Monday, August 29, 2022

🌹Susie Abromeit's Lovely Dresses in "Love in Bloom"🌹 SEE HERE:

Since the premiere of "Love in Bloom" on Great American Family on Saturday night (August 27th), I have seen all sorts of wonderful reviews for this movie. I know I absolutely loved it! (You can read mine and other movie reviews - here!)

Plus, I've seen many comments complimenting Susie Abromeit's lovely dresses. I must agree, her dresses were visually stunning on screen, and if you'd like to know where you can find them or similar looks, then I invite you to visit my sweet sister's blog, It's a Wonderful LifeStyle. She did a fantastic feature on Susie Abromeit's beautiful dresses throughout the film.

Also, after you look through all of her pretty dresses, be sure to scroll down near the end of the post to the section that says: ~Blessings for the Day ✞o Encourage your Life~ , where you'll find Susie's wonderful interview response about listening to God. I found this to be extremely touching, and I hope it will touch your heart, as well.

If you'd like to share a review for this movie, please do so in comments below. Also, if you missed the initial premiere of "Love in Bloom," you can see the movie this weekend on Great American Family - Saturday at 6pm/5c. and Sunday at 10pm/9c.

Blessings to you all, Net 🌹


  1. So pretty.

  2. I am loving GAFamily more and more!

    1. Abigail, Me too! Watching their movies always makes me feel good inside.

  3. I love when you do the fashion links.

  4. Amelia has 3 dresses on her bed from her little Sister; Bonnie

    1. Yes, those 3 dresses were all lovely, too, but she only wore one of them.

  5. Amelia Hart wore different dresses

    Light blue flowers dress
    Carnation dress
    White Flower dress

    When she try 1 of 3 dresses on the bed when she chose just 1, to meet up with Grayson Tanner for cake tasting?


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