Wednesday, September 27, 2023

❄️🎄 Small Town Christmas is Back! 🎄❄️

Host Megan Alexander took to social media to announce the return of Small Town Christmas to her followers...

Small Town Christmas previously aired for two seasons on UPtv, but the program will premiere this Fall on a new network, Fox Business Channel, at 2pm/1c. on December 16th and December 23rd.

If you've never seen this program, it is such a delightful holiday show that highlights the various ways towns across America celebrate the Christmas season with decor, crafts, festivals, parades, shops, and more! The heart of every community is the wonderful people who live there. I've thoroughly enjoyed Megan's program in the past, and I hope you will, too!

Have a Merry Day!
Net 🎄


  1. We enjoyed this show on Up last yr, too bad there’s only going to be 2eps this Christmas. Megan is such a great host. Not sure 2eps truly makes a season?

  2. Oohhhh never heard of this show before, definitely tuning in! Thanks Net 😊

  3. I'm not sure I get Fox I'm sad because I look forward to this show every year.

  4. My husband and I are supposed to go to Ellijay next month for the Fall festival that was featured last year!

  5. I'm not seeing this listed on my TV listings for both days and I get the channel.

    1. Pamela, Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the Small Town Christmas program listed either.

      For now, the TV guides I'm looking at say *Paid Programming* for that time slot.

      According to the press release and Small Town Christmas website (*see here*) that is still the time and dates the program should air - Dec 16th & Dec 23rd, 2:00pm on the FOX BUSINESS NETWORK.

      I'll be sure to keep a watch for any additional information.

      Merry Christmas to you! Net

    2. Hi net I was able to get this recorded and it ended up being listed at 11:00 am instead of at 2:00 pm and the programming guide did finally have it listed. Can't wait for next week's episode

  6. I'm so excited! I live in Oxford and was invited to be included in the filming.


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