Friday, July 12, 2024


Wonderful Christmas DVD News!

Here come the 2024 CHRISTMAS DVD RELEASES! I'm sharing below the family-friendly Christmas movies that have been released, thus far, and I’ll be adding more holiday-themed movies to the list below as they become available!

I've been asked numerous times if A Biltmore Christmas is available on DVD, and now I'm delighted to share... it is!

Although the spotlight has been on fan-favorite A Biltmore Christmas, many more Christmas movies are being released on DVD, too!

Please click my links below to see the current availability of these DVDs at Amazon.


*Note: The items below contain affiliate links. If you buy something through these links, I may earn a commission at no cost to you. Thank you all for your support.



Hallmark Christmas 3 Film DVD Collection:

Flipping For Christmas
Sealed With A List
Everything Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark Christmas 3 Film DVD Collection:

Heart of the Holidays
Christmas Island
The Secret Gift of Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark Christmas 3 Film DVD Collection:

Catch Me If You Claus
The Santa Summit
Haul Out The Holly: Lit Up

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark Christmas 3 Film DVD Collection:

To All A Good Night
Miracle In Bethlehem, PA
Five More Minutes: Moments Like These

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Never Been Chris’d

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark 4-Movie Collection:

Ms. Christmas Comes to Town
Navigating Christmas
A Season For Family
The Secret Gift of Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark 2-Movie Collection:

Holiday Road
Heaven Down Here

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Christmas Island

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark Countdown to Christmas 3-Movie Collection
Mystery on Mistletoe Lane
Catch Me If You Claus
To All A Good Night

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


The Perfect Christmas Present

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


A World Record Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


The Santa Summit

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Hallmark 2-Movie Collection: A Very Vermont Christmas / Falling Like Snowflakes

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Holiday Hotline

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Sealed With A List

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


My Christmas Guide

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


A Merry Scottish Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon

*Also available on Blu-ray.


Time For Her to Come Home For Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


Miracle in Bethlehem, PA

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon


A Biltmore Christmas

Click here for DVD availability at Amazon

*Also available on Blu-ray.


Stay tuned for more information on DVD releases; be sure to bookmark this page and check back for any updates. Please know I do my best to only promote movies that are family-friendly.

I'm hoping we'll also see some Great American Family, Lifetime, and UPtv Christmas movies become available on DVD. Which Christmas movies are you still hoping to see on DVD this year? Please share in comments below.

Wishing You the JOY of Christmas All Year Round,


  1. Definitely getting the 3rd one!! -Maria

  2. What movies are you looking forward to buy

  3. Joyce in CarolinaSaturday, July 13, 2024

    Oh my Net! You know I am super excited about A Biltmore Christmas finally coming out on DVD! I went to Amazon and added it to my wish list, so I should be notified when it becomes available!! I was hoping they would release it as a single though as well as some of the others you listed as well. Thanks for keeping us posted! Blessings my friend!

  4. Hey Net, I think it is important to note the following about these dvd's. Given the white cases, the rating on the cover, and the international item code, these are ones that are put out by an Australian distribution company and not directly by Hallmark. If their tradition holds, these movies will not be subtitled (which I know is important to many viewers). I have also heard that some past releases had missing scenes. Apparently this company makes a point of releasing Hallmark movies before they are officially released directly by Hallmark. So, as the saying goes, buyer beware.

  5. I have a lot of these collection DVDs and they are all great quality. I watch Hallmark movies on TV and through my DVDs with my husband & kids all the time, and I’ve never noticed any missing scenes. Christie

  6. Being part Norwegian, I was hoping for My Norwegian Holiday to come out on dvd. But why do they have to do three on a dvd with two one does not want. They did the same with Ghost of Christmas Always by putting it on with 5 others we don't really care for. By doing that they make the price for the ones you want to expensive. Still hoping for Return to Christmas Creek to come out on dvd and Farewell Mr. Kringle. Would like to see Christmas Bow, as well as My Norwegian Holiday and Ghost of Christmas Always, out on a dvd by themselves. Also Thanksgiving House.

  7. Finally, A Biltmore Christmas is available!!!! It was my favorite last year. I’ve been waiting and looking for this since it premiered. Thanks, Net! I’m going to order it as soon as it becomes available.

  8. It's been a few days now, and the DVD's are still marked as 'Currently Unavaliable'. Any idea why this is if Amazon just added them on? -Maria

  9. Yay! love A Biltmore Christmas! I wish they would release some movies as singles though, like Joyce said. I wonder why they do the triple feature thing so often? I usually only like one out of the three.

  10. Have you guys heard Shannen Doherty passed away at age 53 yesterday? She had 1 Hallmark movie!!!

  11. Thank you for your posting the announcement of the new Hallmark Christmas Collection DVD’s. Really looking forward to their release. The covers look so much like those released in Australia through ViaVision - May I ask if they are from here or the US. Aussie Follower. πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

    1. Hello! Thank you for following It's a Wonderful Movie from Australia!

      These DVDs are from the Australian distribution company you mentioned, Via Vision Entertainment. I have had wonderful experiences with them. The discs are always nice and work perfectly in my U.S. player. Hopefully, you will be able to locate them in Australia for purchase.

      Blessings, Net

  12. New Hallmark DVD collections up for pre order via Amazon:

    6 movie collection:
    Checkin it Twice
    Where are you Christmas
    Under the Christmas Sky
    Christmas with a Kiss
    Our Christmas Mural
    Christmas by Design

    3 movie collection:
    Christmas on Mystery Lane
    Catch me if you Claus
    To all a Good Night


  13. They should release on dvd is Heart the holidays. And Jane Doe moves with Lea Thompson.

  14. Whoa!! The Perfect Christmas Present is finally getting it's own DVD after 7 years! (it's on Amazon). -Maria

  15. A Very Vermont Christmas and Falling like Snowflakes are both coming to DVD December 10. -Maria

    1. Maria, Thank you for the reminder. I put that DVD in my Amazon Wish List yesterday, along with Holiday Hotline. I just added both above! :)

  16. My Christmas Guide is also coming to DVD. (from Amazon). -Maria

  17. Walmart just put this movies on individual DVD's:

    Miracle in Bethlehem PA
    A Merry Scottish Christmas
    Time for Her to Come Home for Christmas
    A Biltmore Christmas


    1. Maria, It was great see these released in Walmart stores. I've been hoping to post these above, but neither Walmart (online) or Amazon have these available to order, yet. I'm hoping they will soon.

  18. I would like to see Time for Her to Come Home for Christmas on DVD

  19. I seen Miracle of Bethlehem, PA on DVD by itself

    1. Chris, Yes, both of the Christmas movies you mentioned are available on DVD in most Walmart stores.

    2. Also A Merry Scottish Christmas

    3. Also Never Been Chris'd Is at the Walmart stores

    4. Also at Walmart Haul out the Holly:Lit Up and Christmas Island

    5. Chris, I, too want Bethlehem, PA on DVD by itself. I loved that movie.
      Chris did you mean that A Merry Scottish Christmas is on DVD by itself?

  20. Still hoping for dvd releases of Enchanted Christmas, Christmas Encore, Angel Falls: A Novel Holiday, The Santa Stakeout, Nantucket Noel, Making Spirits Bright, and Love Always, Santa

  21. We are hoping for The Finnish Line to come out on dvd, preferably by itself. Still hoping for Return to Christmas Creek to come out on dvd. I know its just a movie, but it gives me hope that maybe our family will get back together.

  22. Would also like Love Always, Santa on dvd. Would like the Twelfth day of Christmas, Return to Christmas Creek and The Finnish Line on dvd too.


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