Monday, August 5, 2019

Praying for Texas, Ohio, and America...

To all the people of El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio... please know I send my prayers and my deepest sympathies to each and every one of you.

On Saturday afternoon, as we learned the terrible news in Texas, my heart went out over and over again to each family tragically touched by this horrible event. And then to wake up Sunday morning and learn of the news in Ohio, another horrific senseless tragedy, my heart broke all over again.

Throughout the weekend, I watched the news on and off in disbelief. To think such a terrible thing happened on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon as people innocently went to their local Walmart for groceries, etc... is so hard to fathom. When I would turn the station back to Hallmark, to my peaceful, blissful world of escape, with all my heart I wished every one could turn the channel and everything would simply be okay.

God's Blessings to our police, who are always there to serve and protect, our fellow Americans and EMT's, who were there to help at the scene and the doctors, who are still attending to the wounded. This is such an awful, senseless tragedy for our country, an incredibly sad weekend.

Our American flag flies now at half staff as a symbol of our nation's mourning and respect. Praying for all touched by this.

Take care and be safe everyone.

God's Blessings to you all, Net

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
~ Psalm 34:18


  1. Thank you for sharing this tribute. I think of Hallmark as my safe place to go when things like this happen.

    1. Yes, it's always nice to have a comfortable place to turn to. I'm so glad you feel the same.

  2. I appreciate this beautiful post my friend! It is a sad time for our country and a good time to come together in friendship. I'm praying for everyone. Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you, Diane, for your lovely message. I so appreciate your friendship.

      Blessings to you, always...

  3. Thank You Net for sharing this tribute. My family lost a love one in the Sandy Hook tragedy and every time another one happens it is so sad.

    1. Oh my, I'm so sorry for your loss, Joe. I'm sure hearing these stories brings it all back fresh for all of you. What a terrible tragedy.

      My prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you all.

  4. Thank you Net for shining a positive light in a very sad time. Lavender Dreamer is right. Now is the time for us to come together in friendship and support of each other. Peace.

    Mark2 iWs

    1. That's right, Mark... that's exactly what we need to do - come together in friendship and reach out to others, who may be alone and friendless.

      Bless you!

  5. Thank you Net for this beautiful post. I am not an American, I am Brazilian and I was deeply saddened by the events in Ohio and Texas. And today, something made me even sadder. I love Hallmark movies and I always go to Instagram for the actors who participate in the movies. And today, when I saw the Instagram of actress Roselyn Sanchez from the movie "A Taste of Summer," a post from her hurt my heart. She used a horrible word about the prayers ... was disrespectful to the victims, their families and all the American people. Prayers are fundamental for every country, for every person ...
    Sorry for my outburst, but it's a painful time when everyone should come together. And Hallmark and its movies are a "safe place" for everyone, and this is no time for the actors to want to divide the world and speak bad words ...

    1. Thank you, Rosana, for your heartfelt comment for Texas, Ohio, and our country. I am truly grateful for your prayers for our nation.

      I was unaware of the posting you mentioned of Roselyn's, but after looking it up, I too am offended as a person of faith and I'm also saddened for her. I cannot imagine not drawing from my faith at a time like this. How sad.

      I often see political comments on social media from actors, actresses, directors, and such from Hallmark movies, and many times I don't agree with them; however, everyone is free to express their own opinions, but this comment, I agree with you, with the vulgar language, is truly unnecessary. Disappointing.

      Roselyn's upcoming Hallmark movie is A Taste of Summer, and all I keep thinking is - her comment was tasteless.

      God's Blessings to you, Rosana! Thank you, again, for your prayers! I pray for peace for you and your country, too!

  6. Oh Net, thanks for understanding. My country has got rid of a very sad moment, a lot of division, and we are doing our best to unite our nation through prayers and the love of God. I am deeply disappointed by the divisions ...

    In fact, Roselyn's comment was unfortunate. May she have a true encounter with the Lord and have peace in her heart.

    God bless you Net, the United States of America and all the families in mourning.


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