Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Day (and Days) After Christmas!

A very "Happy Day after Christmas", everyone! I had such a wonderful, busy, fun-filled Christmas day with my family! The best gift was celebrating the joyous birth of our Savior, and just being together, surrounded by those we love! I sure hope yours was just as wonderful! :)

Even though Christmas Day is officially over, we must remember, the JOY of Christmas can live in our hearts all year through! What makes it so special - is the 364 days it takes for it to come around again!

There is a song, by the singer/songwriter Matthew West, titled "Day After Christmas", which perfectly expresses many of our feelings of this day and the days after Christmas. I thought I would share it today...

Here's a Video Clip of the Song, plus I've included the lyrics below.

The "Day After Christmas" song is also available to download at Amazon!


Here comes the letdown Christmas is over
Here comes the meltdown, there goes the cheer
But before we have a breakdown, let us remember
The light of the world is still here

Happy day after Christmas
And merry rest of the year
Even when Christmas is over
The light of the world is still here
The light of the world

Come January I'm ready for summer
The Super Bowl's over and I'll settle for spring
Sometimes we all need a change in the weather
But it won't change the reason we sing

Happy day after Christmas
And merry rest of the year
Even when Christmas is over
The light of the world is still here

The light of the world
The light of the world
The light of the world

So take down the stockings, take back the sweaters
Take down the lights and the star and the tree
But don't let this world take your joy after Christmas
Take joy to the world and just sing

Happy day after Christmas
And merry rest of the year
Even when Christmas is over
The light of the world is still here

Happy day after Christmas
And merry rest of the year
Even when Christmas is over
The light of the world is still here

The light of the world (repeat 6 x)

I hope this song, "Day After Christmas" has uplifted you today and may you enjoy these wonderful Days after Christmas... and, Merry the Rest of the Year!!!

Besides, we can still snuggle up and watch Christmas Movies on TV, thanks to Hallmark, UP, and a few others! See the Christmas TV Schedule!

I will be back soon with updates on the upcoming new original family movies in the New Year! So, please stay tuned, sign up for e-mail alerts, and join me in the journey of 2015!

God Bless You All! Happy Days After Christmas!!! Net

"The Light of the World is still here!"


  1. Glad you had a wonderful time with your family! It goes by so fast!


    1. Yes, it most certainly does! But, oh, what happy joyful memories we have... year after year! I hope you had a nice Christmas, too.

  2. "The Light of the World is still here".....indeed, He is Net. Oh, how I love this song and thanks for the reminder that we get to do it all over again next year!!

    1. Yes! I hope all of us, who believe in the true light of Christmas... will continue to reflect that light every day of the year!!! Let the Countdown to Christmas 2015 begin!!!

  3. Thanks Net. I really needed that on December 26th. Like in the movie, "The most wonderful time of the year", where Morgan says December 26th was the saddest day of the year, I also feel that December 26th is one of the saddest days of the year, so your message and video definitely helped me. Thanks. Jim

    1. Great minds think alike, Jim! I was thinking of that very comment of Morgan's in The Most Wonderful Time of the Year while I was writing this post. I agree, December 26th can be the saddest... but we must give ourselves a different outlook and enjoy every day! As the scripture says, "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalms 118:24)

      I'm so glad the song helped you, Jim and hopefully uplifted your Spirits... as the Light of the World is still here and always in our hearts!

      Did you see the commercial on Christmas Day? Christmas will start again on the Hallmark Channel on November 1, 2015. So, it won't really be that long... plus, they will surely have Christmas in July, again, too!

      Blessings to You & Happy New Year!

    2. Thanks so much Net...I didn't see that commercial about Christmas on Hallmark Channel starting on November 1st,2015. Yaaayyy!!! I was just telling my cousins last night that I hadn't saw the commercial this year yet for next year's Hallmark Christmas like they did last year. So glad to hear that.

    3. Also, thank you so much for that Psalms scripture. I was just now struggling with that loss of Christmas empty feeling that always hits me every year at this time. That scripture passage really did open my eyes and give me another lift and change my outlook. Perfect scripture for a perfect time that I needed it. Thanks.

  4. Great song! I never heard it before, so thanks for sharing. I bought it on Amazon.

    1. Oh good! It's a favorite of mine for these days after Christmas, so I'm glad you enjoyed it and downloaded it, too... to enjoy every year!!!


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