Tuesday, October 25, 2016

'Married by Christmas' - an UP Premiere Christmas Movie


Movie: Married by Christmas

Network: UP

Original Air Date: November 6, 2016



Jes MaCallan ... Carrie Tate
Coby Ryan McLaughlin
April Bowlby
James Eckhouse
Ryan Caltagirone


via UP: When it comes to her work, Carrie Tate (Jes MaCallan) takes herself very seriously. She has dedicated her entire life to growing Emerson Foods, the high-end food distribution company founded by her father, and doesn’t have much time for a social life. Carrie’s sister Katie, on the other hand, is a gourmet food-to-table restaurateur and marrying her boyfriend on Christmas Eve. However, due to an outdated stipulation in their grandmother’s will, it’s discovered that ownership of the company will pass to whichever sister marries first. Now, Carrie must get married by Christmas or kiss her family business goodbye!

Movie Review:

Please know, I have not watched this movie, myself... but, I did feel it was important to inform viewers, there is a homosexual character in this film. If this goes against your beliefs, as it does mine, than I felt it was important for you to know.

Thank you to the commenters below who shared this information.

*Due to some previous hateful comments, that were not published due to vulgar language, name-calling, slander, etc... there will not be any more comments accepted beneath this post. Thank you for understanding.

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  1. Imdb lists this as The Engagement Clause formerly known as Married by Christmas

  2. I am thankful my son was not in the room with us watching this movie, not even close to being family friendly with lots of drinking and speaking of someone being gay. I could see this on lifetime but not here on this channel. I will pray for you all to find Jesus because this movie is far from being moral. The best part of tgeovie was the end!

    1. What's wrong with mentioning a fay man is gay? This is 2016 not 1916

    2. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Word hasn't changed.

    3. Amen to that!!!

  3. This is a beautifully done movie with a surprise ending that artfully brings together two hours of superb entertainment. Highest kudos to the screenplay writers and all concerned

    1. It was the best Christmas movie this weekend

    2. Was it also the only Christmas movie that weekend?

    3. No there were Christmas movies on Hallmark last weekend as well. I found those movies dull however Married by Christmas was entertaining and funny

  4. Up TV.....Shame on you for bowing to the gay agenda......totally unnecessary......

  5. This was not a good movie. The main character was one of the most annoying and unlikable I have ever seen in a Christmas movie. I was not rooting for her at all.

    1. I really felt for the main character as a hard working woman myself who has struggled as she tries to work her way into a management position while dealing with sexism in the workplace.

  6. Seriously flawed film from every angle.

    Conservatives won't like this movie because there is an openly gay character and liberals won't like this movie because in order to take over the family company she must be married. Seriously? Really bad. Not sure who they thought this movie would appeal to. They apparently wanted to offend as many social groups as possible. Wherever you lean politically or socially, this is one to skip over.

    1. Plenty of people enjoyed this movie

  7. This movie looks fun, and I look forward to watching it. I am straight, and have no strong views on characters on TV and their preferences.

  8. I did not enjoy this movie at all. Main character development was poor and her facial expressions were awful. I've seen a couple of movies this season that have professional women acting in the silliest ways. I wasn't offended by the premise or the fact they had a gay character. I talked with a friend that only got through about 30 minutes of the movie before deleting it. I've watched several other movies that I've thoroughly enjoyed. This one...no.

  9. I am sorry that everyone has a problem with a gay character. This is 2016 people. In case you haven't noticed, anymore most shows have gay people. They are the same as everyone else. God created everyone equal. God does not judge. God loves us all.

    1. Yes, God does love us - as His children, but He is also sad when we sin or do wrong, much like any parent would be.

      We are not to judge one another, but God is our Judge, and we will ALL face Judgment Day when we die and meet our Creator.

      Janes 4:12 -
      "God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy."

  10. I hated this movie. The main character worked her tail off for that company so I didn't blame her for fighting tooth and nail to own it, and then the ending was just ugh. Her parents were awful for not telling her sooner. Her sister was an annoying ditz and her husband to be was a no better opportunist. In the end I the sister tried to be fair, but then suddenly the main character has a change of heart. I wasted my time with this one. I was literally hoping for the company to crash and burn after that ending. I am glad the character found her peace, but the ending was seriously lame and was predictable as far as the romance part was concerned.


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