Monday, April 27, 2015

Mystery Guest Coming!

I am excited to share with you all...

Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 28th) I will have an Exclusive Interview with an Actor from a Hallmark TV Movie!

I enjoyed hearing from him and reading about his experiences in creating his movie. I truly think you are going to enjoy it, too… and find him to be so down-to-earth and friendly!

Who is he?
What Movie is he from?

Please stay tuned and be sure to visit “It’s a Wonderful Movie” tomorrow for a Mystery Guest Interview!

Have a great day and I’ll see you... Tomorrow!

**UPDATE: the Interview has been posted - CLICK HERE to see who it is!


  1. I viewed the second season of When Calls The Heart and was somewhat disappointed. There seems to be so many conflicts and negative situations in this first night of the series. I sure hope it gets back to seeing more of the sweet and pure exchanges between the major characters. Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.

  2. I can't wait to see who it is!

  3. How fun! :) I'm super curious now.

  4. Up early to see who the mystery guest you have for us. Thank you so much.


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