comments in regards to this matter, on this post, at this time.

  10. I know you would like this subject dropped, I'm the first anonymous, I really didn't mean to start anything I was just asking how other people felt about the changes coming to abc family,I just have one more thought, Hallmark has two channels why cant abc family follow their example and have two channels with keeping abc family intact the way it is and another channel (freeform) that would keep everyone happy!

    1. I appreciate you trying to suggest something to make everyone happy. :)

  11. Sherry In CaliforniaThursday, October 15, 2015

    So... any news on the highly mysterious "Christmas Land" yet"?? I mean... we're in mid-October now. If production hasn't begun on the movie by now, I have a hard time believing it will make it into the Countdown, even as the very last movie on the schedule.

    I wonder if it's being filmed under a different title? It just seems like there aren't even any movies in production right now that sound like they could be "Christmas Land."

    Alicia Witt is filming something else -- I highly doubt it's another Christmas movie, and especially not for Hallmark.

    Who could be in this phantom "Christmas Land" cast?

    1. No news on Christmas Land, yet, Sherry. It's quite the mystery! One never knows if it will star Hallmark regulars or actors who are completely new - to Hallmark! I think not knowing and wondering is half the fun!!!

    2. Sherry In CaliforniaMonday, October 19, 2015

      I don't think Hallmark even knew who was going to be in "Christmas Land" when they posted the dates for the new movies a couple of weeks back. I doubt they were keeping it a surprise. I think that the actors' names were left of the list because they were not signed on or filming yet. If the writer of the script doesn't know who is in the movie, and Hallmark doesn't know who is in the movie, and the movie was moved to the very last spot in the Countdown -- when the original plan was probably to end with the Mariah Carey movie -- that tells me that "Christmas Land" is in danger of not making it in to the Countdown.

      It's not even about Hallmark regulars or unknowns in the movie at this point. Right now it's about whether or not the movie has even started filming, and, if not, will it be bumped out of the line-up and out of the 12/20/15 spot!?!

  12. Last year as the Countdown to Christmas on Hallmark was wrapping up for the season, The Hallmark Channel announced it would be back on October 31st of 2015. This year, not a word about next year. Any idea what's up with next years schedule?

  13. Last year, as the Christmas movies were wrapping up for the season, Hallmark Channel announced Oct. 31, 2015 as their opening night for Countdown to Christmas. They announced the year before as well. This year, not a word about the opening date for Christmas movies. Any idea what their plans our for next year?

    1. This is an excellent popular question!!!

      I'm assuming the Countdown to Christmas start would be around the same time again this year, but Hallmark probably didn't want to set a date, yet, which may change later on. Plus, now that they have "Fall Harvest" movies... they might want to tie those into the Holiday Season!!! Until further notice, guess we will have to wait and see!!!


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