Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two Classic Movie Love Stories on TV - Feb 8th & 9th

The first great Love Story is - The Music Man starring one of my favorite actresses, Shirley Jones, with Robert Preston. It's a wonderful musical... seeing Marion realize that love was all around her, but she never saw it... until there was him!

February 8, 2012 Wednesday

The Music Man ... TCM ... 11:45 PM

The second Love Story... is another Movie Musical - Meet Me in St. Louis. The movie stars another one of my favorite actresses... the absolutely wonderful, Judy Garland and  Tom Drake. It's not only a great family story, and Christmas movie, too - it's also often over-looked as a sweet love story with Esther Smith falling in love with "the boy next door."

February 9, 2012 Thursday

Meet Me in St. Louis ... TCM ... 4:30 PM

See the [ FAMILY TV SCHEDULE ] for these Movies and More!


1 comment:

  1. Oh , The Music Man is one of my favourite movies ever! It is so kind and great! Thanks for reminding it, I'll watch it one more time:)


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