Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Snowmance - an ION Christmas Movie Premiere!


Movie: Snowmance

Network: ION

Original Air Date: November 26, 2017


Jesse Hutch ... Cole
Ashley Newbrough ... Sarah Groves
Adam Hurtig ... Nick


Storyline via ION: No man is perfect enough for Sarah Groves, except perhaps the impressive snowmen she sculpts annually with her childhood pal, Nick. In mid-December, her snowman disappears, and in his place, materializes Cole, who seems too perfect for Sarah to be true.

Movie Review:


See or Skip:


*images via: ION Television

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my gosh, this one looks so good. I'm kind of partial to Jesse from "Let It Snow"; loved, loved that movie! I've been binge watching all my favorites and the four new movies from last weekend. I'm in heaven, Net, and I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas!!


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