Monday, December 26, 2016

YES! You Can Find CHRISTMAS on TV after CHRISTMAS! (Hallmark Movies, It's a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown, Rudolph, and More!)

I hope and pray you all had a nice CHRISTMAS! Santa ðŸŽ… was good to me, as always! I was beyond blessed, once again, to be surrounded by my family! Everyone being home and sharing this special time together was the Greatest CHRISTMAS GIFT... making Memories with one another!

After Christmas, here at It's a Wonderful Movie, I am always searching for a bit more Christmas on TV! I know many families are still having get-togethers, Christmas gatherings and gift-giving exchanges this week!

"My Christmas Love" - Hallmark

So, if you are like me, and want to hold on to all things Christmas as long as you possibly can, then you'll want to check out the Christmas TV Schedule to see More Christmas Specials, which includes lots of Christmas Movies - still running practically 24-7 on both Hallmark channels - including "My Christmas Love," "Love Always, Santa," "A Christmas to Remember," "Sleigh Bells Ring," and many more...

"Love Always, Santa" - Hallmark

Plus ABC has Charlie Brown & Rudolph Cartoons which celebrate the New Year,

"Happy New Year, Charlie Brown"

The Beautiful Christmas Cartoon - "The Snowman" ("we're walking through the air!!!") airs on Sprout, and it's sequel "The Snowman and The Snowdog" (I've never seen the second one, so I'm looking forward to that!)

"The Snowman"

and "I wish I had a Million Dollars... HOT DOG", if you have the channel Universal HD - you can see "It's a Wonderful Life" TWO MORE TIMES!!!!

"It's a Wonderful Life"

Enjoy all the Christmas Movies you possibly can this week!!! Plus, a New Movie on the Hallmark Channel New Years Day- "A Rose for Christmas" starring Rachel Boston!

"A Rose for Christmas" - Hallmark

Be sure to check the Christmas TV Schedule to see all the Christmas movies and more still playing!


to ALL who Visit Here 
and Keep the Spirit of Christmas in Your Heart
All Year Through!!!

God Bless Us, Everyone!!! Net


  1. Hi, Net, I'm so happy you had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by your family celebrating good times and the birth of our Lord, Savior!! I spent the day resting and catching up on all these glorious new Christmas movies that I will be watching well past New Years Day!! I've already got a list going on of my favorites this year and there are many! LOL!!

    1. Oh, thank you, Linda! It is absolutely Wonderful to hear from You! I'm so glad you were able to have a restful Christmas Day!

      I'm still catching up on my Christmas movie watching, too... Hope you watched some good ones on Christmas! The Hallmark Channel was on in the background for awhile - I love the limited commercials!

      Glad you have recorded many, too, to enjoy past New Years! It is so relaxing to sit back and watch, and absorb ourselves into these stories. Hope you are feeling better. Take care!

      Blessings & Happy New Year!!! Net

  2. Thank you for sharing such wonderful family friendly movies with everyone! Madelon

    1. It's my joy, Madelon! Thank you for visiting & commenting!

  3. Love on the Vines on January 7 on PIXL

    1. Thank you for sharing, Ida! I happened to catch this news on Facebook, too. I added Love on the Vines to my site today.

      Here it is...

      I so appreciate you taking the time, Ida, to make sure we all knew about this one!

      If you have PixL, please watch it for those of us who don't, and let us know how you liked it!


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