Tuesday, August 13, 2024

🔎 "Mystery By The Book" Receives Premiere Date On Great American Pure Flix - SEE HERE:

Great news, everyone! For those of us who have been wondering when we might see the movie Mystery by the Book, starring Alicia Dea Josipovic and Corey Sevier, Great American Pure Flix has officially announced this film will air on their streamer Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 8PM ET.

UPDATE: According to Great American Family's Checklist App, Mystery by the Book will air Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 8pm EST. on Great American Family.

Here's a screen-grab from the app...


Mystery by the Book is also known by the alternate, original title, Key to Love.

Happy movie-watching!


  1. Good to know! -Maria

  2. It didn’t mention anything on websites of Pure Flix. Where did you get info of Mystery by the Book?

  3. What is your favorite mystery movies on Great American Family?

    1. Well, GAF is just getting started on mysteries, but I really enjoyed the new "Ainsley McGregor Mystery" on Pure Flix, and I hope others will like it, too, when it premieres this October on Great American Family! :)

      Do you have a favorite, so far, Chris?

  4. Key to Love was an originally titled for Mystery by the Book

  5. I am hoping that Great American Family airs Mystery by the Book since they changed the schedule last year and they never aired it. I saw on Pure Flix post on Facebook about the movie that someone saw in the Great American. Check list app that it would air on Great American Family in September too. But I can’t confirm that do not use the app.

    1. Gigi, Thank you so much for your tip on this information coming from GAF's app.

      I checked it right away and updated the post above with the information and a screen grab of what is shown on the app - with the premiere date being Sept. 28th!

      Let's hope this date sticks! I soooo appreciate your help! :)

    2. Your welcome. Glad we have date and I agree lets hope it does air this year.

    3. Gigi, I checked last couple days ago when I notice there’s Mystery by the Book on GAFAM checklist app when I asked Net about GAFAM Checklist on other days this blog.

      Mystery by the Book
      September 28, 2024
      8pm ET/5pm PT

      Type: Mystery

  6. This movie looks so cute! I really hope it does air on GAF next month. Looks like a perfect movie for fall.

  7. I’m in!! The more mysteries the better to help it grow!

  8. Since Key to Love was changed the titled to Mystery by the Book

    It’s supposed to last year 2023

    Its website of Great American Family

    Mystery by the Book to air in September 2023 & changed the date to October 30, 2023, & then changed to January 31, 2024 - they removed it from on their site.

    And then this month - I checked on Great American Family checklist app

    I notice they changed it differently when I found out last couple days ago about Mystery by the Book.

    Mystery by the Book
    September 28, 2024
    8pm ET/5pm PT
    Great American Family

  9. I’m so happy about this! Christie


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