Friday, December 13, 2013

It's the Last Weekend for NEW Christmas Movie Premieres!

Oh my goodness... we are certainly getting close to Christmas now- when it's the very last weekend for new Christmas Movie Premieres! Enjoy it immensely! Hopefully your recorders have a little bit more space for your favorite movie picks for this weekend! Here they are...

December 14th, 2013

Hallmark Channel
December 15th, 2013

Finding Christmas
Hallmark Channel

Merry Christmas to ALL
and to ALL...
an "It's a Wonderful Movie" Night!


  1. I already know I'll be in withdrawals as soon as it's over! Thanks for posting all these. I've been having a blast for the past 2 months with the new movies and old favorites. Can't wait to see what's in store for next year!

  2. It went so fast! I think the better movies were shown sooner and it should have been the other way around with the Hallmark movies.

    I only watched Country Christmas on Lifetime.

    Didn't watch any on the other stations.

    I got to remember to catch the K-Love special.


    1. Oh, I agree... it always goes so fast!

      Glad you were able to see all the Hallmark! Most were pretty good! You might also like Silver Bells on UP!

      I always appreciate your kind comments and support! God Bless You, Misty!

      I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. I have really enjoyed all of the Christmas movies. I dvr'd these so that I can watch these movies throughout the year! Thank you once again for the wonderful Christmas movies! Look forward to next year's movies:)

    1. Thank you for the kind comments! I bet lots of people have full DVRs of Christmas Movies! Isn't it great!

      Oh, I am looking for to next years Christmas Movies all year round - and I will be sure to let you know when I hear of anything!

      Merry Christmas!

  4. I agree that the past six weeks flew by! I remember it being the beginning of October and getting excited that the new Christmas movies were only a month away! Now they're almost gone. Sad but not as sad as right on or after January 1st when Hallmark Channel finishes it's two-month long holiday season and goes back to its regular schedule. I hope you do another year-end poll this year. I'm curious to find out about other people's opinions on the best movie of the year. Hallmark aired a nice batch this season. A couple were only so-so. It usually has to do with the chemistry of the main stars. Two of my favorites this year were - Let it Snow and The Christmas Ornament. Both were cast really well and were sweet, touching, Christmas stories.

  5. Really enjoyed the last two Hallmarks. Wish it wasn't over and that I could have seen the others in this line-up. :)


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