Monday, July 21, 2014

Remembering Legendary Actor James Garner

My fondness for actor James Garner began as he was one of Doris Day's leading men. He was handsome, charming, and debonair - a great opposite for Doris. On screen, they shined bright. Off screen, I know they were great friends. In the two films they made, Move Over Darling and The Thrill of it All, (both made in 1963) they portrayed husband and wife. Together, they were a fantastic romantic and comedy duo!

James Garner was the epitome of "cool"
as Jim Rockford in the Rockford Files
and Bret Maverick in the Maverick western series.
Both were before my time, but thanks to re-runs and DVD,
James amazing work lives on forever!
James Garner was born on April 7, 1928. His mother passed away when he was only 5, and he was sent to live with relatives until his father re-married. His step-mother was abusive to all three boys, especially Jim. He joined the United States Merchant Marine near the end of World War II, at the age of 16. However, he suffered from seasickness and returned to high school at 17. According to Wikipedia: he left high school again and joined the National Guard, serving seven months in the United States. He then went to Korea for 14 months in the Regular Army, serving in the 5th Regimental Combat Team in the Korean War. He was wounded twice, first in the face and hand from shrapnel fire from a mortar round, and second on April 23, 1951, from friendly fire from U.S. fighter jets as he dove headfirst into a foxhole. He received two purple hearts.
James Garner married Lois Fleishman Clarke in 1956. Lois had a daughter from a previous marriage, Kim, and they had a daughter, Greta "GiGi", together. They were married almost 58 years when James passed away on Sunday, July 19, 2014.
Many of us now, will look back and cherish a favorite memory, TV Show, or Movie... we remember James Garner from. You can see his full list of his film credits at imdb. Please share your memory or favorite movie of James Garner below, in the comments...
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of James Garner's dear family and friends.


  1. I liked those Doris Day movies you mentioned and that one with Julie Andrews. It's a holiday film.

  2. Growing up, we watched the Rockford Files every week. Jim Rockford was a great charmer and brilliant detective. Brings back great memories, even today. We'll miss you Jim. Prayers to your family and friends.

  3. I hated to hear of this so badly. He was a great actor. He will be missed.

    Did you hear about the passing of Skye McCole Bartusiak that played Missy in the first Love Comes Softly movie this weekend? I was so shocked and saddened to hear about it. :(

    1. Oh my! That is such sad news. I read her mother said she was having seizures. So sad. So was still so young, only 21. My prayers go out, as well, to her family and friends.

  4. One Special Night with Julie Andrews. Watched it last night in his honor. He was pure class. RIP.

  5. James Garner was a great actor plus no "Hollywood gossip" about him.
    Married to the same wife for 58 years. Remarkable for someone in
    show business. He was outstanding! I liked all his movies and TV shows.

  6. Support Your Local Sheriff always makes me laugh.

  7. We absolutely love James Garner. RIP James you will be missed. Space Cowboys was a fun movie to watch. A wonderful cast of distinguished gentlemen.

  8. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait for Maverick to come on. He and his brother Bart were handsome, comical and always in trouble. I loved him opposite Doris Day, Sally Fields, Julie Andrews, Gena Rowlands, etc, etc....and followed all his works through the years. He had a distinct, comforting voice and will surly be missed; what a true gentleman!!


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