Monday, July 5, 2021

New Movie Premiere on BYU - Olympians at Heart ...

There's a new Summer movie premiere coming to BYU in JULY - in honor of the upcoming Olympic games...



Olympians at Heart

Premiere Date: Saturday, July 17, 2021 at 8pm/7c (5 PT)

Storyline: Twins Essie and Ella are best friends who share a passion for gymnastics. When they are both up for the same event, its causes a divided, and they're faced with the challenge of competing against each other.


I have not seen this movie, but I've read reviews from Dove and elsewhere that say it is family friendly.

If you cannot watch on the BYU Channel, this movie will be available to stream after it premieres on TV, simply click here to view or you can watch 
after July 17 through Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and more options - see here!

Blessings, Net


  1. sounds like it would be great for the family and perfect for this month


  2. That us great! Plus, it's on a Saturday and not a weekday l I ke the romance movies. I hope more people give that channel a chance!


  3. They believe the sport of gymnastics is a great way to hang out together.

    For best friends who share a passion for something, like twins Essie and Ella who love gymnastics, it's important to make time for that beloved thing in your life. It can help improve you on the inside and out because when we dedicate time to doing our favorite things it becomes more than just an activity, but an experience which connects us with feelings and memories. In this way, they approach their relationship as one where they take care of each other at all times not just when playing golf or street hockey.


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