Monday, March 17, 2025

The Hallmark Channel Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day - See Details:

If you're in the mood for an Irish movie on this St. Patrick’s Day, then you're in luck! (no four-leaf clover needed!)

The Hallmark Channel is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with a movie marathon of Irish-themed films... see the schedule below.

Plus, you'll also find details below on who the real St. Patrick was, a man of deep abiding faith in the Lord who followed the calling of his life back to Ireland, where he was once imprisoned.

Today's Schedule - Monday, March 17th:
(Times below in Eastern Daylight Time)

* Love's Portrait - 2pm

Museum curator, Lily, finds a painting that's identical to her and searches for the artist in Ireland. There, William, a charming man, joins her on her quest and helps her rediscover love. Stars Aubrey Reynolds and Richard McWilliams.

* Forever in My Heart - 4pm

Jenna and Charlie found love in Ireland, but their dreams drove them apart. Five years later, they reunite, and Jenna has to decide where her heart belongs—back home or in the Emerald Isle. Stars Merritt Patterson and Jack Turner.

* As Luck Would Have It - 6pm

Lindsey travels to Ireland to acquire land that is perfect for a resort. She decides to enter the town's matchmaking festival to prove her investment and win over a handsome local. Starring JoAnna Garcia Swisher and Allen Leech.

* Love of the Irish - 8pm

Tired of her bad luck, Fiona takes her mom on a trip to Ireland to turn things around where she meets a charming single dad who helps her make her own luck. Stars Shenae Grimes-Beech, Stephen Hagan, Moira Kelly.

For those of you who have Irish roots, a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!

While the world focuses on four-leaf clovers, leprechauns, and wearing green on this day, I think it is most important to remember who the real Saint Patrick was. Focus on the Family has an excellent article about Patrick's life, which was filled with many struggles and hardships as he followed the voice of God and proclaimed the gospel message with his ministry throughout Ireland. (*click here to read this article*)

Have a blessed 
St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!


  1. Lovely movies. -Maria

  2. Thank you for sharing this reminder of the true meaning of St. Patrick’s Day, Net. You’re right, Patrick’s ministry is often overlooked on this day. If only that were the real focus and more people boldly proclaimed the gospel message as he did. Melissa

  3. I don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but always loved Forever in My Heart.

    Net, thank you for sharing the true Patrick story. What a kind godly man he must have been to sell himself into slavery to share the gospel to the Irish. His story of his life has always been one of my favorites and I have a younger brother named Patrick.

  4. Great choices, I did my own St Patrick’s Day watch (well week long every evening), all 4 of the above mentioned movies & 2 other hallmark movies set in Ireland: Honeymoon For One & Chasing Leprechauns. As well as the movie “Leap Year”. Happy St. Patrick’s Day ☘️ everybody, enjoy!

  5. I’ve always liked As Luck Would Have It.

    Also, nice to see this story about St. Patrick. How in the world did this holiday become so distorted?


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