Monday, February 5, 2018

Which MOVIE did You Like BEST during WINTERFEST? #YourTake

"One Winter Weekend," and "Winter's Dream"


To start of this year, the Hallmark Channel premiered FOUR NEW ORIGINAL MOVIES as part of *WINTERFEST*!

Please share "YOUR TAKE" on this recent block of Original TV movies in comments below by answering these Two Questions... (you can choose more than one!)

1. Which "WINTERFEST" movie did you like/love the most?

2. Which "WINTERFEST" movie poster (above) do you like best?

Looking forward to hearing all your responses in comments below! Blessings, Net


  1. 1. Winter's Dream
    2. Winter's Dream

    My wife and I met at a Ski Retreat, watching the movie brought those memories back for us. Plus, Dean Cain's a upstanding guy and Kristy Swanson is great. Their pairing seemed natural, not forced like some movies.

  2. 1 One Winter Weekend - liked Taylor & Jack together, much more than I did in My Summer Prince. The prince movie seemed silly, while One Winter Weekend seemed realistic.

    2 They are all great!

    1. I agree! I like Taylor and Jack WAY more in this movie than the Summer Prince one.

  3. #FrozenInLove for Both

  4. Winters Dream
    Winters Dream

  5. "Frozen in Love" with Rachael Lee Cook was my favorite out of these choices.

  6. 1)Winter's Dream 2)One Winter Weekend. Both movie and poster.

  7. First of all, I loved each of the four films--definitely Hallmark's best set. But if I have to choose
    1. Winter's Dream
    2. One Winter Weekend

    I loved seeing the Dean Cain Kristy Swanson partnership & having the opportunity to connect with so many in the cast & crew made this a standout favorite for me. I may be in the minority but I lived seeing Dean in a comic role.

    I love the diversity of the poster for One Winter Weekend. The movie is in a virtual tie with Winter's Dream for the story and actors. Fantastic

  8. One Winter Weekend was the movie we liked best followed by Frozen in Love. One winter weekend poster is the best because they show the other couple in the photo.

  9. 1- My favorite was Love on the Slopes.
    Frozen in Love was also pretty good.

    2- Frozen in Love

    Also loved the music for both films.

  10. 1. Which "WINTERFEST" movie did you like/love the most?
    One Winter Weekend!!

    2. Which "WINTERFEST" movie poster (above) do you like best?
    Frozen in Love and One Winter Weekend!!

  11. A tie between Frozen Love and Winter's Dream~

  12. Joyce in CarolinaMonday, February 05, 2018

    1. One Winter Weekend(Love On The Slopes a close second)

    2. No favorite on poster

    Net..I'm so excited to see the polls returning! So much fun! Thank you!

  13. 1. Love on the Slopes - I really liked the chemistry between the leads, and it was nice to see some fresh faces! Plus, excellent scenery!

  14. 1) Winter's Dream
    2) winter's dream (due to I like that they included the ski retreat in the poster)

  15. Movie: One Winter Weekend

    Poster: Love on the Slopes (It was hard to not choose this as best movie, but I LOVED One Winter Weekend)

  16. Oh, my gosh, Net, I loved all of these wonderful movies but one stood out a little more for me...."Love on the Slopes"....perfect couple, daring adventures, beautiful scenery, great storyline and loved the poster, too!!

  17. cant go wrong with both Taylor Cole and Rachel Leigh Cook, so its a tie for me between One Winter Weekend & Frozen in Love.

    liked best the Winter's Dream poster .

  18. 1. love on the slopes
    2. winter weekend
    3. winters dream.
    frozen love was not good enough to air!!

  19. The last two are still sitting on my DVR waiting for me to watch them (I've been busy!), but I loved "Frozen in Love" so much I doubt they will surpass it as favorite, even though I love Dean Cain. "Frozen in Love" had everything I love in a Hallmark movie...great chemistry, humor, heart-tugging moments, and neither one was in a relationship already.

    For favorite poster I'm going with "Winter's Dream." It stands out from the others in that it has the picture of the ski resort too.

  20. I loved all the movies, but I if I had to choose the order it would be.....

    1. Winter's Dream
    2. One Winter Weekend
    3. Frozen in Love
    4. Love on the Slopes

    as for the posters the same.

  21. 1. Winter's Dream (love Dean Cain)
    2. Winter's Dream (love Dean Cain)

  22. Oh, forgot poster--Winter's Dream. So pretty with the ski village at the bottom of the poster.

  23. Frozen in Love for both. Books and hockey are of my favorite things, besides Hallmark movies, of course!

  24. 1. Which "WINTERFEST" movie did you like/love the most? Sorry, Dean but Winter's Dream was a real struggle to get through. Actors are great but it took me several days and many cups of tea to get through it all. All of the other movies were great.

    2. Which "WINTERFEST" movie poster (above) do you like best? I would have to say Frozen Love.

  25. 1 Winters Dream
    2 One Winter Weekend

    Okay, I picked Winter's Dream because it was inspiring. Finally a woman who is strong and capable unlike Love on the Slopes. Picked One Winter Weekend for poster cause I liked their friends.

    Winter fest was so- so for me.
    xoxo, Em

  26. Winter's Dream for both!

  27. I just can't pick a favorite this time.

    A) Love on the Slopes - I thought this actress had real comedic flair.
    B) Frozen in Love - Rachel and Niall rocked it as an "opposites attract" couple.
    C) One Winter Weekend - "My Summer Prince" had been my favorite Taylor Cole movie so far, and the reunion with Jack Turner really lived up to my expectations.
    D) Winter's Dream - I thought Dean and Kristy made a really cute couple way back in "Operation Cupcake", so I was looking forward to this one as well. Plus, SSD's Kristin Booth and her husband were both involved with this project behind the camera!

  28. Frozen in Love for both!

  29. 1. Movie - Frozen in love. Really like Rachael leigh Cook and Nial Matter in this! (One Winter Weekend is a close second)

    2. Poster - Nothing really stand out, all 4 look wintery. If i had to pick probably "Love on the slopes" for poster

  30. Loved them all. I really loved Love on the Slopes. It was different and loved the couple. I also really enjoyed Winter's Dream. I too loved Taylor and Jack in the Summer Prince but had even more fun with them in this new movie. They are great together. Once again loved them all.

  31. I think that Winter’s Dream was the best Winterfest film from 2018! If Hallmark wanted to make a sequel for this movie, I would totally be onboard for that! As for the posters, I think they all look good!


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