GAC Family shared this exciting news with fans...
"#GreatAmericanChristmas In July continues every Saturday & Sunday this month, due to the overwhelming response from our viewers. An early Christmas gift to YOU, our extended family. ❤️️🎄"
Yay! That means we get to enjoy ALL the GAC Family Christmas movies all over again! I'm sure even more people will be able to tune in, since last weekend many were away from home due to the 4th of July holiday.
Another plus... GAC Family's Christmas movies will air throughout the night - from Saturday to Sunday! Hope they air during the marathon Jen Lilley's delightful commercials, too!
See the Schedule - provided by GAC Media...
Happy Christmas in July! Net
That's a great idea! -Maria
ReplyDeleteI mean how many times can they play the same movies and expect people to get excited? Its the same 12 Christmas movies over and over. If hallmark played the same 12 movies over and over people wouldn't think thats exciting when you've watched the same ones numerous times. They act like its exciting that the same ones are being played 100x that we've all seen and could probably recite at this point
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy they are bringing Christmas in July back on GAC Family. I didn't get a chance to see it much last weekend over the 4th holiday, but I'll be glued this weekend!
ReplyDeleteLove this, I love seeing some of my favorite ones over and over!