Thursday, December 12, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life moved to December 20th!

NBC has just changed their schedule and this may or may not be Wonderful News for many fans of It's a Wonderful Life.

Originally, it had been scheduled, since October, for the NBC Network to show It's a Wonderful Life on December 14th and 24th! It will now air December 20th and remain on the 24th, Christmas Eve, at 8 p.m. ET! Very close together!

"Well whaddya know about that!!!"
— George Bailey

Replacing NBC's scheduled broadcast of the holiday classic It's a Wonderful Life, is a repeat airing of the recently aired - Live stage version of The Sound of Music.

Personally, although I was looking forward to it this weekend, I think the 20th of December will actually be a Wonderful Night for It's a Wonderful Life to air! There won't be any new movies on the Hallmark Channel, ABC Family, UP, or Lifetime to compete on that night, so many more will be able to enjoy this beloved Christmas Classic!

"A toast to my big brother George: The richest man in town!"
— Harry Bailey

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