Friday, February 1, 2019


It's been a little over a month since Christmas, and if you're needing a little Christmas cheer now, then the Hallmark Channel has you covered... in a blanket of snow and a little Santa magic... with Candace Cameron Bure and David O’Donnell in "Christmas Under Wraps" -Tonight!

In fact, starting with this Christmas movie tonight, Hallmark has announced this *exciting CHRISTMAS news* via Facebook, "To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Countdown to Christmas, we've got holiday movies on Hallmark Channel every Friday night all year long!"

image: Hallmark Crown Media

Yes, you read that right! The Hallmark Channel will be playing Christmas movies every Friday night! And, if February is any indication, it looks like we will be receiving a mix of old and newer (2018, included!) holiday movies throughout the year! Enjoy "Christmas Under Wraps" tonight and please share your thoughts on this in comments below!

"Christmas Under Wraps" storyline via Hallmark: When a driven doctor doesn’t get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town. While she meets the locals and even starts a new romance, she has to learn to let the life she planned for give way to a love she never could have imagined, and finds this festive small town is hiding one big holiday secret.

Friday, FEBRUARY 1, 2019
at 8pm/7c. on the Hallmark Channel

*If you're curious to see which other Christmas movies are playing Friday nights in February on the Hallmark Channel- see *HERE*!

*Christmas Under Wraps and more Hallmark Christmas Movies starring Candace Cameron Bure are available on DVD/Streaming at Amazon- see *HERE*!

JOYful Blessings to You All! Net


  1. Outstanding! I watch Hallmark ( and a couple of Lifetime Christmas movies ) throughout the year--am grateful for DVR --and purchase dvd's ---but nice to have a variety on the Hallmark Channel--as I recognize that many also love these escapes --and may not have dvd's / dvd players or dvr….

    1. Hello Matt, Thank you so much for sharing that! I find people enjoy, more and more, watching these Holiday movies throughout the year. I know I certainly do, and I'm so glad Hallmark has gifted ALL of US who LOVE Christmas- with this year long gift on Friday nights. Let's hope we can talk them into doing it again next year! :)

    2. I tried so hard to stop watching the Hallmark Christmas movies, it worked for like a day, and now I watch them every night, so stuck on Matchmaker Santa right now, I have watched it every night this week (I know I am crazy) and I watched Finding Christmas last night too. I watched Let It Snow the other day, but did not watch Christmas Under Wraps as I wanted it to be special tonight. I just can't quit the Hallmark Christmas movies (and Snowed Inn Christmas and Poinsettias for Christmas from Lifetime).

    3. I know just what you mean, Sabrina... as they are all so uplifting and enjoyable.

      Speaking of "Matchmaker Santa," did you happen to see or record the Lifetime Christmas movie, "Christmas Harmony?" It stars "Dean" (actor: Adam Mayfield) from "Matchmaker Santa." Anyway, I thought it was really sweet. He even sings in the movie!

      Happy watching! If it brings you joy, then that's all that really matters! :)

    4. Sabrina, you are safe here with us. We all love Christmas movies and we all have ones that are very special to us. I fully understand and think it is wonderful you are sharing with us what you like. I haven't seen "Matchmaker Santa" in a couple of years, and you have made me want to watch it again. Thank you for the suggestion. Life is short. Do what you love.

  2. Joyce in CarolinaFriday, February 01, 2019

    Isn't this just the best news ever! When I saw the announcement on FB I knew you would post it for us Net!! Hallmark is listening to their fans! I got happy feet!!

    1. Yay!!! I'm bursting with excitement, too, Joyce! What a fun treat this will be to look forward to- each and every Friday night! Enjoy your happy dance & watching tonight! :)

  3. Oh, my gosh, Net!! What wonderful, amazing, glorious news!! I can't believe they're giving us "Friday night Christmas" all year long!! Yay!! Let's all give 100% participation so maybe this may become a new tradition!! Thanks for the news, Net and Thank you, Hallmark!! Hey, Jim, I know you're happy!! LOL!!

    1. Oh my goodness, Linda! Yeeeesss, isn't this THE BEST NEWS EVER!!! I'm ecstatic, too, that Hallmark has announced this! So HAPPY! So GRATEFUL! I'm also glad, because I know there are some who missed one or two of the new movies, and now they won't have to wait until the DVD comes out or Christmas in July to see it, hopefully!

      I'm with you, we should all watch and boost up the ratings... so hopefully this Friday night Christmas watch party on the Hallmark Channel continues!!!

      Thank you, as always, for sharing the JOY!!! :)

    2. "eternally" happy for you Jim!!

    3. Awe, I especially love that last line, Jim. Reminds me of the scripture - John 1:5, NIV.

      "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

      Shine on!!! Blessings, Net

  4. All I can say is Friday night will be my favorite night of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for this, I hope they take the opportunity to play different movies each Friday night and the classic faves as well like Matchmaker Santa, Let It Snow, TMWTOTY, A Very Merry Mixup, and Snow Bride. Hallmark, I would like to put in my order for these movies on Friday night :)

    1. Hey Sabrina!!! This gives a whole new meaning to TGIF, doesn't it!?!? Now we can say... Thank goodness it's Friday... so we can relax, decompress from the long week, and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie!!!

      I would love to see your order of movies included, (LOL!) as well as "Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade," (but they play that now on HMM, so that probably won't happen) and "Window Wonderland."

      Speaking of HMM movies, I think it would be nice if they included one or two of those on the Hallmark Channel on a Friday night; I'm sure that would really draw interest to the station for those who do not have it!

      Enjoy watching tonight!!! :)

    2. That is a great idea Net, I wondered if they may play a few from HMM and put a note on the bottom of the screen "If you like this movie, tune into HMM for Miracles of Christmas this October". I have wondered if they would try playing one of the new series like Mystery 101 or Chronicle Mysteries after it has premiered on HMM, but play it on a Friday night or something and say if you like this ask your cable provider for HMM.

      TGIF, I haven't thought about that since the days of Full House, Family Matters, Step By Step and Perfect Strangers, what fun days growing up.

    3. I second your HMM idea, Net! Several friends of mine don't have the Mystery channel and I'm constantly telling them how good they are. If they could just see a few of them, then I know they'd be hooked too!

    4. Joyce in CarolinaFriday, February 01, 2019

      Net....I had wondered if they might show a few movies from HMM too. What a great treat that would be for all of us!! I hope Hallmark is listening!!

    5. Sabrina, Anon., & Joyce... Glad you all like that idea, too! It would be wonderful if they could possibly pull a Christmas movie from HMM for a Friday night!

      Like you said, Joyce, I hope their listening, too!

      Oh, and Sabrina... I also think of Full House, Family Matters, Boy Meets World, etc... when I use the TGIF acronym! Brings back good memories, huh? :)

      Blessings, Net


    1. Oh, I'm so glad! We could all use a little Christmas cheer now and then! Enjoy!!! :)

  6. I can't wait to tell my family this news! Christmas movies every Friday night is the best news!

    1. I so agree, Anna! This will be a wonderful time to cuddle up with the family and have those warm feelings of Christmas all over again!

      In fact, we had 3-5 more inches of snowfall last night, so it continues to feel like a Christmas winter wonderland! :)

  7. Replies
    1. Oh, I'm so glad, Heather B.! Thank you for sharing the joy & happiness! Happy Christmas movie watching! :)

  8. This is such a great idea. Hallmark really does listen to viewers. People like us who really enjoy good Christmas movies are finally being taken seriously. Great news. I'll be there enjoying them, too. Merry Christmas Fridays, everyone.


    1. I so agree, Mark! Hallmark truly knows the heart of it's viewers! There may be a few Grinch's out there who aren't thrilled with this, but it's only a couple of hours one night a week. Hopefully, ALL the Christmas movie year round watchers like us, will give it enough ratings to let Hallmark know we truly appreciate this!

      Merry Christmas Friday Nights to You, too!!!
      Blessings, Net

    2. The same to you, Net. Thank you for sharing with us. Merry Christmas Friday Nights to all and to all, a good night!


    3. How cool, Mark! Love the "Twas the Night before Christmas" line! :)

    4. My pleasure. Thank you for all you do. You are a great resource and I appreciate all of your work. Keep up the great work.

  9. That's right, Jim! Buckle up, it's going to be a long, wonderful, joyful ride! And, we can sing along on this road trip!

    Enjoy Hallmark's Friday Christmas Movie #1 with Candace Tonight! Next week we'll stop by and visit Lacey! :)

  10. Thus is the best news.i watch Christmas movies all year. And Julybseems do far away. This is going to be fun.

    1. Yes, July does seem far away, and now we only have to look forward to the next Friday night for a Christmas movie... only days away!!!

  11. Merry Christmas to all and all Christmas Movie watching every Friday Night!!!! TGIF For Sure!!! Thank you Net for always sleuthing and finding these things if they would only play a few on HMM...hint, hint!!!

    1. Wouldn't that be great if they could do that and play an HMM Christmas movie on the Hallmark Channel?!?! I would love all my family & friends who don't have HMM to get a little taste of what they're missing.

  12. We should try and get the live tweet going tonight, anyone who has twitter. It would be fun, I am hoping I can watch live at 8 pm, getting new carpet on the 12th and have a lot of prep still left to do. I am really hoping my husband doesn't need my help for Valentine in the Vineyard, cause I have been looking forward to that forever!!!!!

    1. I tried to do a little live tweeting with you during the show, Sabrina. It's not always easy because other things are going on, but I wanted Hallmark to know I was watching and happy to see a Christmas movie in February! :)

      Hope you can watch "Valentine in the Vineyard" tonight!

  13. Yes, this is such great news! And kicking it off with a classic (and one of my all-time favorites)! I wonder if this is Hallmark's way of "testing the waters" for a year-round Christmas channel? Just a thought...

    Mark (Mark 25)

    1. You never know, Mark 25, what Hallmark has up their sleeve next! Anything is possible! :)

      However, my guess is... and this is only a guess, that perhaps this Christmas season they will have NEW Friday night Christmas movie premieres, in addition to new movies on Saturday and Sunday night! They did say this year was going to be bigger than ever as they celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Countdown to Christmas... so, they may have to expand to another night. (Just my hunch.) Lifetime did it this last Christmas season, and Hallmark has aired movies in the past on Fridays, as well, including "Rocky Mountain Christmas" and "Christmas at Grand Valley." And, of course, every night Thanksgiving week. So, we'll see! I do think, as you mentioned, they are most definitely "testing the waters." :)

      Blessings! Net

  14. This is seriously making a long day so much brighter! Makes me kinda want to put my tree back up again! 🎄

    1. I know just what you mean, Em! I always keep a little something Christmas - just to keep the glow around! :)

  15. It's Christmas again!

  16. When I got this article in my email today, my heart jumped for joy. A few weeks ago, our DVR went out and had to be replaced. I lost 30+ Christmas movies that I had recorded. This is going to be the best year ever as far as watching TV goes. I am so excited to catch all my favorite Christmas movies again. This is so AWESOME!!!

    1. Oh my goodness... oh, no, that is just terrible to hear your DVR went out on you like that, all your movies and hard work recording them all. I know some people might not understand how important your Christmas movies are to you, but I understand your heart completely! Having them play throughout the year will surely be a very helpful way for you to record many of them again. I'm so glad I could share with you this joyful news! :)

      Blessings to you! Net


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