Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wild Horse Annie - Hallmark MOVIE Channel


Wild Horse Annie

Network: Hallmark MOVIE Channel

Original Air Date: Summer 2012


Wendie Malick

*Wendie Malick will also serve as Executive Producer of this film.


The story chronicles the legendary activist, Velma Bronn Johnston, dubbed "Wild Horse Annie" for her crusade in the 1950's to end the slaughter and suffering of wild mustangs.

Velma Johnston became a leading animal rights activist in this country. Her dedicated quest to protect America's wild horses, a campaign she began with the nation's school children, culminated in the US Congress' passing of the Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971. The bill became the law of the land, signed by then President Richard M. Nixon on December 15, 1971. Ms Johnston's legacy lives on.

Movie Review:


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  1. Please please hurry up and get this movie out there! There is not nearly enough public awareness of the ongoing plight of America's mustangs.

  2. I knew Wild Horse Annie for the last seven years of her life. My biography of this wonderful woman will be published this fall by the University of Nevada Press -- "Wild Horse Annie: Velma Johnston and her Fight to Save the Mustang" by Alan J. Kania.

  3. Denise - I haven't heard anymore details on when this will be released - however I will update this page when I do.

    Alan - That sounds so interesting - that you actually knew Wild Horse Annie! How exciting for you! Congratulations on your biography being published, as well! I hope it does very well.


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