Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scotty McCreery wins American Idol

As American Idol aired on TV last night, storms went through the Midwest and through my state, as well. Fortunately, though we were in a Tornado Warning, the storm ended up being mild for us, though we were unsure and a little scared, for a time.

I cannot imagine the heartache others are going through now and have in recent months. Our Family prays for those who are searching for loved ones, those looking through rubble, and those who survived, but lost everything else. May God be with you and be your comfort.

After the storm had passed our area, our family watched bits and pieces of American Idol. (we recorded it) It was great because we could fast forward through any performance we didn't care for - and there were plenty.

Lauren sang sweetly, especially the song she sang about her Mother the night before, but she just couldn't beat Scotty McCreery, who won over everyones' hearts

"Baby Lock the Door and Turn the Lights Down Low".... Scotty McCreery is the American Idol Season 10 Winner. He was definitely my choice and I think he will be truly welcomed into the country music industry. I hope he stays as sweet, humble, solid, and down-home, as he appeared to be on the show.

After winning, Scotty immediately thanked the Lord for getting him there. I pray he remains close to his faith and his roots.

Did you all watch it?

Let me know who you liked and what you thought of it all!


  1. Scotty McCreery is THE BEST!!!!

    Congrats Scotty!!!

  2. Show was long and predictable. Scotty was my favorite, too. Glad he won.

  3. Glad you are okay from your storms. Keep safe, everyone. I'm also Praying for those who were hit by Tornados.

  4. It's hard to believe that a little country boy from North Carolina won American Idol.....It is about time!!! He appears to be just the kind of young man our country needs to represent us!!! I love him and his family....and was so thankful that he won...however, Lauren is great, too!! I predict a successful future for both of them!!!

    1. Yes sir. I watched him in American Idol n i just knew he was a winner. All that you said is so true. Amen. Amen
      I adore him.
      I will follow him forever.


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