Friday, July 31, 2015

Hallmark Channel Presents "Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge"



Movie: Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge

Network: Hallmark Channel

Original Air Date: December 6, 2015

*Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge is Available on DVD - ➤Click Here!

Karen Kingsbury's THE BRIDGE: PART 1 (Details below!) Premieres Christmas 2015 and PART 2 of Karen Kingsbury's THE BRIDGE will Premiere March 20, 2016... Click Here for more details on Part 2!

*CLICK HERE to see my INTERVIEW with author Karen Kingsbury on her Christmas Movie... where she shares insights into the inspiration for the story, behind the scenes stuff, and more!!!



Katie Findlay ... Molly Callens
Wyatt Nash ... Ryan Kelly
Faith Ford ... Donna Barton
Ted McGinley ... Charlie Barton
Andrea Brooks
Jaime Callica
Kazumi Evans
Alison Araya



via Hallmark: Molly Allen lives alone in Portland, but she left her heart back in Tennessee with a man she walked away from five years ago. They had a rare love that she hasn't found since. Ryan Kelly lives in Nashville after a broken engagement and several years on the road touring with a country music duo. Sometimes when he's lonely he visits The Bridge - The oldest bookstore in historic downtown Franklin - and remembers the hours he and Molly once spent there. For more than four decades, Charlie and Donna Barton have run The Bridge, providing customers with coffee, conversation, and shelves of classics - even through dismal sales and the rise of digital books. Then the hundred-year flood sweeps through Franklin and destroys everything. The bank is about to pull the store's lease when tragedy strikes. Now the question remains: Can two generations of readers rally together to save The Bridge? And is it possible that an unforgettable love might lead to the miracle of a second chance?

*Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge is Available on DVD - ➤Click Here!

Movie Review:


See or Skip:



*The Bridge Photo Credits: Copyright 2015 Crown Media United States,

LLC/Photographer: Duane Prentice


  1. What does part 1 mean?

    1. Part 1 will Premiere this Year and Part 2 Premieres next year in 2016!

      Stay tuned for more details!!!

    2. Great movie, part 1....
      But what a dirty trick (AT CHRISTMAS NO DOUBT) to have to wait a year to see the conclusion!

    3. That stinks to wait for a year to see the rest of the story.

    4. AYEAR???? I have to wait a year??? I'm annoyed, actually. I wish I'd known that before I watched part one. In the future ill check your programming, waiting a year to see how a movie ends is ridiculous.

    5. It would give you a chance to read the book! I promise.....once you read one of her books, you'll want to read all of them!!!! Karen is and amazing writer and I'm so excited for her that her book was made into a movie!

    6. Great movie....but Hallmark disappointed me in the ending. I am a huge fan of Hallmark Christmas....the ending would have been great just the way it was traveling. And then....of all make all you followers wait 12 months for part 2 shame on you Hallmark...

    7. ok I will get the book....

    8. Exactly, now everyone will buy the book. Sounds like a marketing scheme to me.

    9. I agree that it was a terrible trick to make us wait until next Christmas for the ending. I am disgusted!

    10. I think it's unanimous everyone is disappointed in Hallmark this year.. I've been watching movies, especially Christmas movies for years and years on Hallmark, they always make me feel uplifted.. The Bridge was a very good movie, BUT who in their right mind would put the 2nd part of any movie a whole year away.. Not the greatest decision.. The Star Wars and Hunger games etc. are completely of a different ballpark on reasons they can get away with it.. Hopefully this won't happen again, if so please be good people and let us know BEFORE we watch the first part..

    11. It was a lousy trick, should have warned us before the first part, "the Bridge", had a 2nd part, let along we can't watch it until next year.. I enjoyed part 1, but not sure I will watch part 2.. I'm sad Hallmark even went there..

    12. I will have forgotten all about it by next year and I will never again watch a movie with a more than a week between the parts. I used to be a Hallmark fan.

    13. Had I had known that they were only going part 1, and no date was given for the second part, I would have never looked at it. It is a beautiful movie. The selection of the start could not have been better. What we all know that this a 'under blow'

    14. I am also very upset that Part 2 will not be shown till next year. I agree I would have not watched it either had I know that. I just don't understand what Hallmark was thinking. Oops they weren't.

    15. I totally agree with the comments, I would have never watched the movie knowing that there was a part 2 that would not air for another year. The movie never stated part 1 in it title. Yes, I enoyed it but it was not complete. Unexceptable for me. I love Hallmark but I am disappointed and do not wish to do research before I watch your movies. I will try to find uplifting program elsewhere.

    16. I agree! I am so upset I can't see part 2 until next year. What a sham! Chances are I will forget about it next year and not watch. In fact, I think I am going to boycott the hallmark channel. Back to lifetime for me.

    17. I'm a huge fan and have read all of Karen Kingsbury's books. Despite knowing what will happen, I was VERY disappointed at the 1:30 point in the movie when I realized there was NO way they could finish the story by 2 hours. Not telling viewers until the END that it is "to be continued" is not cool. I hope this doesn't turn would-be readers off her books, which are full of love, life, troubles - but faith as the binding thread woven through it all. Due to severe financial problems, I've had to get her books from the library. This is one book, though, that I really wish I owned so I could read it more than once.

    18. I don't like being left in suspense. I'm not going to buy or read the book for that reason. Poor marketing technique.

  2. Thank You and Love Your Site. :)

    1. Ridiculous! Hallmark should have more class, making people wait a year. Ridiculous.


    1. Thank you for sharing the trailer to the book!

      They have recently just released a trailer for the movie:

      I think it looks like a good one! :)

    2. I hope we haven't all forgotten about it by next year. I am disappointed that Hallmark did not state ahead of time that it is part 1. Shame on you


    4. Same here Cathy. Hope The Good Lord allows us all to see the next one.

  4. we already shot the second part... which is a direct take from the book:
    The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury. Tonight is kind of as precursor to the book. I think people will like the movie enough to REALLY want to find out what happens in Part 2.

    1. Unfortunately most of the people I know ( I'm 82) will not be here next year to see the end.I've already lost 3 friends this year.
      I've never heard of having to wait a year for a 2part movie. A series yes,

    2. That's ridiculous. I won't even remember to watch it next year. Worse idea ever. Disappoint all your viewers. No more Hallmark movies for me this year.

    3. I hate you Hallmark. Last movie for me on your channel. I am 101 years old and I'll probably be dead before next year. I was seriously angry when the movie ended and you told me I'd have to wait till next year to see part 2. And it appears many other people feel the same. Somebody is getting fired...

    4. I feel that Hallmark is trying to "trick" viewers into buying a book for part II. For this reason, I will NOT buy the book.

  5. I can't wait until Christmas 2016 for part 2! the suspense is killin me! πŸ˜‰


  6. Loved part 1 but disappointed that part 2 isn't until NEXT Christmas!

  7. Fantastic show! Can't believe we have to wait another year to see Part 2. If tonight's Part 1 is anything to go by, it will become a classic.

  8. Good story but left me feeling incomplete since it left the story in the air. I wish the Hallmark Channel would have waited until both books were done before airing.

  9. Fantastic show tonight! Just wish we didn't have to wait another year to see Part 2. I sure it will become a classic like the Notebook.

  10. I hate this!! To have to wait until NEXT year to see the rest of the story????? This is ridulous!!!

    1. Loved the 1st part, but don't want to wait a whole year to see the end. I may not make it. One of the BEST movies . Go ahead and let us see the end. Please !!!!!!!!!!

  11. A whole year to see part 2????!!!!!!! That's a disappointment. They should have aired part 1 as planned, Dec. 6 th and part 2 this Christmas Eve!!!

  12. Just watched this and am soooo bummed that part 2 isn't until next year :-(

  13. Part one ended abruptly leaving me with suspense. I don't know if I will be able to wait until next year to see part 2!

  14. I enjoyed watching "The Bridge" tonight but very disappointed that part 2 is a year away. I guess that's one way to get people to read the book!

  15. I think its ridiculous to have to wait a whole year for part 2....what moron thought of that programming miracle?

    1. My question as well... I'm on tune out now... especially after watching the whole thing & THEN finding out it was part 1. ugh.

  16. I was totally offended by Part 1. I hope Hallmark doesn't continue to do these cliffhangers. I didn't like how the hero lied to save his pride. The whole thing was a disappointment and I watch most of the new Hallmark films. I might change my mind on that given this one

    1. wait a year for part II?? This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I am very disappointed in Hallmark. Why bother to show it at all. nice way to treat your viewers@#$%

  17. Why would you put a good movie on and then make the viewers wait a whole year for the second part of it? Not a very good idea. I am so sad!!!

  18. I wish to hit realized it was a part one and part two or maybe there's a part three before I looked at it ... WHat collosal waste of my time to watch a part one in 2015 and wait for part two in 2016 and will there be a part three ...Who thought " this ia a great idea!"
    ...I will never watch this movie again nor will I ever recommend it and I'll check on future premieres-- to make sure that I don't waste my time. I'm super disappointed becuase I LOVE Hsllmark movies. I hope this doesn't catch on... what a waste of storyline and what a waste of characters; initially smart and determined...then quickly and easily manipulated and mindless.

    I really can't believe I allowed myself to sit and watch! As time to ticked by and I realize that this picture was not Ending and then further realization that the follow-up was Christmas 2016 with A seven year progression into the future was sadly unexpected!

    1. Agree how stupid won't be recommending to anyone to watch too bad cause it was good but yah 7 yrs later and we are supposed to wait a year for that don't think so

    2. I was disappointed with “The Bridge” too, Joann. There was no climax or major conflicts throughout the movie. I felt that the overall story and pace of the movie was slower than it should have been. The only thing that kept me watching this movie was the quality of good acting that each of the actors and actresses showcased in the film. I think that ending the movie by having one of the characters find out about the bookstore being flooded would have been a good way to entice the audience to want to see the second movie. I might end up watching “The Bridge Part 2,” but I’m not as enthusiastic about it like I was with the first part.

  19. Please tell me why we have to wait a whole year to see part 2?

  20. Please tell me why we have to wait a whole year to see part 2?

  21. a year for part 2 really

  22. I watched this movie tonight and can't wait until 2016. Is the book split into 2 movies? or is there a 2nd book?

  23. We just watched Part 1. It was great! So very disappointed that part 2 is a year away! Really! Why would anyone DO that!

  24. I think it's ridiculous to wait a whole year for part 2.... It's a TV movie!
    Plus, it seems like there are already trailers... Why not just show it!

  25. Waiting a whole year to wait for the ending of Part 1 is absolutely ridiculous. This is not Star Wars, for heaven's sake! I thought my wife was going to have a second stroke when "to be continued" appeared on the screen. What are you thinking?

    1. You are 100% correct - it is absolutely ridiculous.

  26. I really enjoyed part one, but I honestly don't care about waiting over a year to see part two? What could possibly be the purpose in this? PLUS on warning that this was the schedule. I never would have watched to begin with. I thought the announcement about "Christmas 2016" was a mistake, and laughed!

  27. I also was so upset I would have to wait a year to see the second part of this film...a lot can happen in a year and then we may never know how it ends...BAD IDEA!!!

  28. What a dirty trick to help promote book sales. Shame on Hallmark for agreeing to that deal.

  29. I'm shocked. I truly thought that Hallmark was above this. There was no indication that we would have to wait a year to see the rest of the story. I'm a Kingsbury fan, but I just became much less of a Hallmark one.

  30. Absolutely ridiculous to wait a whole year for part 2..makes it seem like you have to write part 2!! How professional is that?? I wont be tuning in for part 2...wont let any movie, TV station use control tactics on me to get me to "tune in" for part 2...good luck!

  31. Absolutely ridiculous!!! Seems like you have to write part 2! I wont be watching part movie, TV station is going to use control tactics to "tune in" for part 2. It was good but not so good that I will sit on edge waiting for part 2! (Not that my opinion really matters to you) but Im not watching part 2...ridiculous!

  32. If I had known I would have to wait till next year for the ending, I would not have watched the movie. Waiting a year is crazy!

  33. I can honestly say I do not ever remember waiting a year to see part II of a movie. This should have been announced before watching this movie. I feel tricked, and I don't appreciate it from the Hallmark Channel. I now have a different point of view from this channel!

  34. They could of done it back to back that's dumb. I'm irritated!


  35. I am so unhappy that it will be a whole year! Why would you air part one now?????It is a dirty trick! Very disappointed because it is such a great movie! I love the Hallmark movies, but this makes no sense.

  36. SO unhappy to watch this and then find out that I can't see the ending until Christmas 2016. I may not even be here then. I would not have watched it at all had I known this. TOO long to wait. Ridiculous.

  37. Nice story, but at times very slow. I don't understand why they couldn't make it a big special this year. I think that would have been better for everyone who watched Part 1.

    1. When it started getting slow I switched to How Sarah Got her wings. The Bridge should've been a one night two part event the Sunday before Christmas

  38. Hallmark has won no friends and lost a LOT of respect with this little trick. I have NEVER heard of waiting a year to see part 2 of a TV movie. Part 1 was good but I will not watch part 2 just as a matter of principle. Totally ridiculous!!

  39. It was a great Part 1 but to wait another year to see Part 2 is really A bad idea. Where did you get this idea to make us wait another year?? - BAD NEWS.

  40. I have to agree with most (if not all) above that a year wait for the second part of a made-for-TV movie is rather ludicrous. I'm not sure if it's a ploy to promote book sales...but if so, that's pretty underhanded. Even worse, "part I" isn't even the main story from the book by the same name, but just the background 'prequel'. It's too bad, because it was nicely casted and enjoyable to watch. I'll bet MOST viewers were more than a little upset by the 'to be continued'...and nearly ALL viewers were very upset at being told they'd have to wait a year to see the rest. Bad form, Hallmark...bad form.

    1. Maybe all of these negative posts will encourage Hallmark to change the airing date for part 2.

    2. Agreed. They should have given a heads-up that this was part 1. I can't help but suspect this is a ploy by Hallmark in cahoots with the author to sell a bunch of books. It's the only way to find out how it ends. Do we even know if Part 2 will be filmed?


    4. With so many people upset about having to wait until 2016 for “The Bridge Part 2," I’m wondering if Hallmark is going to have the movie premiere during Christmas in July instead? If that were the case, then people wouldn’t have to wait as long to see the movie. Plus, Hallmark Channel needs to find a way to encourage people to tune in for Christmas in July week.

  41. Have read many of Kingsbury's older books, so was looking forward to seeing this. It was a bit better than the regular Hallmark Christmas programming but waiting to see part 2 next year is mean spirited and greedy. When I read the above comment from an elderly woman who may never see the end of the story I thought, "How poorly done!" Add my disappointment to the others.

  42. I too think it is absolutely ridiculous and ABSURD to do an audience this way. I loved it and was waiting for the ending only to see discontinued. ONE YEAR!!! Are you kidding me???? One week I could understand and deal with but A WHOLE YEAR!!! I HAVE NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. I would never have watched it if I knew that it would have been continued in a year. I could be dead by then.

  44. I have to agree with most, not a very nice thing to do to fans. Does seem like a ploy to sale more books for this writer. Not very happy about this, just seems like Hallmark played a nasty trick on fans

  45. It's even more irritating to know that part 2 is AVAILABLE and we can't see it. My husband and I normally love Hallmark...but this was a bonehead decision. Incrediby disappointed

  46. The Bridge, Part 1 was absolutely wonderful and so nice to see something new and touching. Wish Part 2 was tonight.

  47. Not sure what ever possessed Hallmark to place The Bridge part 2 a year out! I'd suggest you rethink that decision if you want to regain the trust of your audience. Very poor marketing decision, Hallmark.

  48. Hallmark, What were you thinking? I'm a Senior Citizen and not sure if I'll even be on the planet next year. Please share with so many viewers whats the point of making us wait another year. You've disappointed so many. Especially around the Holiday Season. Do us all a favor revisit and rethink this terrible decision of yours. Thanks in advance for reading and your response...

  49. So disappointed! It really broke my heart that part 2 is a year away! I see by other remarks that I am not by myself.....just so horrible. Bad move by hallmark. Don't think I will be watching that channel anymore. :o(

  50. I have been a loyal hallmark follower for years. this was an awful way to to suck people in without telling them wait a year. if these responces don't cause a change I will never watch hallmarh again and hope many stop watching the channel.

  51. Why would hallmark do this. Disappointed, thought you would have part 2 around Christmas or new years. If I had known this, I wouldn't have watched it. This was handled poorly, not the normal happy feel good happy ending. So disappointed not sure I will watch part 2.

  52. Why would hallmark do this. Disappointed, thought you would have part 2 around Christmas or new years. If I had known this, I wouldn't have watched it. This was handled poorly, not the normal happy feel good happy ending. So disappointed not sure I will watch part 2.

  53. Great movie, bad enough to make it two shows, but a freaking year later???? I say fire the genius that came up with this marketing plan.

  54. I also wish Hallmark had made it a mini-series, but really, people! If you are going to completely dump on a network for one decision that you don't agree with, good luck having any family-friendly networks to watch because they will all eventually do something with which you don't agree. I just hope that the advertisers aren't listening to any of you, so that these networks can continue to thrive.

  55. I think waiting a year for the conclusion of this movie is a bad move and I will think twice before I watch another Hallmark Movie which I have always enjoyed in the past. You have lost my respect!!!!

  56. Disappointed that Part 2 is next year. If I have known I would have waited until next year and watch both together next year. Should have warned people at the beginning before they watched Part 1.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Perhaps the dumbest thing Hallmark has done. This is a movie, not a series. Waiting a year is an absolutely ridiculous idea. Whoever thought of it should be fired. (And that's saying something with some of their original series missteps of late)
    They could have turned this into a multi-night event and probably had good ratings, but to out and out lie about the movie and make it seem as if it was a full length film when it's only half a movie is the worst marketing move I've ever seen.
    People didn't even have to wait a year to find out about JR Ewing! You think they're going to care what happened to Molly and Ryan in 365 days? We won't even remember them!

    1. I agree with all you said.. I am so irritated I can't contain myself..

    2. I totally agree with all comments criticizing Hallmark for NOT warning viewers
      there was a Part 2 And Part 2 would not be shown for a year. Very disappointing.

  59. It is a shame they filmed in Canada instead of Franklin, Tn and Belmont University campus. Obvious if you live in Nashville. I even think the Tennessee flag was flying upside down.

  60. Don't watch this. They make you wait a year for the conclusion. Hallmark should be ashamed.

  61. Everyone needs to contact Hallmark Channel and complain about having to wait a year to see the second part of the movie. They need to be chastised for such bad form on their part and held accountable!

  62. My wife yelled at the TV when the words "to be continued in 2016" appeared on the screen yesterday! We aren't to happy. I guess Hallmark thinks they've created a "Star Wars" type movie following with this movie! COME ON, 1 year to see the end of a movie?

  63. Who knows what tomorrow brings? To have faith that you'll be here in one year to watch part II of a movie is arrogant.

  64. I was so taken off guard !! I have always TRUSTED Hallmark Channel and now that trust has been Abused. I yelled at the TV, and jumped up and down a few times, I SAT there in shock --- I know,,, over a movie??? Yeah, well, I have looked to Hallmark Channel to EAZE MY STRESS AND ANXIETY!! This is just causing more due to the lack of completion - without prior notice. Sounds selfish on my part, and yet there are so few TRUSTED sites any more, this just felt so wrong!

  65. Who says that we all will be here a year from now!! Hard to believe that Hallmark would do this to their viewers. They could have done it like "Cedar Cove". Wish you would reconsider!!!!

  66. Come on Hallmark surprise us all in January with the conclusion...

  67. FYI to everyone who thinks that they are waiting for book #2 to be written.....This story is all in one book! I have read the book & I know the ending. If you ask me I will tell you. We have the book in our church library so stop by & check it out!! There is NO Book TWO!!! WHY!!???

  68. I think it is crazy to have to wait a whole year to see part two of this movie. Sounds to me like this is just a sneaky way of trying to boost book sales. Well I won't be purchasing the book and if I happen to be here next year, I might watch part two,..........

  69. I won't be watching part 2 incase there will be a part 3 & 4 & sooo on It should have said part 1 ...stupid movie anyways

  70. I am also disappointed that we have to wait a whole year to see the conclusion of the movie. I also think it is a good way to get people to buy the book! Who wants to wait a year! It is a really sweet story

  71. Hallmark....what a programming nightmare! be continued...2016. Hallmark, re-think your commitment to your viewers!

  72. I was shocked also, however,I will order the book and enjoy the rest of the story in January after the rush! The actors and scenery are wonderful and I will look forward to another great Christmas movie in 2016! I have also just found another author to follow! Thank you!!!

  73. Ridiculous. I don't even really like this channel but I watch these Christmas movies with my wife because she loves them. When I saw the ending I was surpirsed, and then the hear it would be an entire year for the next part I was enraged. Is there an award in marketing for "Worst Decision Ever?" Because Hallmark would win it. My wife was so angry she said she'd go to her grave before she watched part 2 out of spite for this idiotic idea. Merry Christmas Hallmark.

  74. very disappointed Hallmark, a year to see the ending. I've read the book , know how it ends, but this was just tacky

  75. Net told us back in September that “The Bridge” was going to be split into two parts from 2015 and 2016. She let everyone know three months in advance that this was going to happen. In the post that Net released on September 29th, Hallmark told people through a press release that “The Bridge” was going to have Part 1 premiere in 2015 and Part 2 premiere in 2016. In this same press release on Net’s September 29th post, Hallmark made it known that they were filming these movies in Canada.

  76. Very disappointed in Hallmark to do this, to wait a year to see the conclusion is unexpected and disappointing. This is like waiting for Christmas morning and then you are told to wait till next year. This makes Hallmark the Grinch who stole the Christmas spirit.

  77. Thanks for the warning everybody! I won't be watching it!

  78. Unhappy in OklahomaWednesday, December 09, 2015

    I love Karen Kingsbury and have had the privilege to meet her. I can not believe that she agreed to have her book split into two movies a year APART! I was stunned, disappointed and demand Hallmark channel respond to us their loyal watchers!!!! WHY???

  79. I have to agree with most of the comments
    I'm in my 70's and who knows what a year will bring
    This may have been advertised someplace
    None that I saw I would be surprised people remember to watch
    or wht it was about

  80. Is it also going to be shown on another day (besides the Dec. 6 air time)?

    1. Yes, it will be shown now on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

      December 12 at 9pm
      December 13 at 7pm
      and more...

  81. Very disappointed in Hallmark. Make you audience wait a year for a conclusion. Who does this?? I have never ever heard of such a thing. Awfully awfully disappointed and disgusted . Is that Hallmarks way of saying Merry Christmas.....

  82. Wow, I agree with all of these posts. I have also read the book so it won't be me buying the book - or any other Kingsbury book. What a disappointment!

  83. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE decision.... If you couldn't show both parts, you should have held up Part 1 to 2016 and shown both together. I lost 2 family members to cancer... One 1 1/2 years ago, and the other Christmas Eve, 1981.... I count on Hallmark to,lift me up, not let me DOWN!

  84. I was very disappointed when I found out the 2nd part was not till next year. Who does this? I will be forgotten all about it by then, don't know if I will watch it. Shame on you Hallmark

  85. Is there anything we can do so that we can convince you (Hallmark) to show the conclusion earlier than December 2016?

  86. OK, folks, you've all had your say. Some of you want someone fired, some of you want the network to shut down, who knows what else. "Net" has a wonderful blog site here, so please move on with your lives, and stop all the negativity.

    1. Sherry In CaliforniaMonday, December 21, 2015

      I don't know who you are, Anonymous, but I am going to agree with you, for the most part. People have been carrying on about this "Bridge" fiasco for the last 2 weeks on the Hallmark Facebook pages and anywhere else there is a platform.

      It's JUST a movie, for pete's sake. It's a 2-part movie, but it's just a piece of entertainment. It's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I can understand the frustration of having to wait a long period of time to see the conclusion of something -- I have not exactly been thrilled at having to wait anywhere from 10-13 months to see new seasons of certain shows that I like. But that's the way it works in TV, and in film.

      And even though the actors finished shooting their scenes for Part 2, it doesn't mean that the editing and post-production-related tasks have been completed. Hallmark has its Winterfest schedule lined up, and likely has its Countdown to Valentine's Day schedule set. So, at the earliest, Part 2 probably couldn't be aired until March anyway.

      Who knows? Maybe Hallmark will change its plans -- it has been known to change plans in the past, quite often -- and air Part 2 during Christmas in July (with Part 1 as a lead-in) instead of waiting until Nov. or Dec. 2016. That's probably the most likely possibility of Part 2 airing early. But, for right now, it is what it is and people may have to wait until the next Countdown to Christmas to see Part 2.

  87. I knew ahead of time that this is a two-part movie. However, there are many movies that are split into two or three parts (especially in cinema in the last few years) that also work as stand alone films, and I would have been ok with that. I am glad, though, that I waited to see comments about the film and whether it works as a stand alone film as well before watching myself. Judging from the comments, sounds like I might be better off skipping this one for the time being, and watching it next year instead, right before the second part comes out. So thanks for that! There are enough movies out this year that I feel I don't have to watch this right now anyway.

  88. My husband and I have been Taping 2015 Christmas movies and decided to watch this one tonight. This is the best one so far we have watched. We thought how is this going to end in the next 10 minutes? To be Continued?? Are you kidding me? So I went surfacing on the internet only to find out 2016? This has got to be a bad joke!

  89. Please don't wait another year to show us the second part of The Bridge. I will be 82 years old in February and I would like to see the ending before I die.

  90. Can't believe you are allowed to do this! Unbelievable!! Don't you think you should try to please the public, as you can see everyone is quite put out by this craziness........shame on you!!

  91. I love the movie but am not happy at all to have to wait a year for the conclusion. The only time a year I can get my husband to watch these movies and he was disgusted too!!!

  92. I wish I had come here before watching this movie! Ten minutes before the end and I find out I have to wait until NEXT YEAR to see the ending?! Next week I could have handled, but next year?! There went 2 hours of my life I can never get back! Had I known this earlier, I would have skipped Part 1 and just watched them both next year! Next time, Hallmark, warn your viewer's at the beginning of the movie! I can't remember the last time I've been so disappointed!

  93. my mom is 93 she was so sad, she said she would not be able to see the second part..that was not a very nice thing to do to the elderly or the young

  94. I'm glad I didn't have my 91 year old mother watch either. Disappointed is much too passive of a word for what my wife and I thought. Hallmark let us down in the worst way at a time where we depend on some quality shows to cheer us up. Jim

  95. Obvious from all the comments that Hallmark and anyone involved in the development/making of this movie made a huge mistake. This was one of the better Christmas movies of 2015, until it had no ending. Not even TV series' cliff hangers make you wait 12 months for a story to conclude. This was a first and highly disappointing one for Hallmark and the author, and hopefully the last. Like many commenters before me, I will read online information before I watch from now on. In this case, I would have waited until 2016 to watch part one.

  96. I think they should've showed both parts this year as it was one of the few good movies on Hallmark this season. However people are overreacting in these comments and its beyond over the top with all the talk of death before seeing the ending. Its just a movie!

  97. There was no indication that this was the 1st installment of this movie. I won't be watching the next installment because, who might not be the last half, and we'll be left in limbo again. Shame on Hallmark.

  98. Is the whole store in the book because I will buy the book if its the whole story???

  99. Boy, get over it already-you wait a year for any series you watch. I admit it was tricky but God willing I'll be back for part two

  100. I just watched the bridge it was excellent!
    I can't believe we have to wait a year!
    January would have been perfect to see the conclusion.

  101. I have already read the movie and thought the story line was moving slowly. Then I spent some time looking for part two on my satellite provider. Finally I decided to check online ... only to be disappointed to find out that part two will be in 2016 ... really!!!

  102. I will never buy the book. I will never be taken like this again. What a crap idea. Obvious hype and a planned attempt at duping the viewing public. I can wait 20 years to read a good book or watch a good movie as I have so many things to do in my life. I don't even believe I am wasting my time to comment. but like other I was doing a search to see when part 2 would air and that is how I had to find out that it was all a ruse. Manipulation thy name is Hallmark.

  103. If I hadn't looked this up online, who knows how many more times I would have set my recorder for showings thinking they were part 2? Liked the movie, didn't like not saying it was a part 1 and now finding it's a year wait? I hope this isn't a new trend...

  104. Great movie but if I had known it was not really gonna have a ending and have to continue the story a year later I would have not of watched it, that I really disliked.

  105. It was incredibly disappointing to sit for two hours and watch this movie the bridge only to find out that that was the second half. Not only was it bad enough to find out that there was a second-half it wasn't going to be played until next year

  106. Continued...
    I can also promise you I will definitely not watch the second half of this movie. I You were going to make a movie and decide to show the second half of the movie a year from now you should have told us that in the beginning of the movie. I am repeating myself. I can promise you I will not watch the second half of this movie will I ever watch anything on your channel again. That's how disappointed I am

    1. wouldn't buy the book either. don't like being "scammed"

  107. Very upset when the "continued 2016" showed up at the end of the show. I would not have watched it! I would have watched both parts next year. Very disappointed and I will definitely not remember everything in the movie next year. I hope you show both part 1 and part 2, and I hope there is not another "continued in 2017". Please do not do this again, bad decision. I was really upset!

  108. I think U should all quit crying U wait yrs for star wars no different U all need to get over your selves..can't wait til next christmas to see the rest great movie

  109. I would have NEVER started watching this movie had I known I'd have to wait until NEXT CHRISTMAS to see the end of it. I've been having a rough week and I was looking forward to an uplifting movie with a great end to it - like every other Hallmark movie I've ever seen. Instead of waiting until next December, let's air it next year in JANUARY 2016. To save face. Looking forward to it!

  110. I hope the person who thought of this has been fired. I will never watch another movie from Hallmark ever again. Who cuts a two part movie in half for a year? Watching a series all year and then waiting for the next season to start doesn't even compare to cutting a movie in half for a year. It was a dirty trick for Hallmark to do that to their loyal fans. Lots of people are disgusted with that executive decision and you just might have went to far.

    1. Sherry In CaliforniaFriday, January 01, 2016

      I guess you've never watched the assorted series on cable channels where the seasons are divided up into 2 parts (I am talking about ONE single season split into 2 segments), and separated by a year? I have watched those series, so it absolutely compares to this situation.

      Lots of people may be disgusted, but lots of people are also carrying on and making way, way, waaaaaaaay too big of a deal out of this. There are so many more important, truly serious, things in life to worry about than whether or not a story is split into 2 segments and separated by a year. In the grand scheme of things, it is a minor blip on the radar.

  111. Sherry In CaliforniaThursday, December 31, 2015

    The complaints are still going on? It's just a movie. It's not the end of the world.

    I just watched Part 1 and enjoyed it for what it was -- which was the first installment of a story. Yes, it would have been convenient to watch Part 2 immediately after, or very soon, but that's not what's happening. So I accepted that it is not happening and I moved on.

  112. I have to agree with Sherry in California. It’s only a movie. There are more important things to worry about in life then having to wait a year to see part two of a movie. Time to move on.

    I knew before watching The Bridge that it was a two part movie. And that part two would premiere during the 2016 Christmas season. Im 99% sure I learned that by reading Net’s blog.

    While Hallmark could have put the words “Part 1” in the title, they weren’t attempting to deceive anyone. The information was out there. It was not a secret.

    I’m sure Hallmark will show part one numerous times before part two premieres. I know I’ll be recording both on my dvr. I’ll be a perfect double feature for my wife and I to watch on a cold winters night.

    1. Sherry In CaliforniaSunday, January 17, 2016

      Apparently, from what I just learned on Facebook, Part 2 of "The Bridge" is going to be shown in March! I have not yet seen it, but supposedly there was a commercial tonight on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel with the announcement, so I am inclined to think that Part 2 is going to be shown on HMM.

      I kind of thought, in the back of my mind, that Hallmark might surprise people with a Christmas in July premiere of Part 2. March is very unexpected. And for those who don't have the HMM Channel, I wonder if Part 2 will be shown on the main Hallmark Channel during the actual holiday season?

    2. Yes, I was watching last night and saw it! The news is true! Hallmark announced at a commercial break during the premiere of Flower Shop Mystery- that Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge part 2 will air on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries in March. No mention was made of the Hallmark Channel, so far.

      By the way... I posted a new post about it late last night, well actually, early this morning- with a screen captured image of the promo!

      See it here:

  113. Seriously?!! What a dirty trick Hallmark. Do you really think anyone will remember to tune in??? Very disappointing!!!

  114. Waiting a whole year to see the ending is over the top and unbelievable that HALLMARK would treat their viewers so disrespectful. HALLMARK has always been at the TOP of my list for Favorite movies. They've just dropped to lower pool acting so high and mighty.

  115. I finally saw part 2 a little different from the book but the best hallmark movie as its the only channel i watch I just love Molly(katie findlay) all good actors

  116. I hope there's a part 3 the the movie was good but a part 3 with a great ending will be perfect

  117. I watched both part they was very great I hope part 3 is around the corner because the ending of part 2 was to blank for me..... Overall great πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

  118. Net, I cried, I laughed and enjoyed every second of Part 2 of "The Bridge" and I too would love a "Part 3" well worth the wait!!



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