Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Written in the Stars - on BYU

I wanted to inform you all - BYU will be premiering another movie from Incendo productions on Saturday, April 16th, titled: Written in the Stars. Much of the movie, based on the storyline we are provided (see below), appears to revolve around the study of horoscopes and astrology, which goes against my personal spiritual beliefs. Due to that, I will not be promoting this film, but I wanted to be sure you all were aware of the content.

Written in the Stars storyline via BYU: "When Kelsey's magazine approves her pitch about a skeptic's take on love and horoscopes, she is teamed up with Astrology guru, Carter. Clearly from opposite worlds, they put their competing perspectives aside to work the story around a local meteor shower festival. Through both fact and fate, they soon unearth that love really can be written in the stars."

Astrology (according to Google) is defined as the belief that astronomical phenomena, like the stars overhead when you were born or the fact that Mercury is in retrograde, have the power to influence the daily events in our lives and our personality traits.

There is a wonderful Q & A on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association web-site that asks: "Is it all right for a Christian to believe in astrology and discover God’s plan for his or her life through a horoscope?" The question is answered with this response: "Astrology is offensive to God because it attributes to planets and stars the power that belongs to God alone and because it tries to find the will of God by other means than God has appointed." You can read more of their response - here.

Please share your thoughts in comments below.

Blessings, Net


  1. Pity about this for I loved Kimberley Crossman in Together Forever Tea - it was one of my favouriye movies last year - Florence

  2. That's cute, Jim! Your witty comments are always unpredictable. ;)

  3. looks like it could be a cute movie.


  4. Bless you for the heads-up, Net. I was going to watch it and now I will not. I'm finding my destiny in my Lord, not His creation.

  5. I don't know what happened at Incendo.

    After an excellent series of movies last year they seemed to go off the rails badly introducing wokeness (their Valentine's movie had a gay couple as one of the main themes) and I would doubt that BYU would be airing any more of their movies - that is if the company is still producing any as they haven't had any in production for many months now.

    I saw one of their latter productions - Love And Penguins recently.

    I wasn't sure what to expect but the plot followed a well trodden path - a Penguin Sanctuary in Australia threatened with closing down due to lack of funds and a representative (Tilly) from an Animal Rights Organisation is sent out from San Diego in the US to see if it is worthwhile funding it.

    Decides to organise a fund raising Gala to raise the necessary fungs and has one week to do this (sound familiar)?

    Initial antagonism between her and the director of operations etc, etc!

    This part of the movie wasn't at all bad but it would be unsuitable for most here as the Managing Director of the Sanctuary and his husband take a large part in the proceedings and they do an inordinate amount of touching and cuddling which was just too much for me - Florence

  6. Does anyone know if BYU actually did air Written In The Stars?- Florence

    1. Florence, I didn't tune it that day to see, but it is available to stream on their site, so I'm assuming it did.


      I also wonder if we will see more NEW rom-com movies on BYU. If Incendo is no longer making the type of movie they want, let's hope they move on to another production company.

  7. BYU seem to have given up showing any movies - Florence


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