Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Doris Day !!!

-April 3, 2010-

Today, I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to one of my all time favorite Actresses... Doris Day! (She was born April 3, 1922.) This is so special to me because it just so happens to be my Birthday, too! I think she is such a lovely actress with true style and grace.

...All her movies are such a delight!

...And her singing is wonderful, too!!!

"When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be...."

Doris sings that sweet little song, Que Sera, Sera, in one of my favorite Doris films, The Man Who Knew too Much. It's a terrific plot twisting Alfred Hitchcock Mystery, also starring Jimmy Stewart! I'm not into scary movies (I like to sleep), however, this one was just right - just enough Mystery and Intrigue to keep it Suspenseful and Exciting, while not as Frightening as other Hitchcock films.

Since, however, it is Easter Weekend, I'll suggest Doris Day's last feature film Movie, the lighthearted - With Six you get Eggroll. She stars in this one with the father from the sitcom, Family Affair, Brian Keith. The Title seemed so appropriate for the Easter Holiday! It's a family friendly film... so enjoy!

God's Blessings to you all !!!





  1. You still have time to tune in to the Special Birthday show for Doris Day - it will air over the world wide internet - go to:

    The show will air LIVE from 1:00PM - 4:00PM (EST)...there are many celebrity callers with several of Doris's co-stars....

    Tune in for this very special birthday tribute to Doris Day from Fred Net Radio! They are playing her music non-stop today!

    Happy Birthday Doris Day!!!

    Mary Anne Barothy

  2. Doris Day is my absolute favorite. We're best friends, she just doesn't know it yet! ;)
    I own almost all of her movies and listen to the "Doris Day" channel on Pandora almost Daily.
    This post made me incredibly happy. Thank you!

  3. If you missed the original Doris Day radio program that aired on Saturday (like me), I just read that there will three encore airings on Wednesday, April 7th. YEAH!!!

    Details here:

    Thank you, Mary Anne, for originally posting this "Doris Day" news here ... I hope many Doris fans will catch this internet/radio special - (I have visions of The Walton family gathered around the radio)... sounds wonderful!!

    God bless,
    Net Movie Blogger


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