Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Daniel's Daughter


Daniel's Daughter:

In going home, Katherine (Cate) Madighan (Laura Leighton from Melrose Place) finds herself, her Irish roots, and a lot more!


Laura Leighton ... Cate Madighan
Sebastian Spence ... Connor Bailey
London Angelis ... Seamus
Martin Doyle ... Donahue
Brandon Firla ... Jeffrey Lerner
Dorly Jean-Louis ... Talisha - Reporter
Derek McGrath ... Jim Cavanaugh
McKenzi Scott ... Marie Madighan


(from Hallmark Channel)

Meet Cate Madighan (played by Laura Leighton from Melrose Place), editor of Perfect, a magazine with a mission statement of helping readers reach for the brass ring in all aspects of their lives. Cate is the poster girl for the publication’s you-can-have-it-all philosophy. She’s beautiful, stylish, accomplished, famous, perfect –- and to top it off, she’s soon going to tie the knot with her billionaire corporate-mogul boss, Stewart Wallack, in a swanky wedding ceremony that promises to be the media event of the year. But the arrival of an unexpected package reveals that Cate’s life is not as perfect as it seems, not as perfect as even Cate would like to believe.

Movie Review:

Catherine's estranged father dies... just as her life is the busiest. She is in the midst of putting together her high society wedding to her billionaire corporate-mogul boss, Stewart Wallack, but feels obligated to fulfill her father's last wish - to have his ashes spread in her tiny Massachusetts hometown. Course, in going back home, she learns more about her father and herself. There is a bit of romantic intrigue between Cate and Connor Bailey, who is a lawyer in her hometown..

I found this Movie to be rather sad and long. Perhaps, if you have Irish roots, you might enjoy this film... because the culture of Cate's hometown is Irish. The more Catherine learned about her father- his life and honorable standing in the community, the more I wished that the story of his passing had been a ploy to bring her back home - and he would appear and they would reunite in a true Hallmark tear-jerking moment way... but that wasn't to be. The story was, in my opinion, pretty cut and dry. What you expected to happen - happened... nothing less - nothing more.

As I mentioned, Catherine is engaged to a much older man, who she soon realizes was more like a father figure in her life than a love interest. A deeper relationship evolves from her time spent in her fathers hometown with Connor Bailey. This, in my opinion, is the best part of this, sometimes slow, movie.

See or Skip:

See, if you love Irish Movies or simple predictable happy endings.

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